Re: ...
I believe that was the turbine disc that failed – not a blade separation event
Good luck containing the kinetic energy from a failed turbine disc when under take off/climbing power.
99 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Jun 2009
Indeed, they've failed to honour two standing order's of mine, on both occasions the account had more than sufficient funds to cover them.
Let me be clear, they weren't returned due to insufficient funds either, they just weren't processed at all. If that doesn't raise some eyebrows that there is something very wrong with their systems I don't know what will.
Naturally I've been unable to get through to anyone to actually find out why and have decided enough's enough.
Already had enough, it's been one cock up after another so I've pulled the plug on them and moved.
Historically I was a Lloyds customer who never asked to be bumped over to TSB, they just decided my branch was going and that was that.
Did it old school as I assumed any migration process was as likely to cock up as anything else they've done recently.
If enough people whip their money out from them I can see that causing them a few problems as well, not sure what their liquidity ratio is but might be interesting to keep an eye on it.
If I'm getting letters delivered to my address but to people I've never heard of your damn right I'm opening them.
When the oh so charming bailiffs turn up trying to enforce a writ I want some advance warning.
Been there done that.
In my experience they’re not that bothered about mistaken identity either, my girlfriend (now wife) had two goons turn up to try and collect on a debt for a woman with a different first name, birthday and address to her (woman at one stage lived about 20 doors away) from an organisation she had no links with whatsoever.
I would add these two were at the more budget end of the debt collection spectrum rather than the more pucker one’s you might’ve seen on TV.
Not sure you gave much thought to that before you hit submit.
There's a reason large aircraft have more than one engine, even at MTOW losing an engine shouldn’t compromise the ability to get airborne in a controlled manner and level off at a safe altitude.
Notwithstanding an uncontained failure, in which case it somewhat depends on what the hot spinning bits hit when they depart the engine case – kinetic energy being a cruel mistress and all that. Hydraulic lines and passengers don’t take kindly to being hit with fragments of compressor disc.
FWIW people caught flying drones in controlled airspace should be hung from the nearest bridge.
Back in the day to change your password on Santander's site you'd have to enter your existing password all in upper case for it to accept it. Even though my actual password was upper and lowercase.
Very worrying. I ceased having anything to do with them shortly after pointing that out and them not realising the significance of the problem. No idea if that's still a 'feature'.
The Genie is out of the bottle for the content providers and he's not too keen on getting back in again - games up, they need to accept the rules have changed and adapt rather than try and stiffle the alternatives.
People will generally pay a modest subscription rather than use a moody alternative but most people I know who have a Sky/Virgin sub aren't happy with the cost and are fed up with the drip drip price increases, invariably at some point these people will look for alternatives when either they just cant justify the subs or realise the alternatives are there.
Granted they'll always be a certain number of freetards who wouldn't pay for it out of principle if they could get away with it but I'd wager that's a very small minority.
Anyone in the industry who thinks they'll be on the winning side with this strategy should look at TPB. How's that blocking working out for you?
Thanks for your replies Trigger, will take a look at them.
Place I've been at has had a change of senior management in the last 12 months and the new SVP is a full on sociopath, coupled with a recent change in HR..... sorry "People Strategy" we've got a clown that wants to make a name for himself and has already put himself about a bit.
Suffice to say the first tasty role that comes along you won't see me for dust but having someone in your corner probably isn't a bad idea and the cost is relatively trivial in the grand scheme of things.
"This comes across as the plod being rather vindictive."
Be under no illusion, if the Police charge you and you go to court and are found not guilty, in their eyes you're just one who got away, if they get the chance to punish you in the future you'll be the first person in their cross-hairs.