Glad I got that F4 last week
Order a Samsung F4 2TB last week (delivered today) for £80.
Just check on eBuyer today, now selling for £130 (reduced from £156)!!!!!!!!!!!
43 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Jun 2009
As Andrew said, a superb day out at Bletchley, too much to fit in a day really, will be going back soon. Entry fee was good, considering you can go again within a year and free guided tours around the place, from very knowledgeable chaps
Tremendous amount of history here, which needs preserving!
My missus was conned by Virgin while at Uni, her + housemates were told that the 8MB package wouldn't be good enough, as "the walls of the house were too thick and damp for the signal to get through", so they needed to 20MB package! Being non IT-educated types, they fell for the salesman's crap hook line and sinker
When I found out I complained several times, write to head office, recorded letters etc etc, never got so much as a call back, was furious!
Even on the 20MB package, they never got over 8MB
Being a self confessed Gmail fanboi, I must protest!
The features suggested as being good about Hotmail are all included in Gmail and more. I don't understand how they justify them as making Hotmail "better".
5GB of storage? Gmail is currently about 7GB (and counting....)
"Group messages into conversations", errrr, yeah, OK
Advertising is also, in my opinion, lesser in Gmail
Just my thoughts anyway, the whole host of contacts, calendars, tasks also adds to the mix, but most likely not reviewed by Which?
Google also recently announced that they were upping the limit places on the number of contacts you could store from 10,000 to 25,000, no idea how you could use that many though
I can't imagine what their tape backup involves, very impressive I'm sure
Have been using Gmail Backup for a while to keep local copies of emails. Website is completely offline now and software hasn't been updated in years, which is a shame. Still works on Windows though
Looks like most people found out after Mozy emailed around, very poor show to start with, never mind the HUGE price increase.
Have been looking around for an alternative, but might not bother. My internet is depressingly slow, have just finished my 175GB backup with Mozy after starting in August. The thought of doing it again to another provider?? No thanks.
I think I might be safe enough with rsync to a server in my loft, which is going quite well. Still leaves the risk of total disaster, but Cheshire doesn't get that many hurricanes/floods etc etc
Why would any one want one of these? What can you use it for? What "gaps" in the market does it fill?
Netbooks are cheaper, have more storage and expansion (something Apple avoids). The list is endless.
You can also plug your own Vodafone/O2/3 dongle into it, for £30, not the crazy prices Apple are charging
here here,
I have long praised Google for this and am annoyed every time this happens, it is always the minority looking for something else to complain about.
As I have said before, no-one is identifiable in these photos, everyone sees thousands of nameless faces every day while driving, walking, watching news reports on TV etc etc etc.
And who the frig are you to say people can't or shouldn't use P2P on their 3G connections??
Like @ jeremy 3 said, some customers pay for every bit and byte they upload and download, so they shouldn't be able to use it as they please?
Some people ONLY have 3G connections where they live, no broadband available for example, so they might well be using P2P on their 3G connections!!!!
This comes down to the usual story of ISPs selling their unlimited packages, but then telling you, actually, please don't take unlimited literally, because we have MASSIVELY over sold out bandwidth
erm, am I the only one that got the sarcasm in MarkOne's post? NM
Just because there are more bugs reported for FF, doesn't mean it's the most insecure, surely the opposite applies. How many bugs remain in IE and other closed source browsers that don't have the huge team of people working on closing holes in FF??
SAD is as much an illness as ADHD is.
SAD = the kind of people that go off with "stress" and want any excuse for extra bank holidays to celebrate "britishness"
ADHD = the best excuse for bad parenting to date, keep then drugged up abd the parents don't have to look after them, sorted!
How many times is this going to happen?
1. Google agrees with countries data, privacy, police chiefs about what they want to do with Street View
2. Google does it's Street View thing
3. Street View goes live
4. Countries data, privacy and police chiefs all moan and tell Google how outrageous this is, who would possibly agree to such a thing.
This story would have been a non issue if the media had not blown it out of all proportion. DJs talking about it on the radio, without full facts, tons of mis-reporting over the past few days, etc etc.
The dam scanner may as well be hooked straight into the UKs Facebook profiles, each image being auto uploaded, tagged and set as your profile image.
That's how much it has been exaggerated, people obviously prefer terror attacks, bring on the bombs!
No, you are not the only one
Not just "only on O2", but "only" on any network, surely moves like these by phone manufacturers severely limit how many handsets they sell.
Or does the nice payout from O2 (or similar) balance things out??
Also, do all of these "exclusive" network deals have an end date? Like with the latest iPhone
I don't get you lot, if there is an article about Google getting bashed about their Street View service, most commentards normally stick up for the right to take photos in public etc etc.
But this issue, has got everyone riled up. I feel sorry for the company, the press basically distroyed them with completely false information, suggesting mobile numbers could just be looked up on their site, which is not the case at all.
This is only the same as BT's directory, you have to request to be made ex-directory on that, so why is the same service for mobiles a big issue.
If you don't want your number on their, then that's fine, but leave the service alone, it is going to be a serious missed opportunity if it does not recover. You just wait until that time when you really need a mobile number of someone, then you will feel like a tit for wishing the company under.
For these whining about being disturbed by their mobile, errrrr, what???? Put it on silent, turn it off, ignore the call. I don't see the issue with being phoned up at an inconvenient moment.
BT are unbelievable, they expect content providers to foot the bill for them overselling their service? If BT can't cope with people actually using their broadband, they should have less customers, or lower caps on their products, it's not the BBC's problem!
BT are too used to having customers who browser the web and check emails occasional. Now they are shitting themselves because there are services coming out that the average person can and will use, while still being within their fair usage etc.
So BT just wants a scape goat, I don't hear any other ISP moaning!