But but but...
without you to keep the ever growing army of commentards at bay the world is surely doomed!
I can picture it now. The last surviving sub-editor stumbling into your dungeon one day, mutteringly incoherently, eyes wild with fear. Badly mauled and delirious with exhuastion, they manage one last desparate whisper before expiring in your arms: "They. Are. Coming *hrrrk*"
Suddenly the lights go and there's a skittering sound in the darkness. Then another. And another one still. The noises grow in frequency and volume as if drawing closer. They are soon accompanied by low keening moans that build and build until they become an unbearable cacophany of screeching.
Suddenly, there is silence. Yet something tells you this is not over. Then you feel it. A presence by your side that makes your skin crawl and hair stand on end. The air becomes heavier and harder to breath, as if some invisible gloom is closing in around you, slowly suffocating. Your body goes numb and feel yourself falling to the floor.
The last thing you are aware of is a deathly rasping voice whispering in your ear: "Where is the the IT angle?!"
Ahem. On a more serious note, you'll be missed! Best of luck wherever you're going though :)