There was the time that I typo'd "DELETE FROM table WHERE id=1" as ..."WHERE id-1"
63 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Jun 2009
...but I wish people would stop referring to script-kiddies and black-hats as "hackers".
Hacker: A person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems and stretching their capabilities, as opposed to most users, who prefer to learn only the minimum necessary.
So you think you've suddenly thought of a problem that the climate scientists haven't? OK, fine, get it published in a scientific journal and wait for the Nobel committee to come knocking.
At this stage of the game, trying to pretend that CO2 *isn't* driving anthropogenic climate-change is pretty much on a par with creationism: you're denying that the evidence exists because you don't like the conclusions.
"recently a leading climatologist ( one could hardly say scientist) claimed that the laws of thermodynamics ( a part of science more completely proved than any other) must be wrong because it did not tie in with the AGW theory." In the immortal words of wikipedia... [citation needed]
From Wikipedia: "Science (from the Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge") is an enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the natural world."
These testable explanations and predictions are also known as *models*.
As it happens, I believe that French Connection have been told off a number of times for FCUK and derivatives. But "told off" is pretty much all the ASA can do, so French Connection pretty much get away with it.
On the wider subject, there's very little advertising I don't find annoying. Can I claim offence at Direct Line's ads because I'm sick of the sound of Stephen Fry's voice?
...is also an ideal setup for a dedicated distro-hopper.
My partition layout has swap first, then three partitions for the / (root) of three different distros (currently Mint, Arch, Debian sid), then a /home partition shared between all three, then a big f***-off data partition filling the rest of the drive.
...but at least you didn't try to claim Hitler was an atheist.
Stalin and Mao: atheists maybe*, but humanists? You need a new dictionary mate.
Humanism is a secular ideology which espouses reason, ethics, and justice. Stalin and Mao fit this how?
* in so much as they suppressed rivals to the official state "religion" -- the cult of personality based on themselves.
Daggersedge: did you actually bother to read my post before springing in with your "Aha! Gotcha!"?
I am very much in favour of free speech, and I am offended by your accusation that it's merely for appearance's sake. (But your freedom of speech is more important *to me* than any offence I might feel. If we were only to protect speech with which we agree, that's no freedom at all.)
I do not accept censorship. I accept *moderation* from the Reg because it's their site, their rules. The comparison between private entities and governments fails because *a government does not own its country*. If you refuse to understand this basic point then I see no point continuing the conversation.
Having said that, would you be happy if I came into your house and kept shouting in your face "Daggersedge believes in censorship! Nya nya nya!"? Or would you prefer to "censor" me? Your continued refrain is starting to sound like Dennis in Monty Python's Holy Grail: "Help, help! I'm being oppressed!"
You are quite wrong.
Freedom of speech means that the government aren't (or oughtn't be) allowed to tell me what I may or may not say within their jurisdiction. It does NOT mean that the owners of this site aren't allowed to tell me what I may or may not say *on this site*.
There is a difference between the public sphere (of the internet in general) and private property (individual web sites). If you don't like what you're allowed to say (or not say) on this forum, you're quite FREE to go and set up your own. You're even free to set up the rules so that no-one is allowed to post dissenting opinions on your site.
It's a bit more tricky for South Africans to go off and set up their own country...
Ironic that you can accuse people of having "holier-than-thou attitude with open source software" and "forcing everyone to install worlds of unwanted Mono programs". In my experience real FOSS evangelists want as little to do with Mono as possible.
So either (a) you're talking about two different sets of people and I've got confused.
(b) you're talking about one set of people and they're confused
(c) you're confused.
And now this post to confuse everyone even further. Hope that helps.
Responsible dog owners, for the most part, already chip their animals. Irresponsible owners (and with "aggressive dogs" it's almost always the owner that's at fault, not the dog) will ignore any legal requirement. Just like they do with car insurance.
This government really isn't very good at joined-up thinking is it?
...but freedom of speech (in the USA's constitutional guarantee) only means that the government may not restrict your speech. It doesn't mean that corporations may not.
For instance, a cinema would be perfectly at liberty to have you removed from the building if you kept yelling "fire".
But like I say, it's only a nitpick.
By any reasonable definition, our last common ancestor would be classified as an ape. Modern cladistics don't you know. "Apes" is a group consisting of gibbons, chimpanzees, gorillas, humans and orangutans, and everything descended from the last common ancestor of all of them.
Humans *are* apes, and primates, and eutherian mammals, and tetrapods, and vertebrates, and animals, and metazoa, and eukaryotes.
Painting with a very broad brush aren't we? A lot of people are vegetarian for all sorts of reasons. Please don't associate us all with the ALF loonies.
Other than that your dismissal of anti-arms-trade protestors as "noisy morons" just sounds like you're yet another wannabe-authoritarian: "sit down, shut up, obey the police, it's for your own good." You'd have been on the side of the cavalry at Peterloo.