* Posts by Chris Coles

131 publicly visible posts • joined 9 May 2007


US govt hiding top hurricane forecast model sparks outrage after deadly Helene

Chris Coles

Re: Shocked I tell you!

Robert Malone MD has made an even better description of the underlying problem https://www.malone.news/p/trump-versus-inverted-totalitarianism

Silicon, stars, and sulfur make Apollo's unlikely legacy

Chris Coles

Re: The Underlying Problem in science

Fascinating; you state that "Yes you are right, there is no such force as gravity." And then you state: "As for the rest...How the light path changes as it passes through a material with different density has nothing to do with space time, nor does it show why light is deflected by large gravitational objects (which is shown in Special Relativity)."

So, please; what is a large gravitational object . . ." when there is no such force as gravity"?

Again I did not say JA Fleming came up with Relativity in 1900; what I did show is that he demonstrated, (which is the exact requirement for a demonstration of a fact, a demonstration to confirm a scientific fact), that anyone can deflect light waves by using a transparent balloon lens filled with a dense gas. That, as such; Fleming was demonstrating how light waves are diverted by a change of density through which they are travelling, within a recognised scientific institution in December 1901. All Einstein did was describe such deflection without a specific cause. Space is not a cause; space is a name for a vast void and has no demonstrable function to cause an application of a force . . . neither has the word time any such function. A force has to be applied by some medium within space. So what is the medium?

It is my belief that the medium is the simple demonstrable fact . . . that all mass objects, regardless of how small that mass may be, (a gas molecule is an excellent example), to permit detection, must have an external force relative to the quantum of the mass that lays beyond the orbit of the electron/electrons surrounding the mass; that there is no such thing as a black particle without such an external force field. So everything you can detect within any scientific demonstration . . . must have such an external force field relating to that mass, beyond the orbit of the electrons surrounding the mass. Maxwell states that a positive field seeks the closest negative potential, or extends to infinity. It is thus my reasoning that, as such, any mass object has an external field of positive energy that must reach the closest negative or extend to infinity . . . so that means every single gas molecule within space must be so attached to each other. That such attachment is the force we describe as gravity.

Now we all know full well that space has gas molecules within it's known structure . . . they are regularly detected. So all I have done is show that Fleming had demonstrated that a change in density using a dense gas within a transparent bladder, will divert the motion of a light wave. Now all we need to do is demonstrate such diversion of light waves by changes in the density of the attached gas molecules within a void we describe as "Space". Scientists detect gas molecules in deep space every day. The latest volume of the much more detailed description has been deposited with both the Royal Society and also the British Library.

Chris Coles

The Underlying Problem in science

Humanity has a weakness, the desire to have a particular theory be proven right to advance their personal career; alongside a desire to ensure that no one must be permitted to argue otherwise, and damage the status of the theory. A wonderful example being space time. Yes, you may well ask; how does one come to such a profound conclusion? The answer being to read a book published more than a century ago; Waves And Ripples in Water, Air, and Aether; being A Course of Christmas Lectures delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain by J. A. Fleming, MA, D.Sc, F.R.S., M.INST.E.E., M.R.I., etc, etc. Lectures delivered 1901, first published 1902, and the book re-published 1912, several years before Einstein delivered Space Time.

The book sets out in great detail how to demonstrate that light waves, as also sound waves, are focused by a lens simply by a change of density within such a lens, for example created by filling a balloon with a dense gas; which then allowed the light or sound waves to be bent out of the original line of the origin of either the light waves or sound waves. That what Einstein later described as "Space Time" was demonstrated to children in 1901, first published 1902 and then subsequently re-published in 1912. That publication, and re-publication, was over a total of 13 years before Einstein published his theory of General Relativity in 1915 to claim that light waves are focused by gravity to create space time, when in fact, it had already been demonstrated 14 years earlier, within a well recognised scientific institution, and subsequently published as described above.

That all such focusing is entirely caused by a change in density of the medium through which the light or sound waves travelled. So what is the medium surrounding a large mass object? It is called an atmosphere, rapidly decreasing in density as the observation rises from from the surface of the object. There is no such force called gravity; that the force we call gravity is simply caused by the attachment of all gas molecules to each other and to mass.

I stumbled upon LLM Kryptonite – and no one wants to fix this model-breaking bug

Chris Coles

Re: So,

each of you are using the English language to respond, yet use a vastly complicated mathematical language to "talk" to your software. On my part, for many years now I have wondered if the very best computer language would be to use the English language? particularly now that the whole basis for these new forms of usage are all about the use of language. Has anyone else here ever thought that the best computer language would be to use the English language? You are, after all, defining the problem in English; so why not build the entire model for a speaking computer, using the same language? Food for thought?

OSIRIS-REx probe sucked up more asteroid crumbs than hoped

Chris Coles

A Steady State Universe, trillions of years in age

if, instead of a big bang, we live within a steady state universe, trillions of years old; then surely there will be particles of matter, of all forms and origins; which thus will allow the spread of life throughout the universe. That everywhere we might in future visit, we will find similar life forms to our own here on Earth? Food for thought?

Veteran wingman wants $1.75M from Boeing over emotional turbulence

Chris Coles

All it needed

All the situation needed was the creation of a small internal group of youngster employees to learn the ropes of the career from existing employees and let the aged drop off naturally. Career development driven by fear from the outset will come back to haunt Boeing in the long run.

Nvidia's 900 tons of GPU muscle bulks up server market, slims down wallets

Chris Coles

Burn the world is an understatement

"Datacenters are now responsible for 2.5 to 3.7 percent of all carbon dioxide emissions, Dunning claimed, and adoption of AI is projected to grow at a 37 per cent compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between now and 2030."

Everyone has to come to terms with a small matter of an inappropriate term being used to describe the ongoing climate change debate; carbon dioxide emissions do not create heat. Yes carbon can be used to try and describe the trend of the transfer of heat production from burning fossil fuels; except that other than wind farms, and hydraulic powered generators; every major form of electricity production, coal, gas, wood chips and nuclear, and even the proposed fusion reactors, are all using the same heat engine technology that can only deliver ~35% efficiency. Here in the UK each of the two nuclear reactors being built at Hinkley Point will create 4524 MW of heat to generate 1630 MW of electricity. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinkley_Point_C_nuclear_power_station

So the total heat input to the local environment is a continuous 5.8 GW, mostly into the surrounding sea. Now add the total excess heat output from every existing nuclear reactor powered electricity generation. Cutting carbon dioxide emissions by transferring their heat emissions to nuclear, as a green solution is an intellectual dead end. That has to include the electrical energy input to the production of Hydrogen.

