* Posts by Matthew 25

285 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Jun 2009


RIM reports more losses, lower sales, lots of cash

Matthew 25

"although no devices are due to ship until the first calendar year of 2013."

How many calendar years are there in 2013?

Analogue TV snuffs it tonight on UK mainland

Matthew 25

Re: Just saying like.

Apart from the headline.

UK electric car funding - another subsidy for the rich say MPs

Matthew 25

Re: Charging

"Surely safer to put down inductive charging loops next time the roads are resurfaced." - but very wasteful.

Matthew 25

Government Committee discovers bloody obvious

Poor people aren't paying £30000 for a small, poorly equipped car which can only do 100 miles before you need to recharge it for 4 hours. Well fancy that!

Mine is the one with a hydrogen fuel cell in the pocket.

EE screams UK iPhone 4G exclusive, rest of pack sobs quietly

Matthew 25

Re: Sorry for the dumb question...

Everything in 16 cities

HTC's 4G patent beef could get iPhone 5 BANNED in US

Matthew 25

Re: Like & Dislike -Apple looses

I read this differently. 85% are anti bullshit. Some of this 85% probably like and own Apple products, but all of them don't like the way Apple have been erm... aggressively litigious, and are now thinking 'What goes around comes around'. 15% don't believe Apple can do any wrong.

Matthew 25

Re: htc patent crapple

Or a sentence.

Matthew 25

Re: What passes for reporting around here?

The appear to be two problems

1) The definition of FRAND. - The price one company considers fair and non discriminatory for licensing it's patents is not the price some other company considers fair and non discriminatory to licence them.

2) The companies involved often seem to act like spoiled children.

I don't have an answer to these problems, but should suggest banning the products (all products) of both companies (in all cases of patent dispute) until they come to an agreement, or litigation bears a result. Oh, and no damages to be awarded - just whether the alleged infringing product can go back on sale.

I'm sure their irreconcilable differences would suddenly be reconciled.

Listen up, Nokia: Get Lumia show-offs in pubs or it's game over

Matthew 25

Re: Additional functionality..

What!? You want to make calls on it!??

Tablets keep UK IT's head above water

Matthew 25

One of the problems here is that 5,6 & 7 year old kit is still pretty good at most of the things most people want to do: Web, Word processing, Spread sheets, Email

Yes, you may need the latest and greatest to run your dev environment, but that's not most folks. They have no 'need' to upgrade so they don't. Simples

'Google's crap for business' - CIOs give ad giant dose of reality

Matthew 25



UK: 'We're legally bound to arrest Mr Assange'

Matthew 25

@Graham Marsden - Re: @Ian Michael Gumby - @Graham Marsden Oh for fecks sake

"FFS can you not understand that he has *NOT* yet even been charged with rape let alone *CONVICTED* of it?"

Can you not understand he has to go to Sweden before he can be charged. Thats why they want him.

Cook's 'values' memo shows Apple has lost its soul

Matthew 25

Re: Oh come on ...

Steve Jobs once said that he wanted to kill Android. That is what this lawsuit is about. Starting with Samsung, Apple want to remove competing products from the market. Phase one - "Project curvy corners" - complete. Next?

Matthew 25

Re: A friend of mine works for Samsung

@ Paul 135

"Most of the innovation is really done by the SoC provider"

Agreed. The kicker is in the case of the iPhone that is Samsung :P

Facebook sued by Chinese firm over Timeline

Matthew 25

Re: Fuk Yu

It may be a timeline, but is it a "Timeline" (tm)?

Boffins create 100,000 DPI image

Matthew 25

Strangely enough the resolution is 100,000 DPI. Just like it says in the title

Microsoft: It's not Metro, it's Windows 8

Matthew 25

Re: Windows Pista?

You missed the k and the e off the end of that.

Matthew 25

Re: So "Metro" is taken...

Or "Tube" ?

Matthew 25

Re: Making a version number part of the name...

Yes. And talking to you.

Apple and Google go head-to-head over Kodak patent sale

Matthew 25

Re: Have I Fixed It?

Intellectual Vultures Management.

Isn't that the company that runs The Reg(r)

Microsoft tightens grip on OEM Windows 8 licensing

Matthew 25

Re: Well you are overlooking something

That's not strictly true. Big companies have enough purchasing power to tell the OEM not to install / charge for an OS at all.

Lords call for the end of TV transmissions

Matthew 25

Re: I'll be damned...

Eh? You talk about multicast and then use this as justification for getting rid of scheduled TV in favour of on-demand. Surly with on-demand the point is I want it when I want it, not when your multicast started. Oh, and I may want to pause it in the middle. That means I need my own stream and my own server process to stream it, doesn't it?

Windows worm slips into iOS App Store, climbs into hipsters' pockets

Matthew 25


Not a good business attitude. People would not use your file/mail/web service if they continually got malware from it.

Apple wins EU-wide Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 ban

Matthew 25

Re: wtf?

Not only is it a different size, its a different shape too.

Gov must act on 'innocent' web-browsing copyright timebomb

Matthew 25

Makes us all Pirates!

Hey, you just pirated my post.

