* Posts by Matthew 25

286 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Jun 2009


Apache devs: 'We'll ship no OpenOffice before its time'

Matthew 25

"I don't expect 100% OOXML compatibility. The spec is a damn nightmare that's nothing more than a binary kludge described in detail rather than an actual XML-based spec. I know it's a damn lot of hard work. But that's what the whole OO project has to deliver, or it becomes "YAOS" (Yet Another Office Suite)."

Agreed! It becomes totally redundant. If I have to buy MS Office then I might as well use it, and save the space etc of having another office suite installed.

PM Cameron calls for modern, programmable computers! (We think)

Matthew 25

Re: He Misspoke

That's just pants. Everything you consume *someone* had to code.

Sneaky new Android Trojan is WORST yet discovered

Matthew 25

Re: Déjà vu

Yes, I think that is a valid comparison. In 98 most of this stuff was new. We are now 15 years down the line with an OS created in an environment where infection is much more understood. The Chocolate Factory should be doing more to prevent this sort of thing.

YES, Xbox One DOES need internet, DOES restrict game trading

Matthew 25

Re: Microsoft: "We're always listening to our customers"

"We're always listening to our customers"... And if we don't here from them we cut them off

Gourmet chemists sniff out ultimate cheese on toast

Matthew 25



It's a fiddle! Funnyman's Irish tax flashmob floods Apple flagship store

Matthew 25

Re: $100Bn cash pile

"Now that $100bn would go a long way to getting rid of Eire's nation debt. That must be tempting for the politico's in Dublin."

Not really. Do it once and see how quickly Apple, Google Amazon et al leave making everyone redundant on the way out. -- Will the last person leaving Ireland please turn out the lights.

Steelie Neelie: Crack down on wicked ISPs so we can Skype

Matthew 25
Thumb Up

Re: "Innovation"

Yes. Video calling has been around, as a concept, for quite some time: as this Wikipedia article details.

Unemployed? Ugly? Ugh, no thanks, says fitties-only job website

Matthew 25

Re: Poll

"I wouldn't go as far as saying retarded, but with that massive chin, huge forehead, wonky teeth, funny shaped ears and an eye that looks like its had its very own stroke, I certainly think its a bit rich of him to be running a site called BeautifulPeople.com!"

Why? Is he trying to get a job?

Forget tax bills, here's how Google is really taking us all for a ride

Matthew 25
Black Helicopters

Re: Completely Wrong.

I think you have missed the point.

Paid for email is just email. They try and give you the best email experience possible because you pay for it i.e. you are the customer and have a right to expect good service.

Free email is data collection. As long as the email is not so bad you jump ship they can record who you are, what you email about, who you send email to etc.. and sell it to pay for the email + make a huge pile of cash i.e. you are the product and have no right to expect anything.

Woolwich beheading sparks call to REVIVE UK Snoopers' Charter

Matthew 25


How does the police trawling through my on-line presence let them know weather I own a machete?

'I think you DO do evil, using smoke and mirrors to avoid tax'

Matthew 25

Re: "Irish Sales"

This is part of the price we pay for membership of the EU. Its called the Single Market. I may have 'sales' reps on all the different countries, but when a sale is made that happens in a low tax country, not the country either of the parties making the transaction are physically situated in.

BlackBerry Messenger unleashed: Look out Twitter and Facebook

Matthew 25

Re: Not sure about this

"... I can't think why anyone would want to buy a Blackberry after BBM is released on Android."

Maybe they think it works better for them.

Rolls-Royce climbs aboard Bloodhound SUPERSONIC car

Matthew 25

Re: re. proverbial brown stuff off a shovel

I've never understood this saying. The proverbial brown stuff is usually sloppy and sticky. When it comes off the shovel is usually slowly and incompletely and hard to achieve. Goggles because, well you don't want it in your eye do you?

Penguins in spa-a-a-ce! ISS dumps Windows for Linux on laptops

Matthew 25

Re: Brought of the gravity well?

Yes. That is why it doesn't just fly off into spaaaaaaaace.

'Liberator': Proof that you can't make a working gun in a 3D printer

Matthew 25

Re: Idiot

Erm? Name me a State of the US which was a country before joining the US. Most of them were colonies of other countries, Great Britain, France, Spain, Netherlands etc...

Matthew 25

Re: All very true, but..

'per the dictionary definition ("a device that throws a projectile" - Merriam-Webster)'

Does that make a crossbow a gun? How about a longbow, or a catapult. All devices that throw a projectile which aren't guns. I'm sure there are many more. Then again how about a hot glue gun? What's the projectile there?