The challenge this presents, requires the total elimination of any form of energy production using any form of heat engine as the means to produce energy.

After fears that Europe's space scope was toast, its first images look mighty fine

Chris Coles

They all built their model upon the concept that gravity emanates from the centre of a mass object, this planet being a good example, and pulls everything towards it, See Scientific American February 2002 ask the experts; Why are planets round? Again Issac Asimov came up with his suggestion, from the same thinking; that gravity would be minimal at the centre so that one would float around in the centre without any problems.

All of that was in turn caused by eminent scientists not reading Issac Newton's Principia, of if they did, not understanding the meaning of his words, particularly in his opening remarks, where he tells us that he made the decision to place his calculation of the mass of any object, right at the centre of a circle on the page which he regularly describes as "P", and then in Definition 1 he writes:

"I have no regard in this place to a medium, if any there is, that freely pervades the interstices between the parts of bodies. It is this quantity that I mean hereafter everywhere under the name body or mass"

And adds in Definition VIII: "For I here design only to give a mathematical notion of these forces, without considering their physical causes and seats."

Ergo, his real interest is mathematics; he is thus less concerned with any underlying physical aspects of the debate and he continues: “I likewise call attractions and impulses, in the same sense, accelerative, and motive; and use the words attraction, impulse or propensity of any sort towards a centre, promiscuously, and indifferently, one for another; considering these forces not physically, but mathematically: wherefore, the reader is not to imagine, that by those words, I anywhere take upon me to define the kind, or the manner of any action, the causes or the physical reason thereof, or that I attribute forces, in a true and physical sense, to certain centres (which are only mathematical points); when at any time I happen to speak of centres as attracting, or as endued with attractive powers”

Newton laid down the foundations for modern mathematics and Principia; Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy is a towering monument to his undoubted genius. However, as you will now discover, by entirely concentrating upon presenting mathematical solutions; while at the same time deliberately avoiding distractions caused by physical aspects of the solutions he was presenting; he misunderstood the importance of just a few words he had written.

As did it would seem did everyone else since.They all ignored Newton's 3rd Law.

And yes that has been available since 2017 and I expect they are indeed waiting for me to die before acknowledging it; perhaps wanting to then "Discover" me.

Microsoft’s Dublin DC power plant gets the, er, green light

Chris Coles

Heat Engines - not CO2 are the climate problem

Within my lifetime the majority of vehicles powered by either petrol or diesel were produced, and it is that aspect of this debate that has been, dare I say it, suppressed. We need to understand that our weather related problems have nothing to do with CO2; instead it is entirely caused by vehicles, and the associated production of electricity; because all such energy is produced by what are known as “Heat Engines”.

Burn a litre of petrol, or diesel, or produce electricity by nuclear power, all of the energy production is trammelled by the limitations of an inefficient heat to energy cycle of roughly 35%, (give or take a few percent depending upon the particular mechanism; piston engines in vehicles; steam turbines in power stations). The balance of the heat created is immediately distributed back into the surrounding atmosphere. Not to forget that ALL the energy created in any form of heat engine, always becomes heat eventually; the vehicle by movement, and braking, the electricity by distribution and the production of other forms of heat. All energy burnt/created within the heat engines eventually becomes a heat input to the atmosphere.

Not wanting anyone to try burning four litres of petrol in their garden, instead we need someone to set into motion a video demonstration of, say, a six lane motorway full of vehicles each travelling at, say, 90 kilometres an hour, above each showing an vivid illustration of the fuel being burnt, ~ 8 litres per hour, above each vehicle. Now take 1,495 billion vehicles including trucks https://hedgescompany.com/blog/2021/06/how-many-cars-are-there-in-the-world/ In point of fact; all the energy used by the vehicle heats the atmosphere. How much fossil fuel energy is produced each year? The 2021 figure is 135,923 terawatt-hours. Again, go back to 1950 and the figure was 20,139 terawatt-hours. So since 1950 fossil fuel heat input to the atmosphere has increased 6.75 times. http://www.Ourworldindata.org/fossil-fuels THAT is the primary problem that it would seem no one wants to fully illustrate; then add the nuclear, (because we are being told that nuclear is the answer to global warming, (by changing all heat engine vehicles into electric vehicles), when in fact nuclear is just another form of heat engine,

producing heat to create steam to power steam turbines; to drive generators; as also all the research into fusion power, is again, all about another form of heat engine, to again create steam to power turbines. Fact: The electrical generating efficiency of standard steam turbine power plants varies from a high of 37% HHV4 for large, electric utility plants designed for the highest practical annual capacity

factor, to under 10% HHV for small, simple plants which make electricity as a byproduct of delivering steam to processes or district heating systems. https://www.turbinesinfo.com/steam-turbine-efficiency/

Please, do not be confused with the thermodynamic efficiency of a steam turbine of up to 90%, which no doubt matches the thermodynamic efficiency of the combustion of petrol within any modern petrol engine. We are always dealing with the entire mechanical process of energy generation, heat in one end, energy out at the other. The total of which always introduces up to 63% heat loss to the atmosphere.US Energy Information Administration; More than 60% of energy used for electricity generation is lost in conversion https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=44436#

There never was any problem with CO2, nor, again, with the production of meat using natural farming methods. Yes, the figures for carbon production show a massive increase; yet the quantum of atmospheric CO2 rises over time at a few parts per million. On the other hand, fossil fuel heat input has increased 675% . . . which accurately illustrates that the vast majority of carbon produced is being adsorbed by the planet; while taking the focus of intellectual thought away from the source of the heat into the atmosphere. It is my profound belief that we have to centre our ongoing research efforts onto any and every possible means to produce energy without any further reference to any form of heat engine. We must now, all of us, stop this inaccurate debate about CO2. Everyone has to be brought to realise every solution, using any form of heat engine, including nuclear or fusion power; is an intellectual dead end. Humanity has no option but to abandon the use of heat engines to produce energy in whatever form; vehicle power, or electricity generation, if it wishes to survive. That is the real challenge facing all of us.

