* Posts by Matthew 25

286 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Jun 2009


Countries where Facebook is not, yet, king

Matthew 25

How I wish

That the UK was red on this map.

India backs off RIM, starts on local operators

Matthew 25

Why not

Why not provide the govt with the encrypted emails - still encrypted. It won't do them any good but at least you have provided what was requested.

Rhapsody bristles at Apple subscription grab

Matthew 25

Tiered pricing

Why not sell price stuff sold through apple at 30% more than if sold through other channels. Fanbois are used to paying the Apple tax.

Who are the biggest electric car liars - the BBC, or Tesla Motors?

Matthew 25

FCX Clarity anyone?

"So the only option for long distance and electric comuting is the Plug-in-Hybrid, but where can I buy one? - Oh I can't. (both the Prius and Ampera due for 2012)"

No. Hydrogen fuel cell cars like the FCX Clarity are EVs that you can just fill up when they run out of juice.


Rogue TV satellite brought to heel after auto reboot

Matthew 25


" but in April this year "

Either you are prescient or just a little behind the times.

Mass mind control artist condemns El Reg to obscurity

Matthew 25

@Andy Long 1

Yes but there are millions of them and they all want Sarah Palin to be president. It's scary.

Horror AVG update ballsup bricks Windows 7

Matthew 25

Desktop Windows 7

"Desktop versions of Windows 7 seem particularly prone to the bug."

Aren't all versions of Windows 7 for the desktop then?

iOS upgrade cocks up iPad USB connections

Matthew 25


have one. never going to get one. just keep laughing at the fanbois defending the indefencibe because its his mighty Steveness. </giggle>

Incendiary MacBook blamed in house conflag inferno suit

Matthew 25

@Juan Inamillion

The point is that when these companies realized there was a significant problem they issued a recall. Where is Apples recall? With so many posts on their own website you would have thought they would realize there was a problem and act to mitigate.

USA to bin colour-code terror warning system - report

Matthew 25

Shades of grey

I have a new system for them which should muddy things up no problem.

Critical: Light gray

Severe: Not as light as light gray but darker than mid gray

High: Mid gray

Possible: Darker than mid gray but not as dark as dark gray.

Low: Dark gray

Most coders have sleep problems, need 'hygiene and care'

Matthew 25


Actually it read correctly before you added the commas.

P.S. if you are writing a list the word before and shouldn't have a comma after it.

Steve Jobs no longer Eggman as Beatles hits iTunes

Matthew 25


How do you download a Box Set?

Man cracks open floppy disk, inserts USB Flash drive

Matthew 25

What would be cool is

if he bodged the innards of a SSD into a floppy case.....then bodged the floppy drive to act as a socket. eSATA or something like that.

Google accused of hard-coding own links in search

Matthew 25
Gates Halo

WTF indeed

You seem to have missed the point. Yes, its nice to get a stock quote, but should it be a Google stock quote or a stock quote from someone who trades in stocks and shares. This could from a user point of view be more useful i.e. you see the quote - you click - you buy. From Google's point of view, they want you to use their quote, their maps etc just as Microsoft want you to use IE.

On a completely separate note, how would Netscape, Opera et al have felt if MS just said OK Windows has no browser. How would you download their browser to install it?

Apple to buy Sony? Good one!

Matthew 25
Jobs Horns

Er... Really?

"but then again Jobs thinks little of patents"

Except when he owns them, then its a different matter.

Will the cloud mean joblessness for you?

Matthew 25
Jobs Horns


I'm Jobs less already.

Yahoo! preps (cellular) video chat for iPhone, Android

Matthew 25

I remember ...

... way back when 3G came out, that video calling was meant to be the killer app. So much so that loads of handsets had a camera on the front to facilitate it.

Now Apple have discovered this new thing that no one ever thought of before where you can see, through the magic of Job and his Judas Phone, the person you are talking to. Wow! sounds like a band wagon we can all jump on. Must rush a product to market ASAFP.

MySQL price hikes reveal depth of Oracle's wallet love

Matthew 25

So it will happen soon then

"We're being told that there will be changes to MySQL's pricing and possibly pricing model SOON and wanted to let you know. We have not had a price increase for over 6 years but there will be an increase in the next price list that will be available SOON. We've been expecting the increase for the past couple of months but I'm told it the new price list will be released SOON."

