* Posts by amanfromearth

403 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Jun 2009


Wikipedia kills legendary journalist

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Wish I'd heard of him before

Thank you for showing me this. He was a truly great person.

This quote killed me:

".. for about a week I sport a huge, fluid-filled fringe under the head of my penis, making it look like some weird skinhead Gila-lizard from hell."

NASA moon-attack probe beams home first lunar shots


It's not a science project

It's the USAF trying to knock out the Lizardman Moonbase. The delay until October is because they haven't located it yet...

W3C launches appeal to scupper Apple patent

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Seems a bit confrontational..

One wonders why they didn't ask Apple for a free license first..

OTOH, the time that standards commitees take, the patent will have expired by then. Isn't it 18 years?
