Re: @ Jules 1
@Jules 1: I think you underestimate the constitutional tarpit the Torys are in.
They got into power on the back of an election promise for a referendum. There's no credible interpretation where that doesn't also imply an election promise to implement the result. Not if they ever want to be believed in an election campaign again. If they stay in power they have to brexit.
But they can't just call another election, that would require a vote of no confidence, with an absolute majority of tory MPs that would be seen as dishonest and again wreck their future chances. Possibly enrage the leavers enough to give us a UKIP government and civil war shortly after. They can't quit before implementing brexit.
So that leaves delay. Boris thought he could get away with it, but Boris was panicking after unexpectedly 'winning', his plan to grab the 2020 election set a timescale dependent on losing and he isn't quick enough to come up with a better one.
Europe isn't going to quietly wait while the UK stalls. EU politicians and eurocrats have made it clear they expect the UK to leave, none showing any sign they think it can be undone. Anyone that thinks unnecessary delay has any bargaining value is mistaken. The EU know the UK gov must leave, they understood the constitutional implications right from the start. The UK is negotiating from a position of weakness and really shouldn't be annoying anyone right now.
The quicker this happens the sooner the UK mess can be fixed, one way or another. Pretty sure England & Wales will not regain entry during my lifetime, whatever a future gov or electorate wants.