* Posts by scrubber

916 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Jun 2009


In farewell speech, Biden rails against the tech industrial complex, disinfo dismantling democracy


Worked it well for Kennedy

I don't think you understand the hierarchy of power.

Brits must prove their age on adult sites by July, says watchdog

Big Brother

Back to the High Seas

Whatever happened to parents?

It's true, social media moderators do go after conservatives


Musk Ambition

Musk claimed to be for free speech as far as the law allows and misinformation happens to be protected speech under the US 1st Amendment.

If you want to disagree with how the algorithm promotes such speech then I might be more on your side.

Feds urge 3D printing industry to end DIY machine guns


Re: The unthinkable option...

Constitutional Originalism would not only allow machine guns (e.g. Puckle Guns, Kalthoff Repeater and derivatives) but also people to own cannons and warships (see Privateers).



Re: Handgun?

The armed and dangerous can become unarmed very quickly.

Prior UK government planned £485M four-year budget for Palantir-based healthcare system



People keep claiming the NHS is underfunded, it isn't, it's just that the money is completely misspent on vanity projects, outside rip-off merchants and middle management bureaucracy.

UK Electoral Commission slapped for basic cybersecurity fails


40 million voters

The UK has never had 40 million voters. 40 million eligible voters, maybe, but very few people actually vote - for very good reasons.

US House approves FISA renewal – warrantless surveillance and all


Deep State Trumps All

Dems: Donald Trump is a wannabe dictator and a threat to democracy. We must use every tool to stop him getting elected or it's the end of the United States as we know it.

Meanwhile... Let's pass a spying law that is the wet dream of totalitarian dictators throughout history.

European Court of Human Rights declares backdoored encryption is illegal

Big Brother

A Rolling With The Get Out Clause

"... cannot be regarded as necessary in a democratic society."

So they're going to go after democratic society.

It's true, LLMs are better than people – at creating convincing misinformation


Better than humans

But are they better than governments or the CIA?

UK immigration rules hit science just as it rejoins €100B Horizon program


Wrong people complaining

Pay them more!

King Charles III signs off on UK Online Safety Act, with unenforceable spying clause


Re: Safe

"stop the proles from choking to death"

Unless you pay us £12.50 in which case you can choke as many as you like.

First Brexit, now X-it: Musk 'considering' pulling platform from EU over probe


Who watches the watchers

Misinformation? Like all the MSM screaming about Israel bombing a hospital?

Oh, not actual misinformation, just opinions the elites don't like. Got it.

CIA exposed to potential intelligence interception due to X's URL bug


Exploring Cigars and Inside Jobs

Genuinely struggling to see how a hostile nation could use any information in a way that creates a larger net negative for humanity than the what the CIA would do with it.

Apple pushes first-ever 'rapid' patch – and rapidly screws up



If you're forcing people to take something maybe, just maybe, test it to ensure it has virtually no negative side effects and if it does let people know so they can choose whether to risk those side effects or not.

As to iPhone updates...

Florida folks dragged out of bed by false emergency texts


Not An Activation Signal

I look forward to being told there is a flood in my area, hastily followed up with another alert reminding me the hosepipe ban is still in effect.

UK consortium bid for NHS data platform falls at first hurdle


Bang Those Pots

Palantir. Palantir? Where have I not been allowed to hear that name again?

Guy accused of wrecking crypto exchange now hauled into court


DAO are Code

What did he do wrong?

If you write stupid code and people exploit it who's at fault really? AI ain't gonna care about this so future automated trading systems gonna wreck oversights like this in milliseconds.

UK spy agency violated Snooper's Charter with 'unlawful' data retention


The Great Reset

All government discussions and actions should be made available to the public who apy for them. All owners of companies (shareholders) should be jointly and severally liable for any damages and debts the company has.

This would make for a more equitable world with less growth but more accountability and less harm to people.

ChatGPT has mastered the confidence trick, and that's a terrible look for AI


Re: Coding for morality?

"most coders have some basic moral code"

BofH wants a word...


Re: I asked it what War and Peace was about.

