Look up Stanley Miller 1953 and Harold Urey and the work done since then.
Try actual education and accepting facts instead of just rearranging things you have heard into something that you can fit around your beliefs.
129 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Jun 2009
They haven't gotten away with anything. I jumped from O2 to t-mobile to get the better coverage when they merged with Orange. Customer support - terrible, high st shops are filled with sales drones but you have to ring up for support. Phone went faulty, took them 3 months to fix and came back worse than I sent it, they now refuse to replace phone so I've had to buy one. This is the 2nd time they have increased the price on my contract using this inflation bullshit.
I have only a couple of months left on my contract, they will not be getting a renewal. I suspect many other people will jump as well as their contracts expire. A massive drop in customers might just give them the kick they need, I'm willing to pay a bit more and risk some coverage so I don't have to deal with these jokers anymore.
Please point out something that Apple did FIRST and then maybe they will get some sympathy if someone copies it. Everything they have ever done has been copied from somewhere else, they just claim they did it first and then try to sue the arse off anybody who does something vaguely similar.
You're just thinking along the lines of computer=internet but there are many more applications
Climate controlled clothing to keep you comfortable
Intelligent clothing that could for example call the emergency services if something happens to you
Programmable clothing, 1 design any colour or pattern you want
That's just off the top of my head, I'm sure many others can be thought of.
But this isn't a trademark, this is part of a design. If anything is to be registered it is the design in its entirety which Apple already have done. Once you start breaking designs down into each simple shape it just makes a mockery of the whole thing.
Using your examples McDonalds do just use the M as a trademark in their advertising in a specific colour and font, Blaupunkt do not have a blue circle trademarked they have a blue circle followed by the company name in a specific font which they use and that is the trademark - the whole thing. Unless Apple are about to change their branding to the leaf then this is invalid.
Even just looking at the jury foreman produces enough material to get it dismissed without referring to the issue of his failing to declare a previous interest.
Just look at some of his press statements:
The highlight of my career
Prior art doesn't count as it doesn't run on the same hardware
I told them what to say as they didn't understand the issues
and so on, how Samsungs lawyers haven't managed to get it declared a mistrial yet I don't know.
You are making a lot of assumptions.
I cannot find any reference to the amount that Ericsson have asked, so we don't know that Samsung are insisting they are low.
We don't have any information about the previous agreements and so don't know how reasonable Ericsson's terms are. If the previous agreements had licensed the patents at $2 for everything, but now Ericsson are demanding $50 because Samsung's business has grown by a lot since 2007 then I think that would be seen as unreasonable.
Let's just wait until more details about this case become available before deciding which party are in the wrong here.
So your happy with device A which means of course you look at device B made by the same manufacturer. If you are then happy with how it looks you buy it - That should be the end of loyalty.
What if device B is not as good as device A? Do you still buy it or start to look elsewhere?
What if device B is far more expensive than its competitors and also does less? Is it worth paying for?
What if you decide device B is worth paying for, not because of its technical merit but just because you had a good experience with device A. Then the manufacturer release device C, which is just as rubbish as device B was - do you still buy it because you were happy with device A or do you decide enough is enough and move to another manufacturer?
There lies the problem with blind loyalty to a brand, it leaves you getting ripped off as manufacturers do less with each revision yet charge as much if not more for the new kit. Loyalty to a brand should only go as far as 'I am happy with this so I will look at the next one first, but then compare it to what else is around before making a decision'
If a manufacturer produces something better than the manufacturer of my current device at a price I am willing to pay then of course I will choose the better option.
That is much better than paying over the odds for an inferior product because of some sense of loyalty.
Where is the incentive for manufacturers to keep improving their products if they know that their customers will buy whatever they churn out next because they are loyal? The threat of losing those customers to a better rival keeps companies on their toes.
It drives companies to out perform each other and so Samsung will just have to put more effort into their next handset if they want to remain market leader. Contrast that with the Apple way of doing things which is to try and remove the competition with lawyers as they cannot compete on technical merit.
