* Posts by Dale 3

416 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Jun 2009


End-to-end encryption may be the bane of cops, but they can't close that Pandora's Box

Dale 3

Strong encryption is good for the police

Law enforcement needs strong, uncompromised encryption. Look what a success it was when they managed to infiltrate Encrochat. Criminal networks only used Encrochat because it was believed to be unbreakable. If it was known that there were weaknesses and backdoors they would have used something else. Or at least they wouldn't have talked so freely on it. When law enforcement infiltrated, it wasn't because of weaknesses or backdoors, they used other classic means, which I'm sure was much harder, riskier work, but it paid off for them bigly.

Another Boeing whistleblower comes forward – with receipts

Dale 3

Never on a Boeing

I followed the Salehpour testimony with interest, and consequently I will not be travelling on any flight that uses a Boeing ever again. It was frightening.

On the one hand you have Sam Salehpour, Boeing Quality Engineer, trained and qualified expressly to ensure quality on the planes Boeing makes. Who saw how an industry friend who was involved in the Challenger space shuttle accident struggled to live with the consequences, and vowed never to let anything like that happen on his watch. If he had any vested interest at all, which I don't think he did, it might have been to keep drawing a salary from Boeing and overlook a few minor deviations. This guy says the planes are unsafe.

On the other hand, the response from Boeing comes from their executives, who aren't quality engineers, don't build the planes, don't even see the people who do the building. Who have a vested interest in upholding shareholder value, and are probably shareholders themselves. These guys say the quality engineer is wrong, or lying.

Guess who I am listening to?

India's lunar landing made a mess on the Moon

Dale 3

Re: Microwaves

Psssh - two days after they finish with that finishing laser, SGN will be there digging it back up again to fiddle with a gas pipe.

Intel adds fresh x86 and vector instructions for future chips

Dale 3

Re: Marketing strikes again

Y2k bug all over again.

Quantum computing is a different kind of computing, says AWS

Dale 3

Re: English Translation

Ultimately, the most significant problem Quantum Computing will solve, is what Quantum Computing can be used for.

Shocker: EV charging infrastructure is seriously insecure

Dale 3

Re: SDR? Why is there any wireless comms used here at all?

Until the next exploit we hear about being unique ID spoofing.

Google: We had to shut down a datacenter to save it during London’s heatwave

Dale 3

Re: Heat island

Or indeed 'London' Oxford Airport, which is closer to Luton.

Lonestar plans to put datacenters in the Moon's lava tubes

Dale 3

Re: WTF?

And now look how far you've come, Elon!

Europe twists YouTube's arm to get better cookie consent popups

Dale 3

Yup, I would definitely read all of that before making an informed decision.

Hands up everyone who's had to tutor an elderly relative, who hasn't just said "don't worry about that just click 'accept'" whenever it comes up!

US, UK, Western Europe fail to hit top 50 cheapest broadband list

Dale 3

Re: Withour a purchase power comparison it means little

Exactly. The cheapest country supposedly is Syria ($2.15). Their average monthly broadband package is 5500 in their local currency, against an annual average salary of 149000 (according to SalaryExplorer), giving 3.7% of annual salary. In the UK the monthly average is 29.66 against annual average salary of 71000, which is 0.4% of annual salary. Even putting aside arguments about how representative the various averages may be in real life, there is still an order of magnitude difference.

The only time this list is beneficial is if you are a global traveller who earns in one currency and pays local rates for access as you go.

Docker goes double unicorn with $105m Series C funding and $2.1b valuation

Dale 3

I'm not a financier but

So their days seemed numbered yet investors hand over 105 million to keep paying the bills that their lack of revenue cannot, and this is called a turnaround? I get that the new money shows investors are optimistic, along the lines of "if we just keep them going another 12 months they will surely start producing renevue". No wonder they call it double-unicorn.

Yes, Mark Zuckerberg is still pushing metaverse. Next step, language translation

Dale 3

Re: VR drinks?

Obviously the natural progression would be for humans to simply deposit their bot representatives into the metaverse to take care of work now that our jobs are all going to be in meta-offices, freeing us from having to wear funny glasses and leaving us more time to lie on a sunny beach.

UK Computer Misuse Act reformers visit Parliament

Dale 3

Lone actor

Certainly better than the inevitable alternative, the Computer Misuse Act Misuse Act.

Three major browsers are about to hit version 100. Will websites cope?

Dale 3

Re: Ubuntu was right... sort of.

