... automobile manufacturer Mitsubishi
Making cars is just a (very) small part of Mitsubishi...
And the auto group probably has nothing to do with this project.
510 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Jun 2009
> "That said, a huge and important part of the web is essentially static content that's never going to be updated."
I'm very glad, that's not the case, otherwise we'd still be looking at gif files created with a 16 colour EGA palette, and being forced to use shockwave flash*.
* the horror.
Competition clearly isn't working in the UK, or is simply rigged.
I live in Tokyo and I don't even have to pay to have 8Mb cable broadband (included in rent). I could opt for 1Gbs FTTH, which would cost about 35 quid a month.
The fact that Londoner's can't get more than 4Mbps from BT is pretty shoddy. Where has all the money for infrastructure investment been going?
> "The prices we pay in Blighty are insane and I've no idea why."
20% VAT combined with tory austerity and the threat of any kind of Brexit affecting the pound.
If 'no deal' happens, expect to be paying a lot more for just about everything.
Paris, cos well, use your loaf.
Apple's devices are well designed;
- to look good (to better appeal to the great unwashed)
- to be as cheap to manufacture as possible (the better for profit)
It's the second point that causes them to fail right after warranty and explode in some poor punters face. Safety and longevity don't get a look in.
There is a difference between dying of old age, and dying from corporate manslaughter, don't you think?
The only reason Boeing are acknowledging the problem now is because at the rate the accidents were occurring, it wouldn't be long until a 737MAX went down in a country where Boeing could get sued.
Not sure about this. nVidia perhaps yes, but AMD has been doing very well in this regard recently. For example Radeon Fury, Vega GPUs with HBM, and EPYC/Threadripper on the CPU side. Correct me if I'm wrong, but intel are only just getting into this game and they had to use an AMD GPU die to do it.