37,000-machine study finds most reliable Windows PC is a Mac

Matthew 25
Thumb Up

Re: Lies, damn lies, and linkbait

"well, in conclusion, it's time for a beer."


'Not only is James Bond fictional, he's not a fair representation of intelligence'

Matthew 25

Not only is James Bond fictional, but he is not a fair representation of intelligence.

Then again, if it was a fair representation of intelligence it would be dead boring.

Fraudster gets ten years after selling fake 'ionic charge' bomb detectors

Matthew 25

Re: It was probably the bribery

"Yeah, but you can get away with it as long as Tony Blair is on your Christmas card list."

I shall instantly add him, and David Cameron for double insurance :)

Thousands rally behind teen girl cuffed, expelled in harmless 'explosion'

Matthew 25

Re: unintended f*c*i*g consequences.

From what I understand, coke is a weapon of mass destruction all on its own.

Microsoft carves out 'niche' in tablets, says numbers chap

Matthew 25

Re: No......

Don't forget the 6 or 7 of us that bought Playbooks

Antarctic ice sheet melt 'not that unusual', latest ice core shows

Matthew 25

Re: To be fair...

Its not lies. Its just selective. This is known as making a case to fit a certain point of view. Politicians, lawyers and journalists do this for various reasons, one being it winds up those who have the full facts. Well done, you bit.

German court says nein to Apple's slide-to-unlock patent

Matthew 25

Anybody else noticed?

Apple and Appeal are almost the same word

Gaming's favourite platters get another stir of the pot

Matthew 25

Re: Biodome

They aren't pineapples they're hand grenades in disguise.

Freeview telly test suggests 4G interference may not be a big deal

Matthew 25
Big Brother

Re: I wish...

And of course, you aren't supposed to watch iPlayer without a TV licence....

Wanna put your toaster and fridge online? Over to you, Ofcom

Matthew 25

Red Dwarf

Anybody want some toast?

Major blow for Apple: 'Bounce back' patent bounced back by USPTO

Matthew 25


1. I don't consider bounceback to be obvious or trivial. I actually think its quite clever as a metaphor and innovative. Definitely patentable.

2. I don't know who did it first.

Touch screens and greasy mitts: All you need is glove

Matthew 25

"... I’ll be like a Victorian gentleman visiting a zoo, poking the creatures with a stick."

Reminds me of the Lion and Albert. ".. with 'is stick with the 'orses 'ead 'andle. The finest that Woolworths' could sell."


Ancient revellers came to party... and build Stonehenge - boffins

Matthew 25

Bring a megalith party

Yeah, yeah, just stick them over here in the kitchen.

Canonical announces Mir display server to replace X Windows

Matthew 25

Re: Yep. Lennart Poettering put it best...

http://stephenking.kraftysworld.co.uk/darktower/guardians/bear.php :-

The Bear, originally called Shardik, but named Mir (meaning "the world beneath the world") by the Old People,

Firefox to spit out third-party cookies

Matthew 25

Re: This isn't going to have the desired result

Opera has had the facility to block 3rd party cookies for quite some time. I find it makes little difference to general browsing but cuts out one bunch of snoops.

Own a drone: Fine. But fly a drone with a cam: Year in the clink

Matthew 25


... in a country that allows public gun ownership.

Obviously the possibility you might take a picture of someone is much worse than the possibility you might kill them.


Opera joins Google/Apple in-crowd with shift to WebKit and Chromium

Matthew 25

I shall be sad to see Opera become a WebKit replicant browser like so many of the others out there.

Tesla vs Media again as Model S craps out on journo - on the highway

Matthew 25

Roll on..

Hydrogen Fuel cell cars : http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-21234234

Greenland ice did not melt in baking +8°C era 120k years ago

Matthew 25

Re: it's 42

Don't worry about it. The Vogons will be along soon to build a Hyperspace bypass.

Review: Dell XPS 12 Windows 8 tablet-cum-Ultrabook

Matthew 25

Re: Who wants to ....

"the fantastic Windows 8 all the way"

Thanks! New keyboard please.

Copyright trolls, biz scum, freetards - it's NOT black and white

Matthew 25

One thought

Copyrights and patents are supposed to protect creative people / organisations. So why not make them non-transferable? If the company / person that created the item protected by patent or copyright ceases to exist (stops trading / dies) before the time clause, then the patent or copyright protection should end, allowing the work / idea into the public domain. Buying patents / copyrights so you can stop competition with your product is bad.

