* Posts by SDF1586

13 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Jun 2009

Last time CO2 was this high, the world was underwater? No actually


Re: Scientific Theory

Why do we want to reduce carbon emissions? It's plant food! Anyway how are you going to stop volcanoes, for one example, which are a natural source? Plants are at the lower end of the food chain and an integral part of the eco-system which supports animal life - including us. As a GHG water vapour is far more important and yet almost ignored in this argument about climate. When was the last time you heard anyone mention water vapour in this context? I know this argument generates a lot of steam! Though the sun gets pretty much overlooked too - which I find totally bizarre, particularly when one assumes we're dealing with intelligent people. Every ounce of common sense points at the sun and Earth's orbit as the main drivers of climate change. Or is it not trendy to say so? I don't think there's any such thing as an "unbeliever" where climate change is concerned. It's not a matter of belief is it? Climate changes with or without us, that's just a fact. I think the argument is about how much we've got to do with it. Outside of AGW pollution is a serious problem, particularly in the newest industrialized nations, but everyone has taken their eye off that ball because of the distractions from warmageddonites. Furthermore, every warming period within man's known history has coincided with prosperity and expansion. So, in a utopian world, the maths work out something like this: warmer climate equals richer and expanded plant life equals plentiful food supply equals higher survival rates plus surplus production equals trade expansion equals increased profits and higher wages equals higher living standards. Yippee! But then I suppose you have to add the negative factors all of which boil down to simple greed and jealousy and the lovely dream goes belly up...perhaps it IS time for another flood!!! ;-)

Global warming much less serious than thought - new science


Er what?!

"Climate scientists funded by the US government have announced new research in which they have established that the various doomsday global warming scenarios are in fact extremely unlikely to occur, and that the scenarios considered likeliest - and used for planning by the world's governments - are overly pessimistic."


Cracked emails again deployed against climate researchers


the nail on the head


This is exactly right. It is POLLUTION that is the point. Climate is what it is and we can do bugger all about it. It's always struck me as a tad arrogant for anyone to believe that humankind can change it in either direction. We could call it the King Canute syndrome. There are forces much, MUCH bigger than us. That big fiery ball in the sky, for one. Volcanoes for another. We can do something about pollution. Let's try and solve the right problem.

Neutrinos still FASTER THAN LIGHT in second test



At last some common sense, Knowledge has no finality. It is an illogical view based on faith that Einstein's word is the last. That attitude reminds me of the Warmageddonites.


oh jeez!

I heard Galileo had the same problem with his punctuation and they put him under house arrest for it.

This is petty point scoring which attempts to destroy another serious argument with less than intelligent ad hominem attacks. How can a point of view be taken seriously when it's self-justification is based on insults? Get your mind out of the playground and try some real scientific debate,

Lost cities found beneath sands of Sahara by satellites


Islam & Classical learning

You're partly right about Islam preserving Classical learning but the real truth is that that's ALL it did. It used neither Greek philosophy nor Roman science to make any major advances or improvements within its own culture. When that knowledge came to the West it laid the foundations that ultimately made western civilization the most industrious, the most productive and the most inventive civilization that the world has ever known. Now of course the fruits of those labours have been exported all over the world.

Refusal to unveil scuppers French refusal-to-unveil trial


So what happens...

in a case like this at passport control?

Guardian super-blogger flames Reg boffinry desk


@unbiased opinions

As the vast majority of the rest of the media - press, telly AND radio - lean in the opposite direction The Reg offers a refreshing balance to that torrent of bias.

(No random capitals were used in the writing of this response).


Much of recent global warming actually caused by Sun

Quite frankly when I read the above headline my immediate response was "Surprise, f@cking surprise!"

CCTV website recruits video vigilantes


Prison Island Britain

So now we get the inmates to police themselves. Do you get an armband and a big stick to make you look important, like the kapos in a Nazi death camp? Am I right in thinking those guys didn't fare too well when liberation came?

UK council forced to swallow dick


@Rob 10:14


Brown apologises for 'appalling' treatment of Turing

Thumb Down

Meaningless twoddle.

I can only add my voice to the school of thought which sees the idiocy of apologizing for something you had nothing to do with. Posturing it certainly is. Old Macavity sticks his head over the parapet when there's no chance of catching a bullet. Big deal!

One can empathise or express regret, but to apologise is a trite nonsense.

Has anybody apologized for the beheading of Charles I yet? Or the Dutch invasion of 1688? How about sticking to making apologies for those mistakes for which you are responsible, Mr.Brown? Or should we wait 50 years for another Labour government, though more likely some EU tyrant, to do that for you?

So what we do when ID Cards 1.0 finally dies?


Compulsory ID will always be a bad idea

It is indeed a good idea to apply the information, to the extent it exists now, on plastic cards in an invisible way - perhaps with a photo of the carrier and a bank logo or whatever - it's one of those obvious ideas that should have been thought of before. Beyond that the scheme is easily turned into a tool for population control. Technological development in this area should lean towards preventing fraud not monitoring by the government. But as long as this remains a government project and not an improvement of security for credit/bank/store/membership cards then it will inevitably become a monster.

My personal information is disseminated by me for my convenience, not for anybody else's. And as for proving one's age, I thought that teenagehood was invented for doing stuff you're not allowed to do!