Glasgow shut again?
Every 4 years or so they hire a huge bunch of folk up here, then shut down, then hire a bunch of folk...
19 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Jun 2009
5 minute no-interaction install for a new environment (with Jumpstart/JET :) ).
Use bugger-all resources (7 Oracle and 7 SAP instances in seperate VMs on one 64GB RAM box? Sure, why not.).
Flash-archive installs to move hardware OSes (even from ancient beige-box Solaris 8/9 hosts) to VMs without the applications noticing they've been moved.
Cluster aware.
No VM license issues.
Need a sly Wiki set up? Slap a zone on a development box and get your mod-php on.
Want to test some LDAP changes before rollout? Flash-archive a live box into a zone and see if everything works.
Happy days. I recommend it.