I do believe some form of protection is required but I also think some companied go too far. I think that where patents are included in a standard (hence licensed FRAND) the standard should explicitly layout what the FRAND terms are (maybe put an inflation proofing clause in there) so that all parties know what they are getting into right at the outset and no amount of legal wrangling will change.

Amazon's secret UK sales figures revealed by Parliamentary probe

Matthew 25

Re: Time to bring back the Hansard Principle?

Absolutely. This is the Single Market most of the mainstream politicos want to protect.

Apple's profits fetish could spell its DOOM

Matthew 25
Thumb Up

He's right y'know

Apple are making exactly the same mistake they made before.

Apple platform is only available on Apple hardware, and it is expensive.

Android is available on hardware from many OEMs. They compete with one another and this drives down price.

More consumers will purchase the cheaper equivalent product. They don't really understand the all the differences, and don't need to. They understand they can play most of the same games, browse the same web sites, and watch the same catchup TV services, i.e. do all the things they want to do. If you don't look too closely they are exactly the same, hence all the law suits.

Currently app(lication)s are (mostly) produced just for the major platforms: iOS and Android.

As the percentage install base of iOS drops away the profit for iOS apps will also drop away. Software producers will concentrate on Android because that is where the money will be.

iOS will become more irrelevant.

Fewer people will buy it because it won't run X or Y killer app, and then you are in a vicious circle.

This is exactly what happened in Mac vs PC. It has nothing to do with the quality of the platform and everything to do with high prices and restricted choice.

As for the others? HP have thrown in the towel, RIM have missed the boat.

Microsoft may be able to build their own boat if they can get compatibility between desktop sorted out in time.

Design guru: Windows 8 is 'a monster' and 'a tortured soul'

Matthew 25

Re: Holy crap balls

I quite like it. Being dyslexic, I find it easier to read than most sites.

Nielsen's point is that things should be usable by everyone. Not just those who can tell the difference between green and red or have full manual dexterity or don't get their wucking murds fuddled.

Matthew 25

Re: Metro version of visual studio anyone???

Why vote him down for stating the truth?

Apple's anti-Googorola patent lawsuit tossed by US court

Matthew 25
Thumb Down

Re: Winning the hearts and minds of good people all over the world.

How is this different from any other large company. Keeping the cash rolling in is what they are there for.

Windows Server 2012: Microsoft's other Big Push

Matthew 25

If I were VMWare...

...I'd be worried.

Why? Well, who runs Novell Netware these days? Fifteen years ago it was king for networking PCs. Then Microsoft started to improve the networking built in to windows, provided a comparable directory service, integration with email etc...

Hyper-V may not be up to V-Sphere yet, but it will be. And at no extra cost.

iPhone owners sue Apple for locking Jesus mobe to AT&T

Matthew 25

Read the article

"both bought iPhones around 2009 and found that at the end of their AT&T contracts they couldn't switch networks"

Cornwall chokes on £300m local gov deal with IT kingpins

Matthew 25

Re: Multiple Choice Quiz

The problem with your supposition is that the inefficiencies are in the the delivery portion of the exchange when its usually that the commissioning body has no idea what they want or what can be done. What outsourcing gives you is:

costs + profits + inefficiencies + Repeat(costs to change it all just as delivery is due + profits on that) while plug not pulled = £N = outsourced public services

Microsoft sues Google directly in German Maps-on-Moto lawsuit

Matthew 25

Re: Microsoft joins Apple as a TROLL!

" Looks like German courts are becoming the EU troll havens."

Yes...Well, it was getting cramped under the bridge.

Mine's the one with the billy goat pattern

Woz labels Apple 'arrogant' over iPhone size inadequacy

Matthew 25

Re: I agree with Mr. Wozniak.

"What was wrong with the old one? It was shit. Too big, too clunky and too analogue."

And designed by a company that prides itself in industrial design. You can't have it both ways. Personally proprietary connectors are a turn off.

Matthew 25

Re: eh?

"The world's first phone with a four-dimensional UI."

You mean I can scroll backwards and forwards in time?


That horrendous iPhone empurplement - you're holding it wrong

Matthew 25

Re: Sorry

Probably the best.. is Carlsberg (according to their ad).

Heineken reaches the parts others cannot reach... sort of like Apple maps in reverse

Assange chums must cough up £93,500 bail over embassy lurk

Matthew 25

Re: If true, Assange played straight into their hands!

"or at least appealing in Sweden"

I wouldn't find him appealing no matter where he was.