Like Samsung flagship phones, that went up to S8 S9 S10 then leapt to S20 and now S22, presumably to latch onto the year number, which makes much sense (at least until they need to beat the market by releasing the S25 in November '24).

Developer creates ‘Quite OK Image Format’ – but it performs better than just OK

Dale 3

Re: Pronouncing...

Indeed, the official logo does stylise the Q to look like a fish, so I presume the author's intent was for it to be pronounced "Koi".

Fail: Exam paper marked by Elon Musk up for auction

Dale 3

Re: I'm increasingly disliking the man

You don't have to be rich to not care what people think on the internet. Not caring saves you an awful lot of bother.

If it were possible to evade facial-recognition systems using just subtle makeup, it might look something like this

Dale 3


Unless you wear a different pattern of makeup every time you go out, the AI will simply learn your makeup pattern as another identity and carry on tracking it. It may not immediately connect that identity to "you", but it wouldn't take much for either a human or an AI to make the connection.

Facebook building 'on-demand executable file format' that self-inflates using homebrew compression

Dale 3

Re: Nothing to see. Move along...

Packing the executable with DLLs wasn't the novelty. The novelty was in how they packed it, removed redundancy and encoded entropy to improve compression ratios.

This drag sail could prevent spacecraft from turning into long-term orbiting junk. We spoke to its inventors ahead of launch

Dale 3

Where does it burn up to?

Slightly off-topic but I've always been curious about what happens to these satellites when they "burn up"? Where do they go? As in - stuff doesn't just burn away to nothing, but usually leaves some residue or ash and often exhausts toxic gases into the air. A few little cooking fires a few centuries ago didn't make much of a mark on the planet's atmosphere but after the industrial revolution so much pollution was dumping into the air that Beijing 2008 almost wasn't visible. So at the moment there are relatively few old satellites "burning up" but when the space revolution comes what's going to happen to all the metal and other exotic materials "burning up" as the latest Starlink fleet starts approaching its end-of-life?

Windows 11 comes bearing THAAS, Trojan Horse as a service

Dale 3

Re: Forgive me for saying this...

Ah Teams... it reduces my workload... mainly because I can never find anything in it, and the time it would take to find the thing is more valuable than the thing I wanted to find, and the other guy who added the thing can't find it either so that job just goes away.

‘Fasten your seat belts, raise your tray table, and disconnect your Bluetooth headsets from the entertainment unit’

Dale 3

Re: qantas never crash

I hope the seat in front at least has something the iPad can slot into. On the one hand having it loose gives more options to avoid glare from the neighbour's window, but on the other hand I wouldn't want to have to hold it up for three hours straight given the cramped space available. And where to put it when the "food" comes?

Fujitsu wins £9m contract hike for Oracle HR system running nearly 3 years late at Northern Ireland Education Authority

Dale 3


I would be nervous about getting my software from Fujitsu, despite their track record of producing perfect bug-free software.

Inventor of the graphite anode – key Li-ion battery tech – says he can now charge an electric car in 10 minutes

Dale 3

Re: There still remains......

Those numbers are likely for the current model of filling up to the top and then running down to almost empty, which we do because of the relative inconvenience of having to go to a petrol station every so often. But the electric charging model doesn't have to be like that. With charging points able to be so much more ubiquitous, cars could be topped-up just about every time and everywhere you park. Perhaps even automatically with wireless charging in parking bays (even at traffic lights?) It doesn't always need to be high-capacity high-speed empty-to-full charging.

Of course this doesn't suit every use. Long distance trips benefit from fast charges - the faster the better, but a 10 minute break every 800km seems reasonable.

I wouldn't mind a bit of lateral thinking - how about a Eurotunnel-like roll-on-roll-off train that gets you most of the way to your long-distance destination, faster than a motorway, and charges your car while you take a nap, grab a snack from the restaurant upstairs or watch the scenery go by? Eurotunnel is remarkably efficient once you get past the whole check-in and queuing bit, while at the other end you're off and on the A16 in minutes.

BMA and Royal College of GPs refuse to endorse NHS Digital's data grab from surgeries in England

Dale 3

Opted out

It is obviously not intended for public benefit, or they would have had Boris or Matt bleating about it at every possible opportunity. Not even a peep in the mainstream media, that I noticed, and the first I heard was the previous Reg article at which point I immediately went and opted out (both ways - paper and "digital", not that I should have needed to). On principle, since if they're trying this hard to not inform people, it can't be good.

