Enemy of my enemy
You guys have it all wrong. I'm a sysadmin that works closely with several dev teams. The issue IS often with the code, mostly things like untested code being pushed into a live system, but in most cases it isn't the devs fault at all. It's the business units.
A typical situation goes along these lines:
Dev: "We are deploying version x tomorrow"
Admin: "I haven't seen this go through Change Management"
Exec: "We need it today, tomorrow is already a compromise, just put it in"
Dev and admin exchange a resigned look, knowing what is to come.
-Time Passes-
Exec: "Minor feature in Software version x isn't working"
Admin: "Well we didn't have time to tes-"
Exec: "But you are supposed to test everything that goes live, that's what Change Managment is for!"
Admin: (sighs) "I'll get the devs to update the code to fix the issue, but it will take a week to code and test, at least"
Exec: "Oh don't worry about the testing, it's already broken, we need this yesterday!"
-Admin explains conversation to dev, complete with conversation re-enactment-
Dev: "Sooo....Beer?"