He's right y'know
Apple are making exactly the same mistake they made before.
Apple platform is only available on Apple hardware, and it is expensive.
Android is available on hardware from many OEMs. They compete with one another and this drives down price.
More consumers will purchase the cheaper equivalent product. They don't really understand the all the differences, and don't need to. They understand they can play most of the same games, browse the same web sites, and watch the same catchup TV services, i.e. do all the things they want to do. If you don't look too closely they are exactly the same, hence all the law suits.
Currently app(lication)s are (mostly) produced just for the major platforms: iOS and Android.
As the percentage install base of iOS drops away the profit for iOS apps will also drop away. Software producers will concentrate on Android because that is where the money will be.
iOS will become more irrelevant.
Fewer people will buy it because it won't run X or Y killer app, and then you are in a vicious circle.
This is exactly what happened in Mac vs PC. It has nothing to do with the quality of the platform and everything to do with high prices and restricted choice.
As for the others? HP have thrown in the towel, RIM have missed the boat.
Microsoft may be able to build their own boat if they can get compatibility between desktop sorted out in time.