UnGodwin's Law?
Seems we started with hitler and diverged from there, the inverse of Godwin's Law
65 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Jun 2009
Wouldn't you be bombarded from every direction by wifi just walking to your local chippy?
Then you'd have cellular frequencies (and power) on top of that.
Adding a church into the mix can't make a huge difference can it?
(Actually even in the countryside there are lots of signals)
Most banks charge small business quite a bit to "handle cash"
Also the poor shop keeper has to make sure he doesn't get robbed of it either in the shop or on the way to the bank.
The charges made by credit card companies are excessive too. however debit cards do not get charged in the same way. Businesses pay a flat fee or a few 10's of pence for Debit Cards.
That's cheap when you consider the aggro accepting cash entails.
e-wallets etc should be no different.
It folds in half with a screen on the top bit and a keyboard with exactly the same keys as all the others on it!
What shall I do? will Dell, Lenevo and all the others please change the design!
I know, put the keyboard on the back of the screen? Or on the top bit with the screen underneath!
Firstly, to everyone who said "the only thing I watch on BBC is F1" you are lying, so stop it, be honest, add Top Gear & QI, come clean!
Secondly, Mr Ecclestone, is mistaken. Sky only have 10m subscribers and I am 100% sure they won't all watch F1. So BBC and Mr Eccelstone, you are sadly mistaken, viewing figures will fall.
Thirdly, to any BBC managers reading (enjoy your job while you can) you are making a mistake, if you think you aren't then sadly you should resign, because you are clearly in the wrong job!
I work in Paris (the one in France) and pretty much the whole Metro network and RER network have mobile phone access in the stations and in most of the tunnels.
I don't think the French authorities see it as a security risk. I have no idea who paid for it, but I imagine that the mobile companies make a tidy bob or two.
that the "seller" missed a trick here.
He could easily have got a £300 quid lappy from a supermarket and legitimately sold it for 600+ and earned a nice little profit.
Then told his "buyer" to recommend him to his other equally dim friends.
All legal and above board and very profitable!
Why has no newspaper or Which? or the Beeb, or El Reg or someone not actually got hold of one and tested it under laboratory conditions?
Surely that would prove it once and for all?
I went into a couple of phone shops on Saturday to try it out and no matter how I held it it just would not play ball. This was unfortunate as I was trying to convince my wife that she really would be better of without one.
Best Regards