Dublin Bus
The ones for Dublin bus remind me of this http://xkcd.com/612/
61 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Jun 2009
They've had this for a while now in Dublin and it appears to be going quite well. I was convinced all the bikes would end up either in the river or still attached to the docking bay with all their tyres slashed. Strangely this hasn't happened. The bikes are also constantly moved to different stations depending on need so stations are never usually full or empty. You do however see people who haven't been on a bike since the Chopper was in vogue wobbling through rush hour traffic. Try that in London and I'm sure you won't get too far.
because they're all complaining. Once people are resigned to it then they will start to gauge responses.
"Passengers must not be selected on the basis of personal characteristics"
(i.e. on a basis that may constitute discrimination such as gender, age, race or ethnic origin)."*cut*
detailed protocols which are not published because,
we are told, they contain security sensitive information which includes selection criteria on those chosen for scanning*paste*
(i.e. on a basis that may constitute discrimination such as gender, age, race or ethnic origin)."
We can Henrys hand come out of the screen and slap us in the face. Ok it was two weeks ago, I'm over it and I swear I'm not bitter. Now if the FAI would just shut up we might be able to move on we some dignity intact.
Sony are releasing 3D-enabled Blu-ray players for the World Cup that's pretty cool but I think I'll wait for the 3D-enabled Blu-ray beach volleyball players myself.
Would this be the same Moderatrix who is the epitome of style and sophistication, whose beauty and grace is matched only by her incisive wit, enviable intelligence and saintly patience, the ray of sunlight that occasionally shines through the dull and dreary comments section? I say this because it's true and needs to be said and not because I want put some camel balls in my mouth.