"I took a speed dating course and found my perfect woman in 20 minutes. It was my daughter." --- also Woody Allen


Re: A sttrange article in which to find this essential general truth..

And yet the rational part are now on the cusp of nuclear war with Russia and the adult bookstore need conference turned out to be not only true but genuinely newsworthy.

As always though, the cover up is actually worse than the original crime.

Doctors call for greater scrutiny of bidders for platform that pools UK's health info


Negative health outcomes

The inability to know what happens to anything you tell your health provider inevitably means they have limited or wrong knowledge about you which leads to sub optimal treatments and diagnoses. The people in charge either don't know this or don't care.

Swiss bankers warn: Three quarters of retail Bitcoin investors are in the red



"understand why retail investors continue to participate in cryptocurrency exchanges"

A darn good question as the main benefit of cryptocurrency is not going through kyc and enabling other people to know or control what you want to own.

NHS tech chief dismisses concerns over loss of statutory power to protect patient data


Medical misinformation

When I now see my GP I have to respond to every question with "is that medically relevant to the issue I came in with?" That is not good for our relationship, trust between GP and patient, my treatment, or my willingness to support the NHS. Sub optional outcomes and more strain on the NHS are inevitable.

Teardown shows Apple iPhone 14 Pro is not pro-repair


Buy New, Buy Often

Or just rent it. Own nothing and be happy.

Janet Jackson music video declared a cybersecurity exploit


Re: Unbelievable

Current computer parts may not have moving parts but that doesn't mean you can't have a well crafted program to generate frequencies that affect interior operations, e.g. getting something to clock at around 2.4GHz might be able to block and/or mimic a Bluetooth device.

Now-frozen crypto-lending biz Celsius accused of devolving into a Ponzi scheme


Interesting Model

So they lost if the market rose and lost if the market fell?

Crypto market crashes on Celsius freeze, inflation news


Re: Inflation hedge

Are you Gavin Turk?



Inflation hedge

Some Cryptos are conceptually inflation hedges due to fixed supply. If people are leveraging their real world wealth to fund their crypto speculation then obviously any real world problems or crypto falls will lead to a disproportionate sell off in leveraged assets to cover margins etc.

As for Celsius, well, there is some form there from previous associations that investors should have looked at before handing over control of their assets.

Australian digital driving licenses can be defaced in minutes


Re: Stop Using Phones for This

Most people have faceID enabled (please don't do that!) so as soon as you hand over your device the office can claim he had to check some details, seeing camera towards you and it is unlocked. Even without this they can take it to their car and plug it in to make a backup and hack it at their convenience later.


Stop Using Phones for This

Anyone handing over an unlocked phone to a stranger is crazy, anyone handing over an unlocked phone to law enforcement is a Person of Interest.

Safari is crippling the mobile market, and we never even noticed


New Browser, New Rules

Maybe a different browser would allow you to set global cookie rules that websites would accept with no user interaction?

Meta to squeeze money from WhatsApp with Cloud API for businesses


Make money?

They already have the network of mobile number connections, that's what they paid the money for. Anything else is gravy.

How ICE became a $2.8b domestic surveillance agency


Just the beginning

Wait until you hear what the new Congressional Police get up to. Oh wait. You can't. They are not subject to any oversight and are not covered by FOIA requests.

Meetings in the metaverse: Are your Mikes on?


Missing the larger point

As cute as this scenario is, wait until "Mike" is permanently banned from your meeting as well as the whole metaverse because he posted something on facebook that while factually correct is currently politically verboten. Then when it comes time to pay his salary the banks have kicked him off their platform too, assuming there isn't already a CBDC for the government to directly control. Mike has to be let go as he can't attend meetings, view online docs, or be paid. When he tries to get another, more menial, job, MS won't let him use linkedin because of something he said about a virus possibly coming from a lab. This is our real future.

Coca-Cola probes pro-Kremlin gang's claims of 161GB data theft



"Russian government's illegal invasion of Ukraine"

They ain't broken no laws the US has signed up to.

Heresy: Hare programming language an alternative to C


Only fools

He who Hares Rodney, he who Hares.

