* Posts by Chris Williams 1

4 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Jun 2009

Linus Torvalds outs himself as US citizen

Chris Williams 1

Best of luck

For crying out loud, Mr Torvalds has been living in the United States and it is only natural that he should want to become a naturalised citizen.

Personally, I wish him every success.

How a Tory gov will be the most tech-savvy in history

Chris Williams 1
Dead Vulture

Surely not the place...

... for such guff-wind? This reads like a first-year assignment, perhaps suited to a Daily Mail audience happy with soundbites and opinions to hang its collective hat on, but The Register?

I don't know whether to feel insulted or amused! I would be pleased to read this cock fluff on El Reg if it was alluded to, pointed out or even copied verbatim from a non-techie site, perhaps revealing to us what sort of cack is being foisted upon an ignorant public, but if we are actually the original intended audience... gawd elp us.

Wrists playing up? You're shagging too much

Chris Williams 1
IT Angle

Pedantry on Beast With Two Backs

When face-to-face, a la missionary position, the resulting bodily mass actually has two backs to the blurry-eyed observer, his and hers; respective fronts are hidden on account of being pressed against one-another.

Far be it for me to think I can go any better than William Shakespeare, but how about "Beast With Four Buttocks"?

I can only imagine the IT angle to be that women naturally find us geeks irresistable, which is why when we're not slaving over a hot keyboard, we're to be found slavering over (or under) a hot female; never (as common folklore suggests) testing our carpal tunnels with repetitive mouse gestures and PS3 button-pushing, and certainly never relieving the same with copious amounts of alcohol.

January's Windows 7 hole still open

Chris Williams 1

Very Handy!

So now there's a UACC: User Account Control Control.

That will come in handy!