The idea of banning the use of mobile phones in car is two-fold:
to try to get the idiots who use their phones non-handsfree to use what remains of their braincells on concentrating on the road, their car and other road users, and
to make it easier to keep control of the car.
Picture, for example, while you are quietly peddaling your nice Saracen or Trek bike down the road, some pillock (possibly called Wayne or Becky) is yapping away on his/her latest bit of technology bling, when said driver suddenly spots you and on-coming traffic. Git driver needs to slow down, change gear and steer round cyclist. But, oh, what to do with only one free hand and expensive gadget to keep safe? No time to evolve into a three-armed creature, no time to slip phone down carefully so as not to scratch the shiney touch screen. No problem, give the right pedal some welly speed past, through an ever-narrowing gap between obstacles. Sorted.
Except not. 1 broken arm, 1 broken leg and a bent bike later, the Police show driver up as an idiot who shouldn't be in control of his/her own breathing, let alone a powerful car.
Wise up, people, it's fecking dangerous!
As of 2008 (I think) animals must be securely restrained in cars, so the pet stoat is a no-no.
Likewise, my mates in the Police are now prosecuting people who drive while consuming their happy meals or tall,skinny lattes.
Drivers (and yes I also drive) need to realise the consequences of their actions and accept the punishment if they break the law.