* Posts by Tempest 3K

39 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Jun 2009

Virgin Media to stand up rival network operator to BT Openreach

Tempest 3K

Re: Chorus/Spark

Actually, Openreach helping VM is happening indirectly. I have a VM via nexfibre link here (for backup) and the fibre is via OR's ducts using their PIA product........

Microsoft to buy 4% of London Stock Exchange in 10-year platform deal

Tempest 3K

Well, that'll bring a new meaning to stock market crash......

Shocker: EV charging infrastructure is seriously insecure

Tempest 3K

Wet piece of string? Hadn't realised that Openreach had licensed that model out to others.....

Education Software Solutions tells school customers: We are moving to 3-year licensing contracts and so are you

Tempest 3K

Schools still use this crap?

I'm amazed, I thought it was on it's way out when I stopped working in education IT back in 2007 - having to apply patches to a DOS based system then seemed outdated but half the modules still ran that way!

G7 countries outgun UK in worldwide broadband speed test

Tempest 3K

Actually connecting premises might help.....

I'm betting OFCOM count my property as having access to FTTP, despite Cityfibre not bothering to run fibre to my entire street and just going across the end of it.

I suspect there are thousands across the UK in the same position.

Oh the humanity: McDonald's out of milkshakes across Great Britain

Tempest 3K

Re: My milkshake

Haven't got that option here unfortunately.... https://yorkmix.com/video-fire-in-fast-food-restaurant-in-york/

'Incorrect software parameter' sends Formula E's Edoardo Mortara to hospital: Brakes' fail-safe system failed

Tempest 3K

Re: Fail safe systems...

'A fail safe brake system would mean something like actively holding the brakes away from the wheels, so in the event of a failure they drop into place and stop the car.'

You've just described the exact system used on the railway - Air is used to force the brakes open; A brake application or failure (i.e. damaged pipe) causes a loss of air and the brakes apply automatically.

Not so G.fast: Hybrid fibre 'under review' as Openreach remembers it's all about FTTP now

Tempest 3K

Re: Step 1

That'd be too logical

Silent Merc, holy e-car... What is that terrible sound?

Tempest 3K

Re: Best electric vehicle noise.

Pfft, can't beat the noise of a Paxman Valenta

UK.gov to roll out voter ID trials in 2019 local elections

Tempest 3K

Re: about time

Aah, so you are one of the people who'd like to stop me voting because I'm frequently in a different part of the country for work (often on short notice). Postal voting means I don't have to worry about what may happen work wise on polling day.

Secret weekend office bonk came within inch of killing sysadmin

Tempest 3K

Re: Near death experience ?

Well, they do say smoking will kill you.....

EEk! Mobe network's customer services down for more than 24 hours

Tempest 3K

Re: <Smug Mode Activated>

Soak the string in water and you'll probably get a better connection than a BT line.... http://www.revk.uk/2017/12/its-official-adsl-works-over-wet-string.html

Icelandic Pirate Party asked to form government

Tempest 3K

Re: Can we please just be serious for once..

You mean like this one?: http://www.pirateparty.org.uk/

Google says it would have a two-word answer for Feds seeking Yahoo!-style email backdoor

Tempest 3K

I hope they like scanning junk mail - that's the only use my old Yahoo account has!

Ofcom spins out Wi-Fi checker app just in time for Christmas

Tempest 3K

Re: Ofcom said its Wi-Fi checker app – developed by SamKnows...

I expect they got the app as part of their contract with Samknows for broadband performance monitoring/reporting - https://www.samknows.com/regulators

Use snooped data in court? Nah, says UK.gov - folk might be cleared

Tempest 3K
Big Brother

Re: Thinking the powers that be have missed the point

'They are there to serve the population'

It's been a long time since the powers that be have believed that - they are only interested in what they can gain, hence the moves to remove checks and balances :(


Tempest 3K

Re: Totally Agree

Google could become the RL version of OCP - They probably have plans for something similar to Robocop & ED-209 already anyway....

Block The Pirate Bay? Arrr, me hearties, new P2P client could sink that plan

Tempest 3K

Re: Dear PM, please make torrent clients illegal in the UK

Great idea, make it slower when I need to download a new Debian or other Linux distro for me than it already is on UK's tincan broadband!

Twitterers rally round #CensoredUK - to demand more porn

Tempest 3K

Re: A sliding slope on the thin end of the metaphor

Cameron's already on record that they intend to block 'extremist' sites, won't take long until we're only allowed access to a whitelist of approved sites...

Google begs for secrecy as it files Glass design with FCC

Tempest 3K
Black Helicopters

Prior art?