Your AI can't tell you it's lying if it thinks it's telling the truth. That's a problem


This statement is a lie.

Good luck getting a computer to understand that one.


Sniff Test

AIs are as reliable as dogs. We think we know what they're up to, but we can't tell exactly what parts of the training are being picked up on, e.g. it has been shown that drug dogs react to almost imperceptible cues from their handler rather than the scent of drugs or money.

To trust our money, our freedoms and even our very lives to systems you cannot reliably interrogate or understand is madness.

Elon Musk's Twitter mega-takeover likely imminent


Musk Social

Might sign up. Just to see how many people call him a pee dough after what he said to that british cave guy in Thailand.

Google Docs' AI-powered inclusive writing auto-correct now under fire


IBM Ethics?

Weren't they a key supplier to a certain Boss uniformed group of Germans in the 1930's?

UK spy agencies sharing bulk personal data with foreign allies was legal, says court


Only humans can breach privacy?

"...as BPDs are searched electronically there was inevitably significantly less intrusion into individuals' privacy, as any data which has not produced a 'hit' will not be viewed by the human operator..."

That's not how it works. Spying on people is still spying on people. Either LEOs can go through what is stored later, or repeatedly, or knowledge of it inevitably changes the spied upon's actions.

Scientists repurpose hoverfly vision to detect drones by sound


Use Cases

My mind immediately went to checking whether there is a government drone nearby recording your conversation rather than securing airports or finding drones with explosives.

It would appear I think the government are more dangerous than the terrorists.

The time you solved that months-long problem in 3 seconds


Re: Fuck that

I agree with your sentiment, but there are worse ways to waste some time than a fully expensed week in Venezuela.

China's top tech city Shenzhen locks down completely for at least a week


Re: 5 Year Review


"How about we prosecute non-mask wearers"

Show me the evidence that masks work in the real world.

"anti-vax activists"

Ask your doctor if this vaccine is right for you.

"COVID deniers"

I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend until death your right to say it.

"lockdown breakers"

Show me the evidence that lockdowns have a net benefit and you may have a point. But we need to wait 5 years to see the actual result and that was the point of my post.

"Lockdowns and WfH kept my partner safe."

WFH kept your partner safe, other people being locked down did not.

"explain how it was all a hoax"

Methinks you are putting words in my mouth.


5 Year Review

All these countries lauded as performing brilliantly with Covid (civil liberties aside) cannot be judged until the pandemic has gone through its whole life cycle and the impact of public health measures can be felt (missed medical appointments, childhood development, mental health issues, excess deaths and years of life lost etc.) and that is not possible until around 2025. I have my suspicions, but will wait until the dust has settled before asking for prison time for Ferguson, Ardern, Cuomo, Whitty et al.

Internet backbone Cogent cuts Russia connectivity


Re: Conspiracies not all wrong?

@veti "What restrictions is "the west" putting on free speech?"

This wasn't about RT - although I think that was a silly decision - it was about the following:

The United States security services have declared that mal-, mis-, and dis-information are all potentially terrorist activities. The Surgeon General has asked social media companies to send him a list of people making medical claims that do not fit the current narrative for purposes yet to be determined.

The UK has banned unapproved protests. The Online Safety Bill will prevent people from saying "legal but harmful" things online.

I'm sure there are plenty of other things in the offing, but isn't it funny that these are being pushed while everyone is distracted? I half expect them to come after our medical data again.


Conspiracies not all wrong?

The use of this conflict to restrict free speech, free press, protest etc. makes it look like opportunism by the west.

The ability to take people out of the financial system for 'reasons' means that they can now do that to the rest of us suggests more than opportunism. But that would just be a crazy conspiracy, right? Like vaccine mandates, government shutdown of scientific debate, vaccine passports, limits on travel, shutting down bank accounts, covid camps, two tiered society, medical apartheid, bans from social media for mentioning lab leak etc. etc.

The zero-password future can't come soon enough


Business Opportunity

Hi, is that Lasik? Yes, my computer got hacked. Again.
