yeah, that's it. Fuck the register.
Posts by Matt 4
38 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Jun 2009
If you were cuffed during Trump's inauguration, cops are trying to crack your smartphone
Kotkin: Why Trump won
Gaming apps, mugging and bad case of bruised Pokéballs
Lester Haines: RIP
Brexit campaign group fined £50k for sending half a million spam texts
Halo 5: Overhyped, but still way above your average shooter
You own the software, Feds tell Apple: you can unlock it
Mad Max: High-octane dystopian desert demolition derby
Smart meters set to cost Blighty as much as replacing Trident
"However, DECC insisted changes in cost were solely driven by the change in accounting methodology, not by underlying cost changes, said the report."
Would this new accounting methodology be accounting for all the actual costs as opposed to throwing a dart at a board 3 times and multiplying the result by the page number the minister happens to be on in playboy then multiplied again by the number of folders on his desk?
5555 upvote party
Norks SCOLD Prez Obama over Sony mega hack payback sanctions
Hipsters ahoy! Top Ten BOARD games for festive family fun
Dungeons & Dragons relaunches with 'freemium' version 5.0
Re: Paper shortages
I'm all about the Gumshoe system and rules light systems nowdays.
Games like rolemaster are great from a "system engineering" point of view but always pigs to ref (same with stuff like Anima)
Love the old tristat system to and ofcourse the wod system is nice and lightweight.
Technically speaking the core part of D&D has been free for some time (under the OGL) just without any of the setting. But I've always hated D20 with a burning passion and it only got more hateful.
There are lots of nice systems out there - I really enjoyed Ingenium from a classic fantasy side of things as character gen took 5 minutes for 4 players. Need a certain kind of seat of your pants fluff stuff ref though
ISIS: Iraq KILLS the INTERNET: VPNs, social media and chat apps blocked by government
Youtube Content Matching & Copyright infringement system
Youtube Content Matching & Copyright infringement system
I'm vaguely surprised there hasn't been an article about this (well there may have been, I did a search and it doesn't seem that there has been) given El Reg's interest in the area of Copyright, Google and, abuse of position.
Recently Youtube changed their system so that far more large popular channels (in this case gaming channels) are being flagged for copyright infringement and the supposed copyright holders taking the ad money for those videos (and dragging their feet in responding to objections, and then down right claiming material that isn't theirs.) The youtube reviewers are then hamstrung not only by the automatic matching system that auto flags materials and redirects the revenue to the "copyright holder" but they are also limited to a maximum of 3 disputes at a time, though this is really 2 as if you receive 3 dmca strikes your channel is closed down (even though the DMCA notice is simply part of a legal process and not a confirmation of guilt)
All the while Youtube/Google is still making money from Ads and often companies are illegally gaining revenue off of other peoples copy righted material.
A good set of videos on this come from Angry Joe (one of the people affected by this - also NSFW) but a number of big youtube reviewers have been attacked using the Youtube copyright system.
Angry Joe's videos on his experience
And the example of abuse committed by companies using the flagging mechanism
Dimmed but not out: Lantern anti-censorship tool blocked in China
Blighty's National Crime Agency nabs first crook ...for £750k cyberscam
Oh goody this sounds wonderful
"NCA '[will] not comply with freedom of information requests.' According to a government fact sheet on the NCA (PDF, 5 pages, easy read) the agency's employees will be authorised to use covert surveillance powers under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000"
Should Nominet ban .uk domains that use paedo and crim-friendly words?
Xbox One users will have to pay extra for Skype and gamer-gratifying DVR
Don't shoot the Windows Live Messenger, cry IM users
the skype app on my nexus 7 is crap, with its permanently landscape view o.O unless it's been fixed since last time. So I don't use it... OH WELL! I stopped talkling to most people anyway.
Skype and MSN both have similar problems anyway (the mad "I can talk to that person just fine, but all my messages bounce back from that person..." *restart* "Now they get to that person but not the other one" *restart* "Now I can't talk to anyone." etc
PM demands media clean-up, not keen on doing much himself
Akihabara unplugged: Tokyo's electric town falls flat
Re: Yes, we know.
Another goes down hill in the last 2 episodes, far better are Serial Lain and Boogiepop Phantom.
Also for Manga Lament of the Lamb, MPD Psycho, and a list that goes on and on.
Complex well written stories. There are also great simple stories.
Manga and anime aren't a genre they're a medium. And mediums that spawn more material (dojin works, computer games, live action, American Live Action rip offs, music, animated movies, models, costumes, etc, etc, etc)
But as said mr troll, people like what they like, and a lot of people like anime/manga/cosplay/maids/blah
Valve: Games run FASTER on Linux than Windows
Re: Gabe!
"Heck, I didn't have to wait long for *everything* to get downloaded and install on my new PC last year - all I neeedd to do was install Steam, type in my username/password once and click "download all my stuff". A win for Steam as I didn't need to bother finding my disks."
It's even easier than that, you can just copy all the games to your new pc and double click the downloads in Steam and they double check that they're correct and go. A few games don't but most do.
Android Trojan distracts Japanese with anime and porn

Re: ...anime AND porn?
before talking have some idea of what you're talking about
This season alone there are 61 new Anime (seasons / movies and OVA) that aren't Hentai.
These range from shows about cooking and, panda's running cafes to adult shows like fate/zero and Sankarae, also slice of life shows, comedies, ecchi shows, moe shows, shounen shows, shoujo shows, mysteries, action, horror, romance, giant robot and a whole draft of other kinds of shows.
Your comment is much like going
Live action shows and porn? There's a difference?
Which is equally retarded.
More Brits desert high streets to spend £50bn online
UK student faces extradition to US after piracy case ruling
Smut oglers told to opt in to keep web filth flowing
Neurogaming set to be launched by Disney
Border Agency monitors migrant ITers with inadequate IT
are we
"Most workers enter through this route and, for instance, tens of thousands of IT workers have been brought in through intra-company transfers at a time when UK residents with IT skills are struggling to find work,"
Can't say I have been having any problems and i get calls every week, oh you mean
" transfers at a time when UK residents with *useless* IT skills and those not willing to relocate to where the work is are struggling to find work,"
Anyway I await the daily mailesque anti immigration crowd to blow their load in indignant rage.
Designer punts ultimate customisable keyboard
Carrier-sold iPad 2 Sim locks snag unwary buyers
Medion E54009 touch monitor
thing is
Touch screen for PCs would fly for me in one of two ways, first is as a driver for a proper screen (a bit like a wacom tablet) second is as a control system for a game (think selecting points for your artillery to land whilst dodging bullets from those cyborg monsters coming at you.) A lot of us don't have super long arms and sit a reasonable distance from our screens so an actual multi touch monitor is a bit useless in the real world. They're far more interesting as a multitouch interface of some sort (map tables, damage repair, commanding squad mates, etc whilst still having to play.)
I've played a few games in Japanese arcades that have touch monitors as the main screen but the whole machine was designed that way so you're sitting in a position where touching the monitor isn't a pain in the arse.
Twitter would have stopped Rwandan genocide, claims PM
Law lord lashes out at ID cards
"every single member of your family will be stripped of their assets, their citizenship (don’t matter if they were born here or not) and then dumped back in the county of their ancestors penniless."
Guilt by relation - nice - works so well too. Really proves you're a progessive, just, civil society.