Trying to place the blame upon, for example the production of beef, is a classic Red Herring designed to avoid the debate about where the heat is coming from ... Heat Engines. Our planet is drowning in heat . . . NOT CO2.

UK's dream of fusion power by 2040s will need GPUs

Chris Coles

The problem is, it is just another heat engine

The problem is, fusion power is just another form of heat engine. To bring this debate up to date we need to go back to the beginning, where within my lifetime, 79 years, the majority of vehicles powered by either petrol or diesel were produced, and it is that aspect of this debate that has been, dare I say it, suppressed. For example, our weather related problems have nothing to do with beef production on grass; instead it is entirely caused by vehicles powered by heat engines, and exactly the same heat engine systems associated with the production of electricity; because all such energy is produced by what are known as “Heat Engines”. Burn a gallon of petrol, or diesel, produce electricity by nuclear power, all of the energy production is trammelled by the limitations of an inefficient heat to energy cycle of roughly 35%, (give or take a few percent depending upon the particular mechanism; piston engines in vehicles; steam turbines in power stations). The balance of the heat is immediately distributed back into the surrounding atmosphere. Mind you, not to forget that, all the energy created in any form of heat engine, always becomes heat eventually; the vehicle by movement, the electricity by distribution and the production of other forms of heat. All energy in the heat engines eventually becomes a heat input to the atmosphere.

Not wanting anyone to try burning a gallon of petrol in their garden, instead we need someone to set into motion a demonstration of, say, a six lane motorway full of vehicles each travelling at, say, 70 miles and hour, showing an illustration of the fuel being burnt, roughly 2 gallons per mile, above each vehicle. Now take 1,495 billion vehicles including trucks https://hedgescompany.com/blog/2021/06/how-many-cars-are-there-in-the-world/ and work it all out. THAT is the primary problem that it would seem no one wants to fully illustrate; and that does not include aircraft, then add the nuclear, (because we are being told that nuclear is the answer to global warming, when in fact it is just another form of heat engine, producing heat to create steam to power steam turbines; as also all the research into fusion power, is again, all about another form of heat engine). This time heating to some 10 million degrees to again turn water into steam to power turbines . . . same as; same as.

Humanity has no option but to abandon the use of heat engines to produce energy in whatever form; vehicle power, or electricity generation, if it wishes to survive. That is the real challenge facing all of us. Trying to raise funds for fusion power research is another example of a classic Red Herring specifically designed to avoid the debate about where the heat is coming from … heat Engines.

Amazon Ring, Alexa accused of every nightmare IoT security fail you can imagine

Chris Coles

Re: Lessons clearly not learned here; There is no rule of the law in the USA

"Possibly the most shocking quote in the article is the one at the end where Amazon say "We did nothing wrong."

As things stand, this report is an excellent example of a simple fact; There is no rule of law affecting corporate leadership within the USA. That any senior leadership within any major corporation can pay a small sum of money; NOT to a court of the law under the direction of a judge and jury, but instead to a regulatory institution. This report, just like many others shows that there is no rule of law; that today the United States is a lawless, classically feudal nation.

Dyson moans about state of UK science and tech, forgets to suck up his own mess

Chris Coles

Re: With two-faced "friends" like Dyson, Britain doesn't need enemies

So; which country?

Publishers land killer punch on Internet Archive in book copyright court battle

Chris Coles

Re: "Killer punch"? - no, gasoline for self-immolation by copyright 'rentiers'

Totally incorrect! The concept of a rentier economy describes where a sale is never fully enacted; the purchaser pays a price but never receives full value of a conventional purchase, instead receives a classic rental contract from the company providing the goods. All rentier contracts are NEVER any form of conventional sale; where the ownership of the product sold passes to the purchaser; with the particular aspect of book sales being, you purchase the physical book, but that the publisher and author retain the rights to the text; to prevent anyone from being able to sell the text onwards in multiple copies of the text; thus allowing anyone to act as secondary publishers of the text for their own purposes.

As for saying the secondary publisher is a charity; forgets that all such pay their managers an income; and thus the charity managers profit, often greatly. To re-enforce that statement, in all the years I have been dealing with charities; I have never met an unpaid manager, or creator of a charity. yes the managers use the services of volunteers to help in the charity shop; but the people at the top always take an income; and charities always sell whatever for a cost to the purchaser . . . charities are there to obtain an income to pass on to particular local or national or even international needs, they are never cost free, must always derive an income from their activities.

The quest to make Linux bulletproof

Chris Coles

Re: The real elephant in the room

Agreed, except that that will require The Register to set such into motion.

Chris Coles

The real elephant in the room

while everyone here is focused upon the operating system, there is a much larger problem no one seems to have fully recognised; user files damaged by software designed to break into such files to force users into rental of software; alongside the deliberate destruction of user rights once purchased under classic free market rules; that are now no longer accepted. A good example was when Microsoft made the decision to remove support for Paint. What they did was deliberately damage ANY illustration, within ANY previous document created in Word, that had been created by the previously totally law abiding owner of their software; someone who had purchased and was the lawful owner of their version of Word. Recently Microsoft announced that they were going after the last owners of Word . . . to force them into being only able to access their previously totally lawfully created files, by renting access to 365.

A very good simile would be the historical ownership of fine china, where to force the previous purchasers of fine china to purchase new items, the manufacturers climbed through every window in every home and smashed their previously purchased fine china. For that is EXACTLY what the likes of Microsoft, and others, have been and continue to do. Of even greater importance, many others now do the same thing, damage the original document to force the use of their new business model upon users.

We need software that will protect the original documents, to remove all the externally applied damage; so that the owner of their work always has full access to it for the future.

Scammers steal $4 million in crypto during face-to-face meeting

Chris Coles

The entire operation used a clone phone

It would seem the majority do not fully understand how wireless networks work. the signal from the local tower does not target your device, it broadcasts everything in EVERY direction. All that was needed would have been the MAC Number of his phone and to obtain that was the reason for all the earlier contacts, that had been made during the run up to that face to face meeting . . . which were to establish for certain the relevant MAC and associated code numbers for the phone. From that point all they needed to do is create a clone, using the information already obtained and required to do that. From then onwards, EVERY aspect of the creation of the new webaverse wallet would have also been set up on their clone, and that clone would not have needed to be anywhere other than within reception of the local tower. As creating a clone is a simple thing to implement, using their team to ensure everything was correctly set up; creating the wallet in the clone was entirely under the full control of webaverse, and as such was as easy as it was for the eventually scammed. All they had to do is use the fully available facilities within the clone to immediately move the funds onward under their clones full control. It is the never admitted aspect of all mobile telecommunications; the only thing that differentiates your phone from all others are the MAC address and associated settings. Indeed, it is possible to do that for EVERY such device. ANYONE could do that at any time at their convenience. All they need is the MAC address and associated settings. Period!

