* Posts by Tom 64

510 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Jun 2009


Fujitsu, Mitsubishi, pals proclaim 'Japan Metaverse Economic Zone'

Tom 64

... automobile manufacturer Mitsubishi

Making cars is just a (very) small part of Mitsubishi...


And the auto group probably has nothing to do with this project.

NASA mulls restoring Saturn V to service as SLS delays and costs mount

Tom 64

Re: Sensible idea

I'd pay to watch that. And take bets on the launcher going bang on the launch pad.

Zoom's end-to-end encryption isn't actually end-to-end at all. Good thing the PM isn't using it for Cabinet calls. Oh, for f...

Tom 64

wait, what?

GCHQ said it wasn't in their remit? Government Communications Headquarters?!?

'Unfixable' boot ROM security flaw in millions of Intel chips could spell 'utter chaos' for DRM, file encryption, etc

Tom 64

Re: Meanwhile at AMD

Does anyone still own intel stock?

Tom 64

Re: The best.

> "for those that feel they absolutely must game on their PC the old hardware is likely the only thing that will work."

Depends on your definition of 'work'. Suffering a 50% drop in FPS is not palatable to most gamers.

Google Chrome to block file downloads – from .exe to .txt – over HTTP by default this year. And we're OK with this

Tom 64


> "That said, a huge and important part of the web is essentially static content that's never going to be updated."

I'm very glad, that's not the case, otherwise we'd still be looking at gif files created with a 16 colour EGA palette, and being forced to use shockwave flash*.

* the horror.

At last, the fix no one asked for: Portable home directories merged into systemd

Tom 64

Re: Jeez

Downvoting for eye-bleeding use of caps

AMD rips covers off 64-core Threadripper desktop monster, plus laptop chips, leaving Intel gesturing vaguely at 2021

Tom 64

Don't forget that those old pentium's didn't even have an L3 cache

Labour: Free British broadband for country if we win general election

Tom 64

No, I wasn't attempting any misdirection, simply making a comparison.

So I'll try again a little more directly: The UK has some of the highest prices for some of the shittest services among developed nations.

Tom 64

Competition clearly isn't working in the UK, or is simply rigged.

I live in Tokyo and I don't even have to pay to have 8Mb cable broadband (included in rent). I could opt for 1Gbs FTTH, which would cost about 35 quid a month.

The fact that Londoner's can't get more than 4Mbps from BT is pretty shoddy. Where has all the money for infrastructure investment been going?

Brit consumers still holding off on buying new PCs until that Brexit thing is over and done with

Tom 64
Paris Hilton

Re: Brexit Unlikely Reason

> "The prices we pay in Blighty are insane and I've no idea why."

20% VAT combined with tory austerity and the threat of any kind of Brexit affecting the pound.

If 'no deal' happens, expect to be paying a lot more for just about everything.

Paris, cos well, use your loaf.

Tom 64
IT Angle

Re: EU 10% Tax

Where can I get some of what you've been prescribed? It seems to be working wonders.

Time to Ryzen shine, Intel: AMD has started shipping 7nm desktop CPUs like it's no big deal

Tom 64

Good job AMD

Here's a grand, now gimme all that good kit.

You're not Boeing to believe this, but... Another deadly 737 Max control bug found

Tom 64

>"The safety of our airplanes is Boeing’s highest priority"

No, it just isn't is it. Or the warning light that indicates the failure of the system wouldn't have been an $80,000 optional extra. You've got blood on your hands Boeing.

Remember that crypto-exchange boss who mysteriously died after his customers' coins disappeared? Of course he totally stole them

Tom 64

Re: Blockchain?

The fraud here was the padding of his books with USD to swap for the crypto... Did you guys even read the article?

Tom 64

Re: "real cryptocurrency was transferred out."

As opposed to the fake USD he padded his books with to purchase the crypto.

Tom 64

Re: Cherchez la femme?

My eyes just rolled so far back in my head they almost performed a 360.

It's now officially the WhackBook Pro: If the keyboards weren't bad enough, now MacBook Pro batts are a fire risk

Tom 64

Re: Get some perspective

Apple's devices are well designed;

- to look good (to better appeal to the great unwashed)

- to be as cheap to manufacture as possible (the better for profit)

It's the second point that causes them to fail right after warranty and explode in some poor punters face. Safety and longevity don't get a look in.

This Free software ain't free to make, pal, it's expensive: Mozilla to bankroll Firefox with paid-for premium extras

Tom 64

Oh dear

If this means opening firefox now presents me with 'this is what you're missing' crap every time, I'm going to stop using it. This will leave only webkit based browsers, and that's an issue.

When it comes to DNS over HTTPS, it's privacy in excess, frets UK child exploitation watchdog

Tom 64

Think of the Children!