Starlink's latent China crisis could spark a whole new world of warcraft

Dale 3

Re: Its very easy to detect ground based broadcasts

Although TV "detector" vans may still exist, I doubt they are anything more than a PR exercise trading on the (diminishing) fear that it once was possible to detect emissions from TVs, maybe 30 years ago. I bet it won't be some nondescript white van trawling the neighbourhood in secret, but emblazoned with large colourful logos and driving around in the middle of the day to maximize exposure.

There could be some faintly detectable signal emanating from your TV, if only it could be separated from the myriad other devices with screens which aren't watching TV, and dozens of ways to watch TV which don't involve having a set at all. I suspect the only "detecting" being done nowadays is a bloke listening out for the Pointless countdown blaring out the soundbar or peering through your Windows to see what you're watching.

We need a 20MW 20,000-GPU-strong machine-learning supercomputer to build EU's planned digital twin of Earth

Dale 3

Douglas Adams

I demand to know where the obligatory Douglas Adams reference is in this article?!

Dulux feel lucky, punk? Samsung wades into paint world with interior emulsions designed to 'complement' your, er, TV

Dale 3

Re: Idiot marketing people at work again

Their marketing looks nice but I'm wondering how their OLEDs are producing black wingtips on the butterfly. I suspect you'll need Samsung's "Black Background" shade of paint to make this work.

Samsung to introduce automatic call blocking on Android 11-capable flagships

Dale 3

Re: How does it work?

Exactly. Until there is a solution for number spoofing, none of these solutions are solutions at all.

I spent last monday playing dumb with a multitude of scammers trying to convince me my internet was about to be disconnected due to "hackers" (my favourite moment was when I asked whether I should plug my internet back in because the plug had fallen out) - the calls were relentless on monday although seem to have stopped now.

But every call came from a different, presumably randomly generated, UK number. If crowdsourced number blocking grows in popularity, eventually the chances are some legitimate numbers will start getting blocked and people will have a hard time why their phone seems not to be working although there is still a dial tone.

It can't possibly by that hard for telephone service providers to eliminate number spoofing.

GSM gateways: Parliament obviously cocked up, so let minister issue 'ignore the law' decree, UK.gov barrister urges court

Dale 3

Re: Here's a thought

Would that make Parliament a type of git-hub?

Software billionaire accused of hiding $2bn in income from IRS – potentially the largest tax scam in US history

Dale 3

Re: Close, but not Glenn Close with a cigar.

Yellow is always the last to run out on my printer. So whatever encoding they're using, is very efficient.

Think tank warns any further delay to 5G rollout will cost the UK multiple billions – but hey, at least Huawei is out

Dale 3

Were you hoping to influence opinion? Because I was exhausted halfway through the first paragraph. Amanfrommars would be proud.

Tesla to build cars made of batteries and hit $25k price tag about three years down the road

Dale 3

Re: Applefying the car

I think that's what he was getting at.

The sun is shining, the birds are singing. You can shut the curtains and tour The National Museum of Computing in VR

Dale 3

Re: Security.

I dunno, I keep trying but it's not working for me.

Battle for 6GHz heats up in America: Broadcasters sue FCC to kill effort to open spectrum for private Wi-Fi

Dale 3

Wait for the NAB to start connecting 6GHz with Covid (though obviously only in WiFi form, the commercial form is naturally anti-viral).

Gone in 15 minutes: Qualcomm claims new chargers will fill your smartmobe in a flash

Dale 3

Imagine being that vapid that waiting an hour or two for your car to fill up with petrol is the worst thing in the world and you need a full tank after 15 minutes so you can carry on driving and being productive.

Some people's use cases may be different from your own.

Shocked I am. Shocked to find that underground bank-card-trading forums are full of liars, cheats, small-time grifters

Dale 3

Re: And there's another

Not sure why he needs to have the same code on all three screens though.

Drupal drops first big upgrade in five years and looks forward by looking backwards

Dale 3

Re: EOL for Drupal 7

Also see https://www.drupal.org/psa-2020-06-24, which updated the PSA-2019 announcement to move the date to 2022.

Note that Drupal 8'd EOL is still Nov 2021.

Shopped recently in a small online store? Check this list to see if it was one of 570 websites infected with card-skimming Magecart

Dale 3

List sorting

The PDF list of sites linked in the article is all over the place in terms of sorting. If you're looking for specific sites, use the search facility rather than looking manually through the list or you may miss them. The list looks to be alphabetical at the beginning, but goes haywire in the second column.