Atos and Nest part company two years into 18-year £1.5bn contract

Chris Coles

Re: Another waste of UK tax payers money?

What such reports do is open a can of worms that should have been opened many decades ago with regard to who we, (those outside of so called Government, i.e. civil service), are actually dealing with? It is my belief, in large part from family knowledge, that the most senior levels of the civil service are staffed with what are described as "Exclusives". Plymouth Brethren Exclusives are a group of religious extremists who are as extreme, if not more so, than the most severe Muslim clerics. They, and particularly their wives and children, are not permitted to read newspapers, watch TV or listen to radio broadcasts, so from the outset, they have no knowledge of much of modern technology. Their wives and children are held never to talk to "heathens", for fear of dreadful consequences. A cousin, who left, had to leave his wife and children behind, never to see them again. So everyone is dealing with people who have no real interest in anything not already set out in the Holy Bible; who live in a completely closed society, and believe that the majority of the population of the nation are "Heathens" who pose an extreme danger to themselves and their families. If you ever, as I did once, try to speak to one of their womenfolk in a supermarket, you will observe a face emanating extreme fear, they will not talk to you. My eldest brother once told me that if I tried to knock on the door of my "Exclusive" uncle, he would slam the door in my face while shouting . . . Heathen!

As such these exclusives are a totally enclosed extreme religious sect, none of which should have ever been promoted to the levels they now hold within the administration of the nation. Bear that in mind when we keep reading reports of the inflow of people in boats crossing the English Channel, with the Home Office doing nothing to stop that flow.

Brit civil service claims there's enough money for mammoth ERP refresh project

Chris Coles

Once Upon a Time we did these things for ourselves

When we once needed battleships for the Navy, we built them for ourselves; , when we needed aircraft to defend the nation we built them for ourselves; when we needed a computer to track the messages of our enemies, we built it for ourselves; when we needed radar to track the movement of aircraft attacking our nation, we built them ourselves. The United Kingdom once had an exceptional ability to invent, design and manufacture whatever we needed. Not only that, but we were the leaders in such industries. We created them; ships; railways, aircraft, computers, radar, nuclear power stations. . . you name it, we invented it, designed it and manufactured it. So what went wrong?

All I can do here is challenge everyone to present herein their understanding of the decisions that have, very effectively, destroyed our capability to remain a world leading manufacturer of whatever we need to remain competitive. Come on, everyone, Why?

Disruptive innovation's like a party. It's always happening elsewhere

Chris Coles

An Unfunded Patent remains simply a license to sue and as such, is worthless

The underlying problem, illustrated above, is not a matter of if or when any new thought may "arrive"; it is the long term effects of the way new thinking is currently funded; where the large corporate or government program has an undeniable advantage simply though being able to easily access the funds necessary to allow progress. While at one and the same time, a lack of access to necessary funding, often ending with the originator being "bought". Another example has to be the way, as William Kingston has frequently described; "Kingston's conviction that intellectual property no longer serves the purposes for which it was originally set up is reflected in many publications arguing for its reform. His research revealed the extent to which owners of patents or copyrights are intimidated by firms which have large funds for litigation. It led him to propose that compulsory technical arbitration should be a pre-condition for any reference to the Courts . . . Inevitably, Kingston's concern with intellectual property spread to interest in property rights in general, and especially in those rights which lead to business becoming global in scope. An aspect of this is the growth of bureaucracies, both national and international, on which he has also written. In his view, this development reflects policies that are inimical to innovation." (Taken from the cover sheet of: INNOVATION The Creative Impulse in Human Progress, by William Kingston).

My own experience has clearly demonstrated to me that science, as practised here in the UK, has no real interest in any new thinking that in any way, damages the career prospects of existing proponents of a failed theory; instead they will do everything in their power, to suppress it to cover up their own failures. And who cares?

As Arm plays chicken with Qualcomm, both have a lot to lose

Chris Coles

Might it help if one party, or the other; purchased some old Telecom IP?

Just a thought?

NASA boss says US may lose latest space race with China

Chris Coles

Re: Rapid Revolutionary Progress does neither tolerate nor entertain an Ignorance Vacuum

"Such a simple strategic error of tactical judgement is thus gravely to be regarded and best completely avoided at whatever the cost for the price exacted by failure is astronomical and virtually incalculable."

My oh! my; what an interesting thought, and why not also relate it to the intent of a present UK citizen . . . soon to move to a new nation and set out to present his work in a new language . . . that would result in at least two primary science subjects, physics and cosmology, being also, exclusively, taught in a new nation's language, such as to exclude all the existing US and UK universities from being the primary source of the new knowledge. How much will that simple strategic error "Cost"? Time remains of the essence.

France says non to Office 365 and Google Workspace in school

Chris Coles

Re: Delighted!

Not true in all circumstances, the user can pay a small sum to any FOSS producer; even a single penny paid counts as "Consideration".

Google's Alphabet to review every project after $6bn decline in profits

Chris Coles

Do No Harm??

They once set out to "Do No Harm". Now they have turned their collective backs upon . . . now let me guess . . . "such Nonsense!!" . . . which will, eventually, lead to their self destruction.

Intel sued over historic DEC chip site's future

Chris Coles

Why Not Try a Classic "What If"?

Now what if someone came forward to create a new Research Institute? Something of the highest architectural standards? Opening up a completely new area of technology? Food for thought?

Sage denies misleading customers over perpetual licensing, users not happy

Chris Coles

Imagine; two centuries ago; when your mother bought a fine china bowl

Imagine; two centuries ago; when your mother bought a fine china bowl . . . And the result was that at some point afterwards, the fine china bowl maker climbed through every window of every past customer and smashed the fine china bowl. From that moment onwards, she would have to pay a subscription to use the next bowl . . . that at any point in the future, the manufacturer could smash this new bowl if the subscription was not paid??

