Marvel vs Capcom?
In fact how about any playable characters in the favourite games of the past misspent youth? Duke Nukem vs Lara Croft? "Shake it baby..."
13 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Jun 2009
Unless you get funky with the camera angles, which will involve seeing less of the court and the game, as AC 15:56 said you need to be behind the baseline or along the edge (as the crowd are). I dont see the point in this apart from a gimmick. Otherwise there are going to be PLENTY of sweeping camera shots past the players and the net etc and they will be putting the ball replays of was it or wasnt it in, shots in 3D. Rubbish...
Why would Offcom formally put out the figures and make them official when they could just be taking back handers off of the lower3Grated mobile operators to NOT publish the data and give hard evidence for the poor schmo who cant get 3G data so they can cancel their contract?
The lower3Grated mobile operators would rather someone blindly buys their contract instead of being informed enough to make the best decision.
Conspiracy Theories FTW.
I used to manage an independant PC Repair/Sales shop and we had a "Wall of Fame" for things like this. I wish I had taken digital copies of the photos now. The worst one I had would rival and probably beat all of these. A bloke brought his PC in, he was raspy and had trouble breathing, I found out to smoking problems. When I opened up the pc the smell was pure horrible, old tobacco and dog. Apparently his couple of dogs liked lying next to the PC whilst cos it was warm.... honestly inch thick hair congealed and fused with sticky tobacco smoke... I almost threw up - should have done it in the case, made it look prettier.