Great Nostalgia
That's a great article - thanks. I hadn't really realised how important the 380Z was to my education until recently. Our school had one and it was the first microprocessor I had seen. Until then, we had used the 300baud modem link to Birmingham Council treasury computer to program in BASIC with a teletype (in a cupboard). I managed to get a book on 8080 assembler (the 380Z was a Z80 which had the 8080 instructions as a subset) and wrote an assembler in machine code. From that, I was able to write a noughts and crosses game using the teletext graphics. I learnt another great lesson from that - never write or invent a game no-one can win. They get angry very quickly!
After the 380Z things moved quickly: TRS-80, PET, Nascom, Acorn Atom (I built one - 2000 solder joints!), Atari 400/800, CBM-16/64, Dragon, Lynx(?), BBC (of course). I eventually worked on 68000s at college and HP-85s at work. Still in the biz, and still coding...