What we are observing is the destruction of the concept of a purchase made in a classic free market; to be replaced with classic feudalism. I set out this debate in great detail with my free PDF book The Road Ahead from a Grass Roots Perspective, particularly chapter 4 and 5. The detail covers a substantial debate, go read it for yourselves.


What we are witnessing is the complete rejection of a free market; which in turn has been replaced with classic feudalism. By accepting such feudalism, we destroy centuries of development of the concept of why we originally created the concept of a free market . . . Today all of our freedoms are being destroyed by people who do not believe in any form of free market; who instead insist that they can dictate every aspect of the way we all live . . . which is, again, classic feudalism.

Do our governments fully understand that they now govern classic feudal nation's; that they have permitted the destruction of freedom; to replace that freedom with feudalism?

You've heard of the cost-of-living crisis, now get ready for the cost-of-working crisis

Chris Coles

You Never Had it so good

For many years I worked permanent nights as a Toolmaker setting multi-spindle bar carrier lathes. Such machinery needs to be worked 24hrs a day, every day possible, and while three shifts were originally the norm, eventually we ended up with a 12 hour night, start 20:00 with a half hour for "lunch" at 01:30 to 02:00, finish shift at 08:00, that was the first four nights, Monday to Thursday . . . finish 08:00 Friday morning, return back to work 16:00 Friday and work through to 02:00 Saturday morning for a 60 hour week.. Downsides; 130 Db continuous noise; covered head to foot with cutting oil spray, so needed a bath each end of shift; cuts to fingers from razor edged tooling. Upsides: getting a machine weighing many tons, to regularly produce thousands of machined components, accurate to a few thou, where the grinning day shift operator tells you, "I never touched it, ran all day" with the stack of full component boxes as proof of his statement. There are many challenges in such work that bring one to realise that; if you can meet the challenges of such work, you can do anything; meet any challenge.

When I first started out at that work pay was sufficient for a great lifestyle, while over the years the pay consistently reduced to not much more than basic minimum wage. Oh! And walking distance to the factory. Might sound odd to Register readers, Another upside was I could work all day Monday on my own projects, so at least one 24 hr day a week, even extending to home from work Tuesday morning, not needing to sleep until after lunch, meant I had time to do may things other than work for an income. Which is why today I can describe myself as an Internationally recognised inventor, as also author.

Next time you start your car, remember that almost all components under the car bonnet came from tool makers working like that. On my part, next time you look at a digger working on a construction site, take a close look at the steel ends to all the hydraulic pipes, each part taking ~ 20 -28 seconds to machine, completely, internally and externally.; and in every manufacturing nation around the world. . . Sitting quietly in your home with you PC . . . You Never had it so good.

Rest in peace, Queen Elizabeth II – Britain's first high-tech monarch

Chris Coles

Having watched her coronation on a new TV, out in the middle of the local village green; enjoyed the many memories of her husband Prince Philip; watched in awe at her work to bring so many nations into her Commonwealth; news of her passing brought tears to my eyes. Some will know that I deeply disapprove of what one might describe as a Feudal Mercantile Economy, corporate feudalism; yet her strong leadership, over such a long lifetime, brought another viewpoint that will live on for many coming centuries. I for one will miss her Christmas message to us all. God Save the King, King Charles III. May his coming reign bring similar success.

Commercial space station Orbital Reef's design phase passes NASA review

Chris Coles

Hotel's in Orbit were already suggested in 1986

Go read The Space Chronometer; An Orbiting Clock for Humanity https://www.jstor.org/stable/1575232

UK launches 'consultation' with EU over exclusion from science programs

Chris Coles

Re: The UK Will Become a Science Super Power

You clearly do not understand the concept of freedom of thought, and thus believe that a nation of more than a billion slaves, to a leadership dedicated to ensuring no one is EVER allowed to form their own view of the road ahead; can possibly rule the future planet; which China so clearly demonstrated by murdering their very best young people who had simply sat down to peacefully ask for the freedom to choose their own leadership. India is well known to be riven by deep corruption; their slaves are called "untouchables".

As a classic Brit, I have the brass cheek to believe in the capacity of the British nation to return to success. And another thing, it is the ownership of technology that creates opportunity, not the ownership of slaves. One good mind can, and as has been repeatedly demonstrated; create great prosperity.

If as I have in the past, spent any time in the US, to meet and converse with their very best people, you will know full well that, yes, while they might be described as being on the back foot right now; their people show great resilience, combined with a very competitive mindset. Their road ahead is already clearly set out and will allow them an easy return to success in all things. Nations that insist upon acquiring slaves will fail; nations that accept new thinking always succeed, as the only thing to fear is fear itself.

Time remains of the essence.

Chris Coles

The UK Will Become a Science Super Power

The past history of the United Kingdom was as a science super power; we led the world in many areas of science. The very first thing to do is to think positive. There are very specific proposals in front of the government for a means to fund the creation of at least one major new research institute, here in the UK. Which if followed up with enthusiasm, will, not "may" . . . will . . . create an opportunity for the UK to return to full scientific leadership in direct conjunction with the United States; where an identical research institution will compliment the first to lead the world. It will be Europe that will regret their post Brexit actions, as the positive results of the two new research institutes will lead the world to a recognition that the UK remains a Science Super Power. Who ever becomes Prime Minister has been presented with a choice, to accept the deal offered and retain scientific leadership. The very same applies to the US. Scientific Leadership requires new thinking to be accepted and fully supported. The choice is theirs, on both sides of the pond; theirs to win via positive leadership being fully applied to new thinking.

James Webb, Halley's Comet may be set for cosmic dust-up

Chris Coles

Why not design and deliver a simple dust shield?

All that is required is a dust shield, which should be easy to design, and deliver it to fly just beside JWST? Simple!

Meteoroid hits main mirror on James Webb Space Telescope

Chris Coles

The JWST needs a separate impact shield

JWST is orbiting the sun while the entire solar system is also orbiting the Milky Way galaxy; so it seems reasonable to assume the majority of such impacts will stem from the direction of movement through space. So why not launch a separate shield specifically designed to cover that risk? Simple!

