Re: He's not "IT-literate"
"You can be IT-literate and not understand how to program or how the internet works."
No, you can't.
67 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Jun 2009
The real problem with this solutions, and all others like it before is that you need a central trusted key authority. No one believes that any central key authority can be trusted. There is always the PGP'esq solution with the circle -of -trust model. but that hasn't really taken off now has it??
Ding, fail, try again.
My number one job requirement is "keep me entertained". who I am working for, or why I do what I do, or how much I am getting paid (beyond a certain minimum level to live on) is secondary to the entertainment value of the job. However, I do own a home and am not interested in moving to any of the state sized countries. However if they decide to setup shop in the US, give me a ring, and keep it interesting.....
Is still kicking butt and taking names in the virtualization game. Power7 boxes kick ass. And you can run linux on them. Their hypervisor technology makes VMware, Microsoft and the linux KVM look like they were written as a class project to almost emulate some of the functionality of the IBM virtualization technologies. But that is to be expected, IBM has been doing it for a lot longer.
I have done it all my life
and if you d/l kiddie pr0n
I will stab you with my knife.
Actually, on a more serious note, I log everything, and will happily turn over the logs to the authorities if they come knocking. Your mac address your connect times, and any other data your computer decided to share via tcp/ip. And if you were war driving I can give them the pictures of your vehicle from my security cameras, complete with timestamps. I am not paranoid...much..
any issues you may have with the patent and/or the timing, wouldn't it be great if they won and refused to license the tech to google and facebook, and also won damages. I mean it makes me warm and fuzzy inside thinking of those two companies actually getting the screwing they have been giving to the public, and the internet, for all these years.
Give them what they ask for. Not what they want. They want all the details on all the data, fine, start blasting them with all the data. You would have the receiving end so flooded with data that they would never get anything useful out of it. Plus they would be forced to drop packets, which would open up a huge legal loophole for the defense. (they dropped the packets that said I was only joking guv.)
I had a similar situation where I work where they wanted all my statistical data as I collected it, in real time. First day they said "WOW", Second day they they noticed their connection was saturated and the machines were starting to slow a little, Third day they were asking me if I could tone it down a little. Within a week they were begging me to stop.
is 3 dimensional, with the possible exception of some people I have met. That must be a translation error for nano-scale flat. I am sure it has at least the height, depth, and width of an electron...
I'll be painting some on me pint to keep the unwanted hands off of it..
If some agency would use its regulatory powers to smash the monolithic glass castle that is google. I am tired of hearing "just google it". They are not the only search engine, but everyone seems to think they are and I am tired of it.. Their adwords system is nothing short of extortion. You could be the owner of a registered trademark and still not show up in search if someone else paid more for the right keywords. That is wrong, and someone should use their lawyers to show them how wrong it is.
I have a split vpn where some of the data goes through the clear channel and some goes through the encryped vpn to a server at a colo facility. my router and firewall don't seem to mind at all, when the packets come back they get to the correct interface. Since I use comcast anything they block or restrict automatically gets pushed through the vpn. Its amazing how much of the internet comes back to life when the vpn is turned on, even though comcast doesn't block anything according to them...
You search for the WMD's, you conveniently "find" the WMDs, there is an "accident" with the WMDs that both takes care of the target, errr, aggressor and in the process proves both that they had WMDs and how dangerous they were, and you have everyone kissing your ass for years for saving theirs.
mines the one with a suitcase nuke and a ticket to an oil rich country in the pocket.
based on the posts above I submit the following my research. and I am surprised that no one else has posted it yet.
Sexual gratification is usually based in some form of friction, friction causes heat, enough heat can damage the skin, damaged skin can have damaged DNA/RNA chains, damaged DNA/RNA can have faulty replication, faulty DNA/RNA replication is the basis for most cancers. I therefore submit that a shagging tax be instituted at a mere 1c/1p per shag per person and that the proceeds be forwarded to my shagging research foundation. My hypothesis is that the lovely bird has a greater risk of developing some type of friction related cancer and my research will focus on finding a suitable anti-cancer lubricant that is especially effective on the loveliest of all birds. Of course after I run out of suitable volunteers maybe a fine for those who meet the qualifications but have not yet participated in the research.
mines the one with astroglide and a carton of durex in the pocket.