Three UK: We're sending you this SMS to warn you not to pay attention to unsolicited texts

Dale 3

Indeed! It's like the argument that scam emails are deliberately written with terrible grammar and spelling because the types of people who wouldn't notice are also the types more likely to believe they've won an email lottery they never entered, so the scammer receives fewer replies but with better chances of getting some cash out of them - it improves the efficiency of the scam.

Hey, Boeing. Don't celebrate your first post-grounding 737 Max test flight too hard. You just lost another big contract

Dale 3


(Sorry for going offtopic, but I'll mention this in case someone finds it useful...)

In the UK, credit cards are covered by Section 75 protection, which is a very powerful legal right. (It basically makes the card issuer equally liable as the goods/service provider so if something goes wrong and the provider doesn't deal with it adequately, the card issuer is equally liable to put it right.) Debit cards are (usually) covered by chargeback, but that is just a feature which card issuers offer, not a legal right and they don't have to honour it. S.75 protection is much stronger, which is why it's usually recommended to use a credit card over a debit card for big ticket items.

Boeing brings back the 737 Max but also lays off thousands

Dale 3


In the spirit of the multitude of "is it..." websites, would someone please build isit737max.com, so you put in a flight number and it comes back with "YES, you might die" or "NO, you're probably alright". It can't be too difficult, seeing that sites like SeatGuru are already able to identify the plane type by flight number and present the seating configuration.

I for one am in no hurry to fly any route that uses 737MAX, and will be checking before booking in future.

Users of Will.i.am's Wink IoT hub ask 'Where is the love?' as they're asked to pay for a new subscription service

Dale 3

Re: Why would anyone use it?

That was you? Dammit!

Dumpster diving to revive a crashing NetWare server? It was acceptable in the '90s

Dale 3


The saddest part of this story is that it happened before the ubiquity of camera phones.

Don't use natwest.co.uk for online banking, Natwest bank tells baffled customer

Dale 3

They fixed http://natwest.co.uk, which now redirects to https://personal.natwest.com. But they haven't fixed any of these:

https://natwest.co.uk still has the dodgy certificate and doesn't redirect anywhere else.

https://www.natwest.co.uk is the same.

http://www.natwest.co.uk redirects to https://www.natwest.co.uk, which has the dodgy certificate.

They clearly must own all of these names; I can't understand why they haven't fixed all of them. They're not even getting rid of 15% of their workforce.

Who needs the A-Team or MacGyver when there's a techie with an SCSI cable?

Dale 3

Re: Bless..

Thanks for the video. It explains Oddball's righteous indignation at SODDERING!

UK's internet registry prepares a £100m windfall for its board members – and everyone else will pay for it

Dale 3

Nice bit of racketeering going on there

Generate a bunch of new .uk names for all the existing .co.uk names... be a shame if someone else got hold of it, right guv?

Danger mouse! Potent rodents 'see' infrared after eyeballs injected with nanoparticles

Dale 3

Nano-batteries to go with those nanoparticles. At first, that's what I assumed. Now I'm thinking something along the lines of the mechanism of a self-winding watch. When the IR starts fading, you sweep your eyes side to side a few times to recharge. In the heat of battle there's enough action to keep it going all night.

Sorry, Mr Zuckerberg isn't in London that day. Or that one. Nope. I'd give up if I were you

Dale 3


Is there a legal basis that requires him to appear? If yes, then fine them daily until he appears and send in the bailiffs if they don't pay up. If not, then give it up guys, he said no.

Bloodhound Super-Sonic-Car lacks Super-Sonic-Cashflow

Dale 3

Rolling billboard

Whoever buys advertising space better keep their message short.

A story of M, a failed retailer: We'll give you a clue – it rhymes with Charlie Chaplin

Dale 3

Re: Debt = Bad

"As the A/C said, the [root] cause was cheap credit so why is cheap credit the answer?"

And as Tom 38 answered, cheap credit wasn't the cause, inappropriate lending was. Mortgages being given to people who were at very high risk of not paying them back, then the lenders would take all their high-risk mortgages, package them together into the CDOs that Tom 38 talked about and sell them on to other banks, who treated them as less risky without looking at the contents.

You could argue that the cause of the problem was the CDOs being incorrectly (or fraudulently) rated less risky than reality. Or you could argue that the cause of the problem was the fact that such risky mortgages were being offered in the first place. You can't argue that cheap credit was the cause of the problem. Even if the credit was cheap, these people still couldn't afford to pay it back so never should it have been given to them.