European tech businesses cool on China due to coronavirus lockdowns

Chris Coles

Panic is the underlying cause

If what we are being told about the ongoing threat to the health of the vaccinated is correct, then the same thing is happening to the CCP, that their death rate is now ~40% above normal. On the other hand, if no one within China has the courage to tell the CCP the truth, that the vaccinations are the cause of the increase in deaths, and instead, the CCP has taken on board the idea that the increase of death rates are entirely the result of the unvaccinated spreading such infections. Then to the CCP, the lock downs make sense, and can be seen as a classic case of panic . . . citizens are dying, "we" are dying too, so everything we must do is bring the ongoing infections to the minimum. The simple fact is, Corona viruses are also the source of the common cold, which we all know spreads throughout every nation. Trying to bring to a halt the spread of a common cold is never going to work; instead, we long ago learned to live with it. Now old fashioned ideas like catch the virus and survive makes you immune for the rest of your life, have been dumped; panic rules.

Why the Linux desktop is the best desktop

Chris Coles

Microsoft's dominance stems from their documentation

As someone that started out with Windows 3.1 through to W7 who turned to Linux Mint, as I did so the underlying problem came into view; well expressed by many other comments herein . . . a refusal to understand the problems caused to, what one might describe as, the common computer user . . . the absolute refusal of what one might describe as Linux enthusiasts to accept that many will not know all of the subtleties of managing the software. As I see it, the great achievement of Microsoft, right from the beginning, was the creation of books that set it all out, in plain English, how to manage their software. There very simply is no comparison to such as; Microsoft Windows XP Inside Out . . . with Linux Mint. of even greater importance, try asking the Linux enthusiasts for answers and find your self being treated as an idiot . . . not worth the bother; as many have also described herein. It is Microsoft documentation that delivered their dominance, because it gave answers to any and every question, without any suggestion that asking was a demonstration of the users stupidity. Until Linux creates documentation to the same standards of understandable quality, they will not break through to the majority of Microsoft users.

Patch now: RCE Spring4shell hits Java Spring framework

Chris Coles

HP? Dumped Them Years Ago

Never; Ever; Use HP Products Ever Again. PERIOD!

AMD confirms Ryzen chips' stuttering performance on Windows 10, 11

Chris Coles

Missing Something?

"Maybe I'm missing something but this doesn't seem difficult to me to do that without introducing secret code. Happy to listen to other thoughts on this subject as I'm genuinely curious."

Surely that is the most important question of all; why TPM? What is the true function?

On my part, I grew up with DOS, and as I worked my way forward it became very clear that Microsoft, as others, came to realise that they could do something , no previous business could have done; climb through the window of EVERY previous purchaser, and destroy the previous product that they had sold to the customer. Imagine, every piece of fine china, for example, bought and used in a family setting, one morning . . . suddenly smashed to pieces . . .

My belief is that the TPM function is to reinforce that function with ANY earlier example of their own software, as well as making it impossible to use ANY software that they have defined as being competitive to their perceived market. That today, they have not one jot of interest in accepting the rules of a free market; that their intent is to use such functions to destroy a free market and replace it with a monopoly.

UK govt signs IT contracts 'without understanding' the needs

Chris Coles

Many Senior Civil Servants are not permitted to read newspapers, watch TV or listen to the radio

By chance of birth I come into this debate with uncommon knowledge, the existence of the extreme religious sect called; Plymouth Brethren "Exclusives". My uncle Peter was such, and my eldest brother once told me that, if I walked up to his front door and knocked on it, he would slam the door in my face while describing me as a "Heathen". A cousin, brought up within that family, eventually decided to leave and in doing so, had to leave behind his wife and children. Many such exclusives are in fact, senior civil servants, as was my uncle Peter, who I understand was Clerk of Works to the House of Commons. Again, I also gather that the same problem applies to the US, and, indeed, of all places, China. These are people that do not read anything other than a bible, (or in China the "Party doctrine). Again, within such communities, who are not permitted any normal social interaction with outsiders; they will only gather together with others of their sect. So it will be imperative that they only promote to the most senior levels of the civil service; other members of their sect. These people, exclusives, are not permitted ANY external social interaction, or as the title of this states; they are not permitted to read newspapers, watch TV or listen to the radio. They have no contact whatsoever with their surrounding communities; this is an entirely exclusive group that consider themselves to be above everyone else.

It is thus no wonder that they cannot take proper command of any new technology.

Photon fantastic: James Webb Space Telescope spies its first starlight

Chris Coles

JWST will confirm a Steady State Universe

At long last we will have confirmation that, instead of being able to observe the remnants of big bang, we will be shown images that will confirm the universe stretches out to the limits of the JWST vision, exactly as we all see it at night from here on planet Earth.

HPE has 'substantially succeeded' in its £3.3bn fraud trial against Autonomy's Mike Lynch – judge

Chris Coles

Re: Lynch should be in prison

We need answers to a considerable number of questions, all of which stem from my understanding of the past history of corruption within the civil service. Starting from the founding of many companies here in the UK who will have approached the civil service for a grant. If their experience was anything like mine, to get a grant, I was presented with a stark choice, hand over shares in my company, or no grant. So now understand that, if they took the deal offered; they were from that moment onward; under the complete control of the civil service holders of their company stock. Did Autonomy receive any such grants, under similar conditions regarding holdings of stock in their company? Were members of the civil service appointed to the management of Autonomy? Were any of the founders of Autonomy members of the civil service? Turning to the long delays of the judgement, has the judge been placed under any pressure to revise, or redact his judgement, from anyone within the civil service? Are such attempts to so revise, or redact . . . legal? If any of these questions can be answered in the positive, surely it is in both the interest of the reputation of the United Kingdom; and the interest of HP to find out if they reflect the true nature of the underlying corruption?

I own that $4.5bn of digi-dosh so rewrite your blockchain and give it to me, Craig Wright tells Bitcoin SV devs

Chris Coles

All Rubbish goes through a magnetic system to remove the metals

Need one say more? All household rubbish is passed under a magnet to remove them as scrap; they are worth money. So the hard drive will not be in that rubbish dump, and the metal will already have been melted down for re-use. Gone!

