Moribund? Most definitely not.
The point is that Amiga owners these days don't just use them for "retro" uses. We don't use the equivalent of "pikes and muskets", we use the equivalent of spades and tractors - they've been around for a long time, but they still work just fine thankyouverymuch.
What does a typical computer get used for? The web, email, MSN, games, that sort of thing. All of which AmigaOS 4, MorphOS and AROS are capable of. I'm not talking about the latest games - use a console for that - but for many of us we don't _want_ the latest games.
The days that the Amiga was far behind are gone. We now have everything we need, good emailers, modern web-browsers, MSN clients etc., - the only thing missing is the number of users - but that doesn't make the OS moribund, it just makes it a minority.
If being in the majority means succumbing to bloatware, viruses, CRM and all that, I'm glad I'm not in it. For many thousands of us, the beauty is that we're in a minority - we can all help and all make a difference, without the big corporations and legal bods taking much notice.
And most of all, we have fun doing it. You can all think the OS is moribund if you like, we'll just carry on enjoying it anyway.