Giant super-laser passes 500 TRILLION watts

Matthew 25


Surely a Laser is a very small boat.

RIM: Maybe we can't flog BlackBerrys, but would you like a jet?

Matthew 25

Re: Before you buy

No this is BlackBerry Jet 2.0 (tm) and can fly fine on its own

Dying Kodak doesn't have to leave its jewels to Apple, says court

Matthew 25

According to the Patent Office the patent belongs to Kodak. Apple are claiming they developed the idea with Kodak but Kodak then went and patented it, so, if Kodak is to be no more then the patent should be ceded to Apple.

Matthew 25

Re: Waste

They already did that. They paid ProView again for iPad, from their point of view.

Apple lobs pocket change to Proview, ending Chinese IPAD name row

Matthew 25


I think I'm suffering from Apple fatigue. Read iterations as i-terations and thought they must have a new product, until my brain kicked in.

Apple silences mute kids' speech app in patent blowup

Matthew 25

Re: "We have pressed Apple for a comment, but have as yet received no reply."

No. This should be "We have pressed Apple for a comment, but it turned into cider" - well after a little fermentation.

Matthew 25

Re: Worrying

Apple are just covering their ass. If the litigation is successful they don't want to be sued for distributing the App(tm).

It's a real shame that there is no exclusion from patent for things which so dramatically enhance peoples' quality of life. You'll never get that because the Pharmaceutical companies (and others) can afford to out lobby you.

That new 'Microsoft GCSE': We reveal what's in it

Matthew 25

Re: What's in a name?

So what if kids learn VB or C#. The important bit is learning the thought processes and analysis that go into creating a program, be that in Java, C++, Python, Ruby, Objective C or even Object Pascal (or Delphi) Implementation is secondary to good design.

Apple's Retina Macs: A little too elite?

Matthew 25

Re: I suspect Apple know what they are doing...

That's fine but it needs AC power.

CERN confirms neutrinos don't break light speed

Matthew 25

Re: Try that with mythology (aka Religion)

How can you be Devoutly Agnostic?

That's like saying "I strongly believe that I have no beliefs"

Windows 8: Not even Microsoft thinks businesses will use it

Matthew 25

Re: When does thing launch again?

"has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?"

Speak English!

PC-makers hope for Windows 8 hero to sweep up sales

Matthew 25

Re: Metro Is A Sack Of Shit

"making GNOME 3 look like the best DT environment ever." In your opinion. I much prefer lxde, xfce, kde4 or even Windows XP / 7

Microsoft corrects itself: 'We expect fewer people to use Windows 8'

Matthew 25

Re: Developers, Developers and err Developers?

Actually that should be Merde, not merto

'Dated and cheesy' Aero ripped from Windows 8

Matthew 25

Re: Awww..

"I don't care about the (potential) battery hit at all. "

Me either, I'm plugged in to the mains ;)

Microsoft to devs: Don't ruin Win 8 launch with crap code

Matthew 25

Re: Marketing is working

Yes but with which UI?

HP Envy 14 Spectre Ultrabook

Matthew 25


Not to mention it being very shiny and reflective.

Google shoves cybersquatter off 763 Googletastic domains

Matthew 25

Re: googletranny.com

Yes! A transistor radio with a built in smartphone!

Apache releases new OpenOffice build, promises faster upgrades

Matthew 25

Re: Why not both?

Please no. Thinking about a tablet UI is what spawned Unity, Gnome 3 and Windows 8 Metro. Tablet UIs should stay on tablets not be foisted on WIMP desktop users.

Wind farms create local warming

Matthew 25

Re: Nothing to see here

Surely the branches would catch in the blades

Uni plagiarism site buckles under crush of last-minute essays

Matthew 25


Damn! I was having such a nice dream

Megaupload case near collapse: report

Matthew 25

Re: This is a great move plot !

Looking for space rocks

Matthew 25

Re: @Indies

Read the post. No one said anything about the Mac. He said iPhone.

Norwich City FC Web CMS exposes privates. Club respond by calling police.

Matthew 25

The ramifications of this are clear

You should never post anything on line.... OOPS!!

What kind of LOSER sits in front of a PC...

Matthew 25

Good Article

Good Article - Thanks.

I like the idea of an e-book reader for portability, but the 'What if your company goes tits up' problem along with not being able to lend books keeps me firmly in the 16th century.

Metro breakdown! Windows 8 UI is little gain for lots of pain

Matthew 25

A shame really

I have a Windows Phone and think the interface is pretty good. On the desktop though, with a non-touch device its pretty awful. I installed the CP in a separate partition to give Windows 8 a spin and hate it. I can't do anything, I can't find anything and it works in such a horrible way that I just can't be bothered to re-learn how to use my computer to do all the things I don't need to think how to do now.

All these UI changes are daft to me. The current set-up used by Windows (tm) is pretty much a De-facto standard. it may not be the best way of doing things but it the one most people know and are comfortable with. People don't need to think to use it because they have used it so much. If it takes them too much thought and time to do something they just did before they will go back to doing it the old way. Enforcing Metro on the desktop is like Ford deciding that a joystick is a better way of controlling a car. It may or may not be better but for most people the change over would be just too much trouble.