Boffins' first take on asteroid dust from Japanese probe: Carbon rich, less lumpy than expected

Chris Coles

Now add a steady state universe trillions of years old

What if, instead of a universe ~13.4 billion years old, we enjoy a steady state universe many trillions of years old . . . then it becomes much easier to imagine a inordinately slow process where, as here with the solar system; the energy from the sun's solar wind has, over the full life of our solar system, blown off the surface of all surrounding planet and large mass objects atmospheres, sufficient fine dust particles, much of which will, inevitably, be organic . . . to explain what has been discovered on another object in outer space. Then add that a visible galaxy is the accretion disc for the Galactic Core Object at the centre of the galaxy, so over such immense timescales, all that mass is eventually re-distributed to form new galaxies . . . which have thus spread the dust throughout the universe . . . now we have a method of distribution that is based upon immense timescales.

Again, with the mass of the sun providing a gravitational field sufficient to support a proportion of the dust blown off of the inner planets being captured by the sun . . . might serve to explain why the surface of the sun, taking consideration of the timescales; has the same properties as the dust particles from the asteroid sample?

And, again, add that the sun is not in a static location; instead it moves in orbit around the galaxy; as also all of the rest of the solar system. Remember, when you sit in front of your TV over Christmas, you are actually moving sideways at up to 1,000 Km's per hour; plus add the motion of the entire solar system orbiting the galaxy. Now, again, add dust clouds in space from the destruction of previous galaxies . . . give clear evidence of many ways dust with organic origins can be delivered over immense timescales. Food for thought?

UK government publishes guidance on security rules for tech takeovers

Chris Coles

We are a technology colony of the US; this is just icing on their cake

A The Register already knows, it is my firm belief that the signing of the Defence Trade Co-operation Treaty, which allows the US to simply list any technology that they believe is being worked on by ANY UK, (and Australian), facility; must be handed to the US without even any paper trail; which treaty now makes us a technology colony of the US . . . That we are no longer an independent nation free to develop our own unique defence technology industrial base. Now take a close look at the above list of technologies . . . and realise that is exactly what the treaty describes. So this is simply an extension of the colonisation of our nation; and you can bet your bottom $ that the US is the leader of this new guidance; not parliament. We have been colonised; this is simply an extension of that process; designed to take full control of the national inventive capacity.

Sheffield Uni cooks up classic IT disaster in £30m student project: Shifting scope, leadership changes, sunk cost fallacy

Chris Coles

Out of curiosity, here is a question:?

Thank you, the best answer herein has to be the curious question . . . why not set out to start from scratch and create their own system that then could be sold to every other university?

Buyout of British defence supplier Ultra Electronics paused by UK.gov over competition concerns

Chris Coles

Re: No! and again; NO!

Your answer follows an earlier mistake on your part. You were referencing Dominic Cummings who to my mind is a classic case of failed morality. Yes, at first sight he seemed to have what it might take to bring in needed change; but instead he has failed the test by suddenly turning against the very people that opened the door for him in the first place, no doubt with an associated grand income to boot! Then following with flying off into a world of recriminations. What we need are level headed people that care about an orderly debate; wildly lashing out; because he did not get his way; has destroyed his credibility.

There is no crazed herd of elephants, and your perception of an answer is similarly misconceived. So my answer is again . . . NO!

Yes, by all means let people know that you are not backing down; but throwing bricks through the opposition window does nothing but bring on further trouble. The misguided need to be brought to understand their mistake, in a manner that allows them room for reflection, and the need to change direction.

Chris Coles


It is also important that I add that my personal experience of the American people is very positive indeed. They are very generous and I have over the years made great friendships with people that I admire. This debate is not about the underlying American belief in freedom; to me, this is all about what I believe to be the failed mindset of a few misguided individuals, who have to be brought to accept that they are wrong; that they must change direction.

Chris Coles


Then you have accepted the complete collapse of the rule of law? yes, law! Why would I open with such a statement? Because every action of the inventor comes very strictly; within an fully agreed framework of national law and interlocking international law.

Instead, what you are telling everyone that reads this debate . . . the primary driving force of . . . recent events . . . is to, as you so succinctly put it: "remove such nationalistic citizenship rights via signed paper treaties"

So your message is we must all accept that from now onward; Our personal intellectual input must no longer be seen as a means to create new business/employment opportunities within our own nations under our own personal leadership; ergo; classic industrial competition . . . returning the British nation back to the level of great success we attained during the majority of the last century . . . that instead we have to accept that there never will be any further need for such attainment because we must now accept . . . "the stealthy shadows of secure shade and alongside the leading businesses involved."

That all present suppliers must from now onward be preserved . . . so excuse my asking . . . Under Whose control? And for that matter; why remove competition? Surely the true answer is that as you and your masters in Virginia want to prevent any competition with your own national champions? That the concept of free enterprise competition from what is your closest ally is an anathema, (someone or something cursed, reviled, or detested).

And if we take what at first glance seems odd; the deliberate theft of 15 copies of a new book describing a completely new way to look at the subject of gravity . . . from the UPS depot in Philadelphia; was in fact; a complete rejection of EVERY international law regarding . . . copyright . . . intellectual property . . . forcing the understanding that we have no option but to come right back to my previous point; that this whole debate is nothing to do with the points you have been trying to make above . . . it is all about retaining absolute complete control over every other nations to retain your perceived advantage.

Now we have to return to your statement above:

"Or is it a past failing of the Private/Pirate Business Sector not exercising its Available Options with the Presentation of Novel Opportunities to the Public Sector for Greater JOINT Leadership?"

The important phrase is: "exercising its available options" . . . which clearly to repeat; are an anathema. The available options are, first and foremost free trade, which in turn is fully underpinned by intellectual property law in the form of copyright and patents, which are owned by the originator, the author and inventor; who, under law, retains the right to act within their own personal moral compass; to do their best to improve the lot of the citizens of their nation.

Always remembering . . . there is no such thing as "Leadership" when faced with the actions of absolutely corrupt civil servants who have completely turned their backs on both their own nation . . . and the rule of the law. You want people like me to present novel opportunities to a clearly deeply corrupt Public Sector, and seem so surprised that I will not do that. To repeat; I will NOT do that.

Chris Coles

For the record, this is the question I tried to present to an EAG dinner debate Wednesday 12th December 2012 "Delivering Security in an Age of Austerity"

During the 1980's Israel developed a new ground attack fighter, VERY similar to the US F16, called the Lavi, which ultimately contained a lot of US defence technology. But that development led to concerns that doing business with an Israeli company would result in ideas and designs being appropriated without proper compensation; when the US supports a foreign competitor.

