Re: That's great...Orange
I'm not sure you understand -
Google pay Orange for fast connections.
Google stop paying, Google stop getting fast connections.
Have I missed something?
58 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Jun 2009
Apparently this is the first police officer arrested under the investigation, all the other arrests have been journalists. I guess they must all have been getting their information from this one woman, either that or the investigating team has a massive conflict of interest.
I hope the courts make an example of her in the same way as they did the rioters.
Microsoft and Apple are engineering companies and they need each other - Microsoft need Apple to keep the monopolies commission at bay and Apple need Microsoft to provide MS Office on iOS and to make them look 'cool' in comparison. Apple and Microsoft have lots of patents because they have created lots and lots of new technologies over the years.
Google are an advertising company and their sole aim is to get as many people onto their systems as possible. Unfortunately due to their dominance in the advertising market they have crap loads of money which enables them to force their way into any market they want by trampling over the opposition. The only anti-competitive behaviour going on at the moment is being done by Google. Of course they want to get rid of software patents because without them they would be able to take over the world without giving anyone a dime.
"When we compete for jobs and investment we are competing not against the European Union, but against countries such as Singapore, Israel, India and China."
Utter bullshit, they already have factories/offices there, the ones in Ireland are to serve the EU.