Re: I Wrote A Script.......
Who the hell writes a 23k Python script to move some files? And thinks it’s worthy of boasting about?
Remind me never to work with you
1234 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Jun 2009
I find it staggering that almost all the Linux distributions adopted this crap so readily. Did they all get a bump on the head at the same time or something? Thank goodness there are several non-systemDread options out there (I’ve used Void for years now) but I do worry that there will come a point that this cancer is so widely used that many normal applications simply will not run without it - which I’m sure is P’s intent
I curse Prickhead for making this abhorrence. I also curse the distro heads for having a “duh ok” attitude and forcing it in the world
A cruel part of me is actually quite pleased Trump got in. The morons that voted for him can reap the tragic consequences and I hope they come away from the experience completely fucked-over.
I’m genuinely very sorry for the rest, who loath the Orange fuckwit as much as much as the next non-lobotomised person, but it’s a great sitcom to watch - more ludicrous and implausible than the 70’s Soap series
We’ll exactly
relating to stripping out googly redirection links, I read “We can't do it the correct way because when Google engineers design the [chrome.declarativeNetRequest API], they fail to think of this scenario”
I’m sure the Googly engineers absolutely didn’t fail to think about it at all. I’m further sure that they deliberately broke it for obvious reasons
The way forward is to legislate to force the AI slurpers to remove the stolen data from their models.
And if they can’t do that (and they keep saying they can’t untangle it) then they must delete the WHOLE of their model and’s associated data and start again, this time WITHOUT stealing stuff
Yes it will cost them a fortune. My heart bleeds - they shouldn’t have done it in the first place
Why are governments so utterly shit when it comes to dealing with crap like this?
While I don’t disagree with your observation, I don’t think AVs are a solution
For one, I would find it frankly terrifying to be charging along a motorway with nobody but a buggy computer in control. I would find it scary enough pootling around town. And I doubt I’m alone in that.
And I don’t think the whole issue of who is at fault when someone gets killed has been addressed. Not a technical issue, but not a resolved issue either.
I’m still confused….
“ The application doesn't know it wants to read more data till the device driver (in the kernel?) tells it. The application only knows when it wants to send data.”
> No! The application knows full well when it is READY to process more data. The kernel has no idea. Whether there is any data to read is another issue and is the whole point of this change. If the application is waiting for the nic driver to tell it that there is data then the nic driver must be polling the nic or waiting for an interrupt from it - which was exactly the question I posed - ie - dues the work by just controlling how the kernel reads data into its internal buffers?
@Brewsters Angle….
“ Wild guess: the kernel knows whether a process is actively waiting on the socket or busy eating processor cycles. That's probably enough of a clue”
> No! That would be just wild speculation by the kernel. Just because the application is busy, it doesn’t mean it wouldn’t rather be processing incoming data and would like to be interrupted and told there is some.
“Applications indicate they want to read more data by notifying the operating system via select()/poll()/epoll()”
> THAT is exactly the point I was making - it is the application that must make this decision. Not the kernel. Of course the application needs to convey that decision to the kernel so the kernel can modify the driver’s behaviour. But it’s still the application that is making the decision
I’m confused about how this works in the kennel. Surely your application needs to do the switching between interrupt and polling because (a) only the application knows when it wants to read more data and (b) it is the application that needs to implement the interrupt handler or polling calls
So how is this made “automatic” in the kernel? What am I missing?
Or does this switching only relate to feeding data into the internet buffers for the application to read later? If yes then it still doesn’t answer point (a)
This makes no sense at all. It’s not like the whole thing wasn’t widely publicised. Why would the FAA not say anything at the time? Indeed they seemed to deliberately “forget” to mention any involvement at all to the point that they were happy to sit back and watch the FBI and other agencies run around looking into it.
I’m not into conspiracies but this is definitely bollox.
Exactly this. It’s exactly the same as advert consent popups defaulting to “yes, of course I want to be tracked by all and sundry so they can sell my data”
The puzzle with AI though is why? How can you make any money from it? Answer ….errrr ….. at the moment, you can’t. So that leaves the only other revenue stream - sell your user’s data to the advertising industry.
Sounds familiar?