EU sues UK.gov over Phorm trials

Matthew 25

Yeah but

The trial isn't about BT/Phorm doing testing. Its about there being no UK law to stop them. The law is written and voted on by parliament. The fact there is no UK law is illegal under European law, so the EU is taking UK.gov to court. Even though what BT have done with the trials of Phorm is morally wrong they have broken no law (allegedly), so they aren't on trial or liable for any fine.

Once again our elected representatives have let us down by:

1, Getting the thing wrong in the first place

2, Not fixing it over a year ago when the EU first threatened to take them to court over there being no law.

If they had then it would be BT/Phorm in the dock now, not UK.gov.


Oz pedestrians fall to 'Death by iPod'

Matthew 25

What about...

the flashing lights? Aren't they a bit of a give away?

Government goes after outsourced staff T&Cs

Matthew 25

Think about it

How would you feel if the person in the cubicle next to you was doing the same job for for more money and fewer hours, more holidays and a final salary pension you couldn't hope to match? I imagine you'd be a bit miffed...I would.

Apple antenna guru 'warned Steve Jobs' over Judas Phone

Matthew 25


So, you walk away backwards? I'd rather do a 180 it makes you look less odd.

Apple swaps good iPhones for bad, say fanbois

Matthew 25

No But...

... we did get kicked out of eden for having one!

Apple sues three more over power adapter 'knock-offs'

Matthew 25

No they didn't

It still says oringinal.

Inevitable Mac OS X 10.6.4 update problems surface

Matthew 25


It just works?

Website shares user credit cards with world+dog

Matthew 25


Surely this is a fubar not a snafu since they didn't go wrong before.

Tories ask: Why BBC3, BBC4?

Matthew 25
Thumb Down

Digital only...

"Both channels broadcast only in the evenings, and only on digital."

For a growing number of people digital is all there is. Don't worry, I'm sure the switchover will happen for you one day :)

ISPs slam Digital Economy Bill's multi-million pound price tag

Matthew 25


Good post. I agree with all of what you said. I am sure there are plenty of nu-lab ministers looking to be directors of record companies in a years time.

BTW. Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas Is You" is probably more cheesy than it is possible to imagine... Sorry.

Extortionist targets jailbroken iPhones

Matthew 25
Jobs Horns

@James Robertson 2

Actually James, if apple hadn't been so awkward in locking down the phone in the first place, people wouldn't enable SSH to unlock it. There would be no hole to exploit.

Apple blueprints the iShoe

Matthew 25

jeez these are so obvious

I thought they would have patents for these already. Like they do for tearms i**** and the word 'pod'. C'mon Steve get the whips out, your guys are slipping.

Dell refunds PC user for rejecting Windows

Matthew 25
Thumb Up

Well done !

Well done Graham. Personally I like Windows, but if you don't want to use it you should get a refund. Well done to Dell too for doleing out the dosh... even if it did take you a while.

Liquid electrocar batteries could be replaced at pumps

Matthew 25

How about Hydrogen fuel cells?

Fill tank with hydrogen....Drive 250 miles emitting nothing but water....Pull in and fill up again.

Sounds like current motoring but without the emissions. Honda already do this see http://automobiles.honda.com/fcx-clarity/

Nvidia halts future Intel chipset development

Matthew 25


This is a real shame for all future laptop users. As stated in the article the nVidia chipsets had much beter built in graphics capabilty, to be honest the Intel ones aren't up to much. Since built in graphics is about all you can expect in a laptop, what with the space premium an'all, this means that laptop performance will be further degraded w.r.t. desktop equivilants in processor, RAM, disc etc...

Plus, not allowing others to utilise the full potential of your chip seems to be anti-competitive to me. More so than IE being packaged with Windows, at least then you could choose to download and install a different browser.

On the bright side, this gives AMD a huge advantage with laptop gamers... 8-)

CSI boffins: You can't ID crims from bitemarks on victims

Matthew 25

@ Steve Roper

I think I would enjoy biting down on a plastic-coated rubber rod a whole lot more than biting down on skin removed from dead people. Wouldn't you?

BMW's X6 turns eco

Matthew 25


Was going to comment on how ugly it is. Seems I was beaten to it. Wouldn't want a beemer anyway - they're so common.

Intel tears up CPU branding scheme

Matthew 25
Paris Hilton

What About...???

What about when they bring out stuff thats better than Core i7? Does that get 6 stars?