Airpower Journal Vol. IV, No. 3, (Fall 1990): 34-44

In 1995 eight Special Ops Chinook helicopters were ordered by the UK MOD, but the contract did not include access to security codes which were to have been created, without Boeing's involvement, by the MOD to reduce costs. That contract omission in turn became a very long story taking many years to resolve resulting with a first flight in 2009.


Such difficulties, caused by the absolute, and, dare I say it, admirable commitment by the US; to retain complete control over its defence technology; led the US to propose a new Defence Trade Cooperation treaty between the UK, (and Australia), to achieve fully interoperable forces which was signed into existence by the US Congress in 2007.

On the face of it, this is an excellent treaty, removing many previous obstacles to UK MoD access to US defence related technology.

The problem is; for the individual British private inventor; this treaty is an abomination.

What it has done in effect is remove my British citizenship, my right to defend my nation; and replace it with a right presented to the US to take any new technology I might create; and use it for their own purposes:

"without a license or other written authorization".

[For clarity; the Treaty reads:



This Treaty provides a comprehensive framework for Exports and Transfers, without a license or other written authorization, of Defence Articles, whether classified or not, to the extent that such Exports and Transfers are in support of the activities identified in Article 3(1).



(1) (d) United States Government end-use].

All the US need do is list any technology and it automatically becomes subject to the treaty.

But this has much wider implications; as my interpretation reads that, from now onwards; the treaty precludes the UK from ever again developing its own unique defence technology base.

We have become a defence colony of the US.

Two points:

1. Many of us, outside of the MoD "charmed circle" have felt for some decades now that the UK executive government does not have our interests in mind at all; that the civil service only cares for itself, first and foremost, with the wider interests of the nation following a long way behind. This treaty illustrates that perfectly. We have been summarily "Rolled Over" and have agreed to a very one sided treaty that; if it had been presented to a strong organisation, visibly dedicated to the development of a long term British industrial defence structure; invented, designed and manufactured by British inventors and designers; they would not have accepted it. Instead, once again, they traded British long term potential for a short term fix from the US defence industry.

2. On the other hand, British inventors have grown to understand that the US does not abide by international treaties such as the Patent Cooperation Treaty and that within the US, today, the rule of law is moot.

That the government of the United States is quite prepared to ignore their own law, if that will suit their own purposes. (Chapter 12, The Road Ahead from a Grass Roots Perspective).

I say this to the UK government:

You sir, are the leader of the Royal Navy, and not the leader of the civil service, so this is a little unfair; but we outside can see no one acting as the leader of the United Kingdom executive government; which in turn seems weak and leaderless; so I ask you to please take my concerns inward with a view to establishing who exactly IS supposed to lead them; and to strengthen their moral, ethical and leadership structures with a view to returning this once fine industrial nation; Great Britain; back to full strength.

Lastly to the United States:

You claim to be the world leader; the strongest nation; but that in turn presents the responsibility to defend the rule of law; dare I say it; beyond any other related responsibility. What I see is a nation being driven down a dark alley by a defence industry dedicated to always winning by force of arms; when the rest of the planet yearns for peace.

At the end of WW2 you forced the UK to abandon it's colonies; yet here, with this treaty, you have colonised the inventive and industrial capacity of the United Kingdom.

That treaty is an abomination and must be revised to permit the British inventive spirit to once again prosper and succeed.

Chris Coles


Chris Coles

Re: Garbage In Garbage Out/What's Good for the Goose is Good for the Gander

Having had the remarkable experience of, having voiced my concerns at the Royal Society introduction of the new European Commissioner for Science and technology, and having attended the first of two OECD conferences in Paris, where I asked, as always . . . questions; I watched a full on team, (doing exactly what we often see in a movie), moreover, in a quiet dead end street in Combs la Ville in France . . . a string of black vehicles, light aircraft flying low overhead, lots of people from their vehicles walking down either side of the street looking over the hedge into my elder sisters garden where I was staying . . . only to find myself, the next appointed time for the OECD, having being stopped at the introduction desk, only to find myself marched out of the OECD between two security guards; letter delivered to my home here in the UK telling me they do not like me asking questions and never to attempt to try and attend ever again.

Considering no one ever reported my concerns, acknowledged by Mrs May, I assume a D Notice was presented to editors from your department. Oh! Yes! Your department; your use of the word Abomination gives you away. Have you yet read the second full page of my question that I was unable to present verbally?

If what I am describing is such utter rubbish . . . why bother?

Each time your answer seems to verbally point in both directions . . . leaving me to wonder why?

The United Kingdom has been colonised; we no longer have full control of our proudly home grown technology, and dare I say so, all because a small group of absolutely corrupt employees in your department . . . gladly received the buckets of silver cast at their feet.

I will NOT work with such corruption. Period!

Not one sign of anyone with the courage to strip out the corrupt and put matters right since.

Not one sign.

Chris Coles

Re: Garbage In Garbage Out/What's Good for the Goose is Good for the Gander

So you were there that night, but as I passed the rest of my question to the First Sea Lord, am I to assume you have neither had access to my full question; nor had read and fully understood the underlying implications of the treaty?

The primary problem is; what do you mean by the term HMG? Yes, anyone can be certain that there are many under that heading who are fully professional, and importantly; care about such inputs to HMG. The continuing problem being that some of us out here have also come to the firm conclusion . . . that there is a very hard core of absolute corruption there as well.

As for your use of the word "Subjugation", may I be so bold as to suggest that, having read the treaty, you also go purchase a copy of Enough Already, Time to end the war on terrorism, by Scott Horton. So far, 20 years of subjugation has cost the lives of millions of innocents.

Life has taught me that it is vital never to deal with the corrupt; as one only creates further corruption by doing so. You might consider that it is equally important to step forward to find out why people like me have made that decision . . . not to deal with them; where good old fashioned common sense dialogue should have then stepped forward to assuage the expressed fears . . . which remain undiminished.

There is always more than one side to a debate, which requires both sides to be heard and fully understood; what I received was a full on "silence him", leaving me to ask myself why?

Chris Coles

Re: Too Late . . . Tony Blair Gave Away All Our Technology Via The Defence Trade Co-operation Treaty

You need to read it again.
