I'm thinking it hit him in the face because he turned to look at the pyroclastic flow approaching, which then threw the stone at him.
Anyway, I'm sure he would have been fine if he'd had his hi-viz on.
131 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Jun 2009
And seriously, I rank it along with the likes of Trump tweeting the nuclear codes for gross negligence, malfeasance and delinquency. I'll throw in words like espionage, sabotage and malpractice too.
I'm in a time zone where we have about 4 hours from open of business to revocation of cert (although it's now been extended, a bit). Fsck these guys with a pitchfork, sideways.
Their turf war, my neck on the line. I got notified by an email that went to me (not my team) and landed in the Other folder for casual perusal when I got round to it. Luckily, I got around to it only an hour after I got in and caffeinated.
I'll now have to explain a risk mitigation strategy to our compliance team on Monday. I've done due diligence on dos and malware attacks and almost everything else under the sun, but deliberate betrayal by bad actors or rogue employees at the root is beyond my ken.
I'm in the process of replacing the EV certs with a bunch of 30-day ones from different vendors, and I'll not darken their doors again. At least my boss will shout the beer when it's over.
"Transtellar Cruise Lines would like to apologise to passengers for the continuing delay to this flight. We are currently awaiting the loading of our complement of small lemon-soaked paper napkins for your comfort, refreshment and hygiene during the journey. Meanwhile, we thank you for your patience. The cabin crew will shortly be serving coffee and biscuits again.''
They can, um, ... Keep statistics about powder usage.
I use those blocks with the dissolving wrapper. My powder usage precisely correlates 1:1 to the number of cycles I've run.
The irony is rich however. This vuln will now let my dishwasher convert Spam to spam.
Considering Tesla vehicles currently can't reliably differentiate between a F Off Big Truck and The Sky, I think it will be quite a while before we encounter the trolley problem to decide between Adolph Hitler pushing a baby in a pram, or Theresa May saving a puppy from Boris Johnson...
But I also think that just like jaywalking only became blameworthy when motorised vehicles became common, we will see that again the preservation of motorists will prevail over all other road users, to their detriment. Let's hope that as technology continues to improve, we also see the development of things like external airbags to protect those outside the vehicle like they protect those within.
Can anyone else see a hundred things wrong with this? You'll need to actually drive past the shop, or park outside, and you can't use Uber, you can't walk, cycle, bus, tram, ferry, get a mate to drop you off, or use your personal jetpack to take "advantage" of picking up your parcel a dubious 30 seconds earlier than you otherwise might. In the meantime data is getting collected on the other ten thousand people passing the shop daily who have no business with Amazon. Why not just set up a Stingray cellular site and sniff the mac of the customer's phone FFS? Y'know, while we're overextending and slurping unnecessary data and all that.
I'm concerned about Collision Regulations- Power gives way to Sail gives way to Fishing etc., so I assume roboboats would give way to everything.
But what day shape should they display? Some vessels have balls, some have diamonds up on display.
I suggest roboboats should have balls and something that looks like a cock up. Because there will be.
If I read this correctly, and there's a very good chance (p->1) that I didn't, what I think will happen is:-
You throw some of the contents of your fridge, pantry and frypan onto a plate. It enters its resting state of a Bacon Buttie.
After a while, with no intervention, no interim state and no eating of said buttie, it will morph into a vindaloo, or a small cat, whatever.
Do not eat the vindaloo- or cat. Nothing in or out please, we're British.
After another while, your comestible again transitions seamlessly into a buttie.
You run screaming from the room.
Unseen, a tardis warps in to remove the time crystal back to its proper dimension.
Bugger that for a game of soldiers- having to walk 30m to get a pizza when everyone else delivers it to your door.
I mean, the only reason one gets delivery pizza is because of laziness*, amiright? It's not for the taste, price or nutritional content that's for sure.
* OK, alright I'll allow drunkenness as well
a glider plane flying through a thermal
We don't fly *through* thermals, we fly *in* them. Feel the bump, wait a couple of seconds and then push the lifted wing down hard to start circling. Pull back to V(min sink). Keep an ear out on the vario and hope you found a good one.
"Transients from the lift mechanism"
Reminds me of very long (200+ m) cable runs of RS422 Multidrop running Wyse terminals and a bunch of printers to a SCO 3 server (386, 4Mb RAM) in a superyacht shipyard running frikkin big welders. It worked most of the time, only requiring terminal resets a few times each day.