Why did they do this? By accepting Apples agreement they have given some validity to the nonsense patents Apple holds. If they had held out chances are the patents that haven't already been ripped up by the USPTO will be gone in a few weeks. Are they still going to pay Apple if that happens? They would have been much better off going to court and demanding that Apple prove the validity of their patents. It wouldn't have cost them anything as once they had been thrown out for being obvious HTC would have been able to claim all their costs back from Apple.
I didn't say that a public service doesn't need to make a profit. I said you don't have to show continuous growth in those profits because it would have no impact on share value as there won't be any shares. I also stated that the profit should be used to re-invest in the infrastructure and reduce the price to the consumer instead of lining the pockets of people who are already stinking rich.
And of course, no private company has ever suffered from a proven track record of waste, stupidity and incompetence, have they?
I suggest you look at the BILLIONS in profit declared every year by every single energy company - and that's just what the accountants can't hide from the tax man.
Re-nationalize the energy companies into 1 national service and all that profit can be forgotten about as it is no longer needed to pay shareholders. Constant profit growth is also something that can be forgotten about as there are no shareholders to keep happy.
The 100bn you quote as the cost of renationalisation could be paid off within a few years on the profits alone, but it won't be anything like that figure as you conveniently forget about the billions in subsidies the energy companies currently receive that will no longer have to be paid.
Once the cost of renationalisation has been dealt with then the profit can be split between lowering bills for everybody and investing in new technology and infrastructure. The only people who won't be happy are the managers, directors and shareholders of the big energy companies as they will no longer be able to make obscene profits off the back of people who cannot afford it.
Going through your previous posts, can I just ask - how much do Apple pay you exactly? Or are you really that blinkered? I think you need professional help if you still cannot see past Apples propaganda despite all your arguments having been shot down in flames repeatedly with well reasoned responses.
You do know marriage existed long before the christian church don't you? The ancient Greeks and the Romans and some areas of China all allowed same-sex marriages, probably other places too but it's difficult to find historical records from that far back so if anyone is wrong on the subject it is the christian church who have hijacked it and twisted it to their particular set of beliefs. Beliefs which they think gives them the right to discriminate and in the past even maim, torture and kill people who don't think the same way as them. But they are only doing what God has told them to do and God loves you so its for your own good.
Nope. For years ISPs sent out unsecured routers to the great unwashed with the message 'just plug it in and away you go' These people with little or no knowledge of the technology did as they were told without thinking there would be a problem and why should they? The people who do know about these things have told them all they have to do is plug it in and everything is fine.
It's all about the image. If people stop queuing like idiots the news won't report on it so less media coverage hyping up the 'extraordinary' demand for the next 'must have' item. People might start to think Apple are somehow ordinary and a product launch is just a product launch not a special social gathering.
I'm betting no home deliveries on the launch of the next isomething with an incentive like the 1st hundred get it free, maybe even releasing it exclusively in the Apple stores a day or so before they allow the resellers to sell it. That will get them the 'People queue for days' headlines they're after
Agreed about car parking charges. We decided to visit Chester this weekend just for something to do and neither of us had been for many years. After the misery of the insane ring road system I found a council run car park just to find the charges are £4 for 2 hours and that is the minimum charge. On top of that all the pay and display machines are still coin only with nowhere to get change from and no number to ring and pay by card over the phone. None of the closest shops were willing to give me change for the car park unless I bought something which I had to do in the end or risk getting a ticket from the warden I had seen patrolling the car park. The whole thing has put me off going back to Chester as it is just too expensive and too much hassle
Just proving my point that no matter what Apple do, no matter how blatantly wrong it is they have a brainwashed cult who think it is fine. Replace the word Apple for Microsoft though and watch the bile spill forth. Anybody who thinks this is acceptable corporate behaviour really needs their head examined.
I swear the Apple faithful would watch Apple rape their wife, kill their children and rob them blind and still thank them for doing so
I have seen this coming for a long time and yet people ignore the warning signs because Apple are a cuddly family friend who would never do anything bad. This needs stopping now before Apple get any bigger as their behaviour will only get worse. This is corporate blackmail of the worst kind and Apple should be seriously fined over it, a substantial amount given how much they have in the bank that would make the shareholders take notice and do something about it as their share price plummets.