* Posts by Chris 21

2 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Jun 2009

Hackintosher aims 'blazin' guns' at Apple

Chris 21

Camara & Sibley?

The same Camara & Sibley who did such a sterling job in the second Thomas-Rasset trial? Sure. Lotsa luck Psystar.

Economists say P2P file-sharing fuels art

Chris 21


'Similarly, a fraction of consumer electronics purchases and internet-related expenditures are due to file sharing.'

And yet when artists ask for a piece of the iPod pie or broadband tortilla (or the Google-Advertising-Revenue-Tiramisu) they get spat on. Still, as long as someone's making money, eh?

'For instance, as music becomes effectively available for free, the price of concerts, a complement to music, is likely to rise'

This one has always confused me - if more artists have to give live shows to make money, if the supply goes up, wouldn't the price go down?