Also, a similar system in an aluminium refinery. Of course, it wasn't the transients that were impressive there, it was shovels standing up by themselves in the eddy fields. I can't remember what voltage they ran the refinery vats at, but it consumed hundreds of kiloamps.
Having recently gone from 12 Mbps ADSL to 100/20 Mbps fibre at home, I expected all sorts of drinking-from-the-firehose goodness. But TBH I was disappointed. It seems that a lot of websites have limited bandwidth themselves from their servers and I can easily max them out- or at least max out my share of their link.
Also, YouTwitFace still has long laggy periods where I wait for their servers to get back to me.
The upside is my whole family can now simultaneously ignore each other in high definition. I guess that's a win.
I worked (briefly) for a fast food company with nationwide chain stores, some selling a popular fried chicken and some a popular pizza.
The store "servers" were *purchased* as 4-year-old ex-lease desktops, usually placed on the top of the cupboards in the manager's "office" (a shoe-box annex to the kitchen area). No aircon, no grease filters, nada. It would regularly top 55 degrees up there, and that was outside the PC enclosure.
I had the idea to perform remote WMI queries on the hardware to see if fan speed was low and CPU temp high, which would indicate that the inside of the PC could be rendered down for one last serve of hot chips. But being ex-lease desktops they didn't even have WMI instrumentation built in. We just had to wait for them to fail and the store sell everything via manual transactions for a few days while we built, shipped and installed new 4-year-old ex-lease desktops by way of replacement.
I lasted three months before choosing not to renew my contract.
Edit for speling an grammer [sic]
Eating whole spit-roast piglet directly off the spit, ripping the rich dripping cooked flesh off with my teeth, burning my tongue on the hot bits, trying not to singe my eyebrows in the flames.
I have before-and-after photos of the piglet. Firstly, running around my feet in the volcanic highlands of Virunga as sold to me by Johnny Walker (his English name), and secondly a few hours later with a spike up its bum and out its mouth, slowly caramelising and rendering in a circular fashion. An animal that most certainly did not die in vain.
And it was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike Soylent. Who am I kidding? Completely unlike Soylent.
how much do they depend upon GPS/maps being completely correct?
Good question. I have experience of a road doing a 1 km deviation up a ravine and the road looking like Ω while the GPS said go straight ahead like _. The ravine was several hundred feet deep.
While I'm sure the google cars would recognise the road stopping without falling into the ravine, I'm not sure they would have any idea where actually to go instead. I can imagine them emergency stopped at right angles to the oncoming traffic in the wrong lane and the nav unit melting down in consternation while making meep meep noises.
SMART:- System Meets Archaic Requirements for Technology.
In the meantime, my free OpenELEC (Kodi (XBMC)) media center and associated 12TB NAS just keeps on pretty much eating the competition. Plus, I can upgrade at will. Come the day I get a UHD TV (purchased as I ice skate across the frozen brimstone lakes of hell) I can just drop in a gruntier video card and presto.
I think you meant 6kWh, not 6KW which is a different measure altogether if it technically exists at all, but on your point (energy used in refining petroleum) a good understandable analysis can be found at http://greentransportation.info/guide/energy/electricity-to-refine-gallon-gasoline.html. Worth a read.
Hi, this is Eddie, your car-board computer, and it was a pleasure to crash for you today. I hope the airbags went off with a real bang! The extensive deformation of the body panels and chassis in today’s crash were tailored to meet your exacting requirements and personal preferences according to a detailed examination of your current neural pathways. I have now booked an ambulance for you, which is estimated to arrive in approximately the next 37.88 minutes. In the meantime, please use the complimentary first aid kit in the glove compartment to staunch the bleeding from your femoral artery. Have a nice day!! <light music>
for a price war to erupt among the VoD vendors and their multifarious offerings.
It might almost bring each price down to what I pay currently for torrent and/or usenet access, and I may only have to deal with three or more vendors at that price to achieve coverage of my viewing interests.
Or something.
All of the data in these applications will be switched between phones and PCs seamlessly, Microsoft promises, and users will be able to back up and sync their data to Azure. For example, pictures taken on the smartphone will be uploaded to Azure
That'll be interesting. How to keep my family life, my personal life and my business life separate. Nothing worse than a <ahem> "bedroom" photo ending up in the middle of a work presentation, or worse, your partner seeing what really happened at that out-of-town conference.