I'm sure they just nicked this out of a DS9 episode, think they had something similar on one of the bad guys ships?

CERN catches a glimpse of Higgs-like boson

Tempest 3K

Re: Huh?

We already discovered those, they are the single cells a politician has instead of a brain.

Hanging's too good for 'em - so what do you suggest?

Tempest 3K
Big Brother


Getting them to read Orlowski's tosh...I mean articles

Schools IT supplier RM swings to full year loss after sales dive

Tempest 3K

The sensible ones do! Unfortunately, a large number of schools started with RM a couple of decades ago and have just stuck with them.

The Register Guide on how to stay anonymous (part 3)

Tempest 3K

Actually yes, 2 of the major corporates I work with now have Macbooks deployed (in small numbers but growing by the month). They are mainly being used in Marketing and Application development (as well as Execs who have them because they are shiny...) but they are there and working outward.

Pint because that's what we all need after dealing with this stuff!

BlackBerry nicks iPhone's UK smartphone crown

Tempest 3K
Black Helicopters

Good to see the riots helped out one company at least then!

Apple flat-screen TV rumor rises yet again

Tempest 3K

'One never-used capability of HDMI is the CEC functionality that transmits remote control commands between pieces of equipment.'

That's funny, I use said functionality almost every day with my Samsung equipment and have done for a year or two. Comes in very useful when the other half has filed one of the remotes!

Pint because it's Tuesday and there is too much week left :(

London 2012 Olympics: 17000 athletes, 11000 computers

Tempest 3K


So that's how they are dealing with the inventory backlog we heard about a while back!

12% of UK don't carry cash

Tempest 3K
Big Brother


Haven't seen any of that in years, Government takes it all in taxes etc before it gets to me

Ubuntu's Lucid Lynx: A (free) Mactastic experience

Tempest 3K

Netbook Remix 10.04

I'd been playing with the 9.10 version on a Mini 9, so decided to upgrade last night. This is definately a major improvement and it runs about 5 times faster than XP did on the same machine.

What worries me is the RDP client works faster on this than the one on my XP desktop.....if it wasn't for the fact I have a lot of games and broadcast software needing Windows I would finally consider moving all my machines.

Pint, because it's Friday and the guys that worked on this definately deserve one :)

Virgin Media battles privacy campaigners on P2P monitoring

Tempest 3K

Torrent updaters

A lot of online games now use torrents for patching, EVE Online and the Allods Online beta are recent examples I've come across in addition to WoW.

'God help our smartphones,' vicar prays

Tempest 3K


I foresee trouble from the church of Jobs over this..............

U2 frontman bitchslapped by TalkTalk

Tempest 3K

Re: As it was then...


I have one of these 50Mbit connections - the reason? I do a LOT of work with large files and websites, alongside broadcasting on an internet radio station (licensed I might add before anyone jumps on that point). I also do a lot of gaming alongside said station, so being able to download games on steam etc and new MP3's from Amazon etc at high speed is great for me!

I suspect I'm not the only one using these 'premium' connections for these sort of reasons.

First telcos commit to Windows 7 netbooks

Tempest 3K


In the UK, T-Mobile will sell a Dell Mini 10v and Verizon a Samsung N140 and Toshiba NB 200 running Windows 7 through mobile retailer Carphone Warehouse.

Since when did Verizon sell in the UK? o.O

Man remanded for extreme porn offences

Tempest 3K

@Sarah Bee

Couldn't agree more with you, this is just another case of uk.gov and their agents enforcing their views instead of dealing with real issues.

Men far worse than women on password security

Tempest 3K

Reminds me of the saying

Lies, damned lies and statistics.....seems apt here

Buddy, can you spare a PC processing cycle?

Tempest 3K


Think I'll stick with dnet, like I have for the past decade or so......

CRB check failures rocket ahead of massive expansion

Tempest 3K


I personally have had at least 6 different CRB checks done in the past 9 years, a few for working in schools, and a couple for working on a volunteer project with kids. Why they can't just run some sort of update check if you have a CRB under a certain age that is cheaper and easier I have no idea, but there you go.....

Fail? Because that's all uk.gov does, with regard to IT or otherwise....

Most IT pros not planning on Windows 7 rollout

Tempest 3K


Seeing as the big multinational I work for has only just rolled XP out in the past year, I think it'll be a while before Win7 graces my desk......The Win2K machine I had before was a dog and glad to be rid tho!

HP sees techies living in a box

Tempest 3K


Will HAL be responsible for these PODS, and if so, will Dave be able to get in this time?