Competing vendor...
... labels competing product as crap.
Well colour me shocked - a company that chooses to claim its competitors have crap products and theirs aren't. I would have expected nothing less.
However, instead of taking the time to extol the virtues of their own products, they choose instead to dismiss Storage Spaces as nothing more than a frivolity - when Microsoft have not stated that it is even going to be released as an enterprise feature, and hence not even a truly competing product.
The issue i see here is that Nexenta is threatened by this - and probably for good reason, Microsoft has made an immense amount of money catering to the 95% of consumers, businesses and enterprises that their software works for - I can easily see an upscale version of Storage Spaces becoming commonplace in a few years in business environments that don't need the resilience of a full scale ZFS setup, but want something more manageable than a boatload of separate drives.