"This idea could also be used by energy suppliers themselves. "
To detect where you are most likely to move your workload to and adjust the price upward to make more money. Or even better, a clever attacker could force all your critical data to a "free power" location, and then hold it hostage or destroy it. Sure, your datacenter in the middle of nowhere has cheap power and great bandwidth, but how is the physical security? Break in, play with the numbers a little, wait until the data gets there, and "all your base are belong to us"....
mines the one with bolt cutters and an MP5 in the pockets.
seem to be holding steady, from an in game perspective. Where they are coming from , I don't know. Mayby everyone in the UK quit and a equal number from Brazil started, in any case I haven't seen much change, and I am on a lot, since I have no first life (I mean I read the reg, work in IT, who has time for a life...).
at least everywhere I have been, that kind of dumbass stunt would have gotten him a nice set of bracelet's and "hauled up before the beak" (if I have that term correct). We have sheriff patrol boats, and if you give them too much trouble they will haul you out of the drink with a gaff. Or just shoot you to avoid the paperwork.
I try to be truthful, but honestly, there are some thing that just can not be checked, and things I truly don't remember. If they want someone with 5 years experience and I only have 4, sure I will pad it. I have 8 out of the 10 required skills, sure, I will tell them I have the experience, but haven't done much of it recently, if that's what it takes to get the job. Was I really the Sr. engineer at a company that closed 20 years ago, or just one of many. Outright lie, no, but mess with the little details a little, sure. Every company I have worked for has thought that I was a questionable hire, or the last one left who would take the money, but none of them were ever disappointed with their choice once I was on staff, a few of them begged me to reconsider (with $$), and one even cried. Yes, I am that good, but you really can't tell that from a CV.
MPG is not the measure *I* am interested in, what I would be more interested in is TCO and miles per dollar (or kilometers per euro). I spit on carbon emissions and global warming, I want cheap. Until then they can take their eCar and shove it in the appropriate socket...
mines the one with "nuke the whales" on the back.
I am a total jerk when it comes to security. I would be perfect for the job. Once when working with an ex-military type and setting security for a key retrieval system he commented "we don't even secure launch codes that well, what are you trying to protect?" to which I replied "nothing, it's just the best way". I am just a trust no one and have witnesses kinda guy ;)
If POTUS wants me he knows where I am.
would be to have your tracker software boxed and ready to run anywhere as a distributed application. On machine shutdown it erases all of it's data, on startup it tries to connect back to the network to pull its data and rebuild its database. Of course, in the case of stormtrooper action, it would have been blacklisted and would just a blank tracker with no peers and no data.
So, why isn't there a P2P distributed torrent tracker, something owned and ran by no one and located nowhere?
Oh, yes, and of course SAY NOTHING, except to your Lawyer.
This isn't about market share, or good vs. evil, or about lock in. This is about how you use the standards you are presented with.
For most USB devices, you plug them in, they identify themselves, and your OS, based on this identification, loads the proper driver. I don't know how man times I have had to go into a config file and change this information to get the device I own to be recognized by the driver I have.
Now apple has taken this one step further and the software will query the device to see if it is in fact an apple branded device. no problem. The simple workaround is for device X, in this case palm pre, to answer back with yes, I am an apple branded device.
I really don't see the problem here, its not about Itunes, or apple or palm, its about the ability of a device, ANY DEVICE, to be able to identify itself in such a way that your computer sends and receives the requisite data in the proper format. Any other issue is just smoke blinding you/us from the real issue, the ability to move your data from one device to another in a method of your choosing. The specs are there to allow interoperability, not to limit it.
'merkin, never been there, don't follow what goes on, but read a lot of the reg, and if I didn't know I just picked the answer that seemed most wrong.
You have passed the practice citizenship test.
Questions answered correctly: 22 out of 24 (92%)
Time taken: 02 minutes 27 seconds
Now if I had to take a test to get into my own country I would probably fail, can only name a couple of presidents, amendments, and states, and have no idea who won the world series. However I do know where to go to get medical marijuana ;)
Lots of it, all the time, everything from big names to no names, and I never pay a dime. I use limewire. I have close to a terabyte of mp3. However, I don't share. When the download is complete I move the file to a different server. As far as I can tell what I am doing is completely legal.
So remember this, download only, don't share, and only download from places outside the jurisdiction of [insert favorite ambulance chasers here]
Since Dell is a US company I thought a little US law perspective might be handy. (IANAL)
Bait & switch
"It’s illegal to advertise a product when you have no intention of selling that product at the advertised price. Bait and switch tactics are illegal, period. If you advertise a product, the law says that you have to intend to sell it as advertised."
Advertising Law: Mis-marked Price
" If a product is marked or advertised at a certain price, your state laws may require you to sell it at that price. Check with your state's Attorney General’s Office."
And the little bit of research I did on the laws in Texas say that if you advertise it at that price, you must sell it at that price, even if it was a misprint or mistake.
So on the face of it, it would appear that Dell is screwed. The advertised it, they accepted payment for it at the price advertised, and they must now deliver the goods. If they tried to weasel out of it like they are currently doing, in the US they would get their asses sued off, and LOSE. I hope Taiwan makes them wear a good and proper asshat.