Windows’ inability to find a file that is RIGHT THERE (!!!!) is one of the biggest mysteries in the cosmos. Another is just how can MS possibly write software that is so consistently utterly shite and dysfunctional.
Jeeeez - I really f@&£ing hate everything to do with MS
Infinitely. Apparently.
I was complaining about some other MS shitware the other day at work (can’t remember which particular pile of steaming turd was the subject of my wrath) and a colleague of mine gave me a withering look and said something doing the lines of “oh it’s not that bad…”
The thing is, it IS that bad. It’s just that there are STILL many many people who think this kind of shit is “normal” and “acceptable”. Someone else a few weeks ago even pointed out to me that “Windows is good”. What can you do with that? Compared to what? An actual turd? Could you tell the difference?
I was going to post the same thing
MS really do live in a parallel universe. People want to switch this crap off? REALLY? Are you sure? Well if they must, I suppose…
It just proves what we knew already - they really don’t take a blind bit of notice to their user’s comments. If they did then we wouldn’t see quotes like this
I completely agree with you, This whole pile of ordure is exposing just how utterly amoral, spineless, and corrupt the likes of Zuk, Musk, etc are. Not that it comes as any surprise at all - I’m just impressed by the bare-faced unapologetic cowardly way it’s playing out.
Zuk is a psychopath (and if that conjures up images of axe-wielding loons then I encourage you to go and look-up what the word actually means), which makes his toadying-up to the Great Orange One all the more interesting and exposes exactly where his morals lie (not that we didn’t know already - he doesn’t have any). Obviously Musk is getting a job out of it, so his toadying is less surprising.
Utter shitesters the whole lot of them.
As an aside, I was interested to read Zuk’s reasons for getting rid of moderators from his web shites; something to do with “getting back to original values”. I’m sure I’ll be corrected if I’m wrong but wasn’t his first version of faecesbook put up so his fellow collage mates could vote on which of the girls were hot? Yep - that’s where his “original values” lie
One simple answer to this is for all effected websites to deny any affiliate links that are connected with PayPal
That should reduce the value of their 4 billion investment quite quickly
PayPal was a shitty company at its inception and one that I will never have any dealings with. Clearly not much has changed
“6502 assembly helll”?
At least 6502 assembler is incredibly simple - you can easily write all the opcodes (plus addressing mode options) on the back of a fag packet.
I remember making my first C64 animated alien sprite, written in assembler. It had a club foot and a bent antenna but I loved it and it was great fun to play with.
I suggest you take a look on YouTube. There are literally dozens of videos of these things.
I’ve also seen several pics (again on YT) of what looks like a (very) large drone that apparently crashed and was later carted away on the back of what looks like a low-loader. If genuine (and I have to admit it looks so, and yes, I’m not blind to the fact that this stuff is very easy to fake these days) then clearly SOMEONE at US gov level has SOME idea of what they are
Well therein lies the problem. It started as an alternative init system. And since then, it has grown like a cancer to replace stuff that never needed replacing and fix stuff that never needed fixing. And bringing a whole tanker of shit with it.
It is an ego project for some wanker that just can’t leave stuff alone.
What’s infinitely more fucking annoying is that almost all the Linux distributions jumped on the wank wagon and decided to use it. Fuck-knows why! Maybe the maintainers got back-handers to do so, or they’re just bloody morons. I don’t know
While Mullenweg‘s behaviour in this has been ….errr ….questionable AB’s I’m in no way defending him, I can’t see how a judge can force him to open up access to the Wordpress website for WP. It’s HIS website (ok - technically it might not be his) - surely he can do what he likes with it
“Archinstall 3 is still very basic and text-based…”
I have seen this comment many times over the years; often applied to BSD installers.
Why does an installer need to be anything but text based? Being text based does not mean it’s primitive or old. It means it’s probably a heap more reliable and will likely run on anything without much fuss, compared to an unnecessarily complex, resource hungry graphical interface that needs to install drivers etc etc just to get off the ground.
Even if there is an option to opt in/out of this data slurp, what possible justification is there for building-in such capabilities?
Nobody with half a brain cell would want MS to trawl through their word documents for any reason whatsoever, so what possible twisted thinking goes on at MS to think such an option is viable?
Years back, MS used to be run by arseholes. Now it’s run by fucking megalomaniac scum