Well DUH! You basically have three types of buyers here. The first type, sometimes referred to as "early adopters" got theirs the first year of release. The next group, the "wait and see" group, got theirs the next year(s) after seeing them in action somewhere. The last group, the "I want to buy a new toy" group, is now spending their toy money on food or bills or some such trivial items and don't have the spare duckets to buy a new toy just yet. So unless these things are built like light bulbs (guaranteed to fail after x hours of use), the market will saturate and sales will drop off. So where is the surprise here??
"The work is part of a growing trend to tune applications, particularly databases, to the underlying hardware in PCs and servers to speed performance and cut down on additional hardware."
Growing trend? Ya, sure, growing since the invention of the computer maybe. You ALWAYS tune your database AND os to the underlying hardware. This is why you can't virtualize well tuned, well laid out machine running heavy loads, it just adds more load, and you get nothing.
I have had a [unnamed virtualaztion vendors] come in and do an eval on our systems, and they basically told me the same thing.
But, on the gripping hand, they are still students, and probably don't know any better.
Actually the bandwidth issue is not a real concern, most, if not all of the Content Delivery Networks have their own networks that only pop out on to the internet proper at local peering points. Also, I don't see them delivering HD on SDHC, more likely will be delivering just the actual movie in SD quality and with a 2G SD card being practically free....
I had 300 people at my wife's birthday party and you could hear the music 2 miles away (so I have been told), but law enforcement did nothing until the reports of gunfire..
Well, actually, unknown to us, they did set up a road block about a mile down the road and started turning people away at some point, but they didn't storm the place.....
Of course this was before facebook, so we just posted fliers everywhere..
That's just sooooo, wrong.
yes, hardware tokes can be lost or stolen, but they are useless to anyone but me, that's where the T in TFA comes from. Something you have, the token, and something you know, my personal pin code. Each of these things alone are useless, only together do they function. Geez, why am I explaining this, isn't this supposed to be a group of IT people.
Also, if you have my token, you also have my car keys, I think I may notice that. First I call the police to report the stolen vehicle, then I call the access guys to have them burn me a new token to pick up. Old token dies as soon as I make the call.
Granted it is a PITA to login everytime with a 32 digit numeric string, 16 from the token and 16 from my mind, but I no longer worry about passwords.
Sorry guys, but the security pros have it right. To be compliant with HIPAA monitors can not be placed inn a position that will allow unauthorized 3rd parties to view your screen. In that case password blanking is not necessary. And in the case of the moron above who "can't tell who is looking at their screen"....well, lets just say you would never be able to work in my department with that level of ignorance.
Passwords themselves should be retired as a means of authentication. I have a hardware token for TFA & OTP, go ahead and shoulder surf for all the good it will do. That's where we all should be headed, not whining about passwords.
@AMFM: Firstly sir, you honor me by acknowledgment of my existence, but in response, Yes, lying and/or the ability to lie straight faced makes him a perfect politician, although most of the time euphemisms are used such as "omitting key facts", or "great salesman", instead of the street level "liar". But this particular lie is one that was forced on him by societal norms that not everyone agrees with. The lie of being polite to those easily offended by things that are really none of their business.
@kain: The guy could have went missing for a month with no one noticing, as a governor he plays almost no role in anything anyone outside of his home state cares about, and has very little to do with anything that goes on IN his state. His only mistake as far as I can see is that he forgot to check his e-mail and block out his calendar for that time period. And as far as spending state money to visit his mistress, well, I guess since he works for the state any money he spends would technically be state money, but nobody complains that he spends state money to eat, drink, or spend time with his other female (wife).
@all: If he actually did something that damaged his state in a measurable way, then by all means nail the F***er to the cross, but if all he did was slip away for a few days to bang his mistress, then leave the guy alone, let his wife take care of it, if she chooses to do so.
Sure, using horsetail or any other web based e-mail service is just dumb, but the bottom line is that the Governor in question did nothing that could or should make him leave his job. Sure the voters may be pissed, but that's what elections are for. On the gripping hand, the mistress is kinda cute. And while we are on the subject, when did it come to pass that keeping a mistress was a bad thing. If I remember my history correctly it used to be the norm and quite acceptable for persons of means to keep a mistress.
Mines the one with "yes dear, whatever you say dear" beaten into the back...
They know they can no longer safely run the site without getting constantly sued and fined so they sell out to some corporate n00bz who have no idea what the site is really all about. grab the quick cash and move on. I hope they open a different site with all that cash. Now all we need to do is have a naming contest for the new site. I suggest ;)