Yes, lets do that! Lets make sure our schools and hospitals are properly funded.

Tom 64

Re: @AC ... The ol' Dual-Use Problem

For the Tory party, the Chinese one party system is a model form of government. One which they are vigorously persuing.

It's official! The Register is fake news… according to .uk overlord Nominet. Just a few problems with that claim, though

Tom 64

Re: Money, money, money.

El Reg: You've heard of ethics, right?

Howarth: What's that, like some tribe in South America?

When two tribes go to war... Intel, AMD tease new chips at Computex: Your spin-free summary

Tom 64

Re: Lookin' good

It will probably be very well behaved under a modern linux kernel (e.g on fedora 30). Keep your eye on phoronix after release.

Tom 64
Thumb Up

Lookin' good

AMD's new lineup does look good (I'll be picking up a Ryzen).

Great to see them back in the game and giving intel a run for their money.

Uh-oh .io: Question mark hangs over trendy tech startup domains as UN condemns British empire hangover

Tom 64

Re: Get real

Indeed. Zero chance of the US giving up that base, it's far too strategically important to their wars on stuff

Japan on track to start testing Alfa-X, fastest train in the world with top speed of 400kph

Tom 64

Re: Well....

>"If you are old enough to remember BR in the 1960's and early 1970's, you will know what I mean."

Oh and Britain's privately run services since then have been good, do you? Go to Japan, and see how trains should work.

NSA: That ginormous effort to slurp up Americans' phone records that Snowden exposed? Ehhh, we don't need that no more

Tom 64

Re: Magic 8-ball says....

This is simply a case of building plausible deinability. 'look we gave up that program you all hated'.

Pull the other one pal.

Brit spy chief: We need trust or we won't have a 'licence to operate in cyberspace'

Tom 64

Re: A bit of advice for the gentleman

> "What are you doing towards that end?"

Sweet F.A, no doubt.

My only surprise is that the tory government hasn't yet found a way to sell all that data they collect.

NPM is Not Particularly Magnanimous? Staff fired after trying to unionize – complaints

Tom 64
Paris Hilton


Nasty Profiteering Management?

It's alive! Hands on with Microsoft's Chromium Edge browser

Tom 64

Can't beat 'em? Join 'em

... and insidiously kill from the inside.

Another great reason to switch to Firefox.

Just the small matter of the bill for scrapping Blighty's old nuclear submarines: It's £7.5bn

Tom 64

"I'm for attaching them to a Saturn V"

Great idea, the sun would be a pretty good way to dispose of this shit.

Trouble is, what do you do if the rocket explodes on the launchpad?

Nice People Matter? NPM may stand for Not Politely Managed – job cuts leave staff sore

Tom 64

NPM should really be handled by a non-profit given how widely it is used.

Ignore the noise about a scary hidden backdoor in Intel processors: It's a fascinating debug port

Tom 64

Breaking out the popcorn!

It's open season on intel CPU vulnerabilities

Spyware sneaks into 'million-ish' Asus PCs via poisoned software updates, says Kaspersky

Tom 64

Re: I'd like to know

You can pretty much guarantee Lenovo are on that list. They even have a history of backdooring their customers themselves. If you have to suffer a Lenovo by corporate dictum, wipe the damn thing first.

Boeing big cheese repeats pledge of 737 Max software updates following fatal crashes

Tom 64

Re: Why did it require two?

There is a difference between dying of old age, and dying from corporate manslaughter, don't you think?

The only reason Boeing are acknowledging the problem now is because at the rate the accidents were occurring, it wouldn't be long until a 737MAX went down in a country where Boeing could get sued.

Real life sci-fi: Massive exoplanet booted out of home by binary parents – then slipped back inside by passing friendly stars

Tom 64


That was like, really far out, man

NSA may kill off mass phone spying program Snowden exposed, says Congressional staffer

Tom 64

Rinse, repeat,

... assign new amusing acronym.

ReactOS 0.4.11 makes great strides towards running Windows apps without the Windows

Tom 64

Re: Too little, too late

Would you prefer an arbitrary number? perhaps 95? or even some random letters? 'ME'?

Version numbers don't mean much and never have.

Mark Zuckerberg did everything in his power to avoid Facebook becoming the next MySpace – but forgot one crucial detail…

Tom 64

Watch the news, read the paper...

You have to be kidding.

GCHQ pushes for 'virtual crocodile clips' on chat apps – the ability to silently slip into private encrypted comms

Tom 64


Just F--- off with this nonsense, and don't slam the door on the way out.

The UK authorities already have far too many draconian powers, they don't need this.

Chinese Super Micro 'spy chip' story gets even more strange as everyone doubles down

Tom 64

Re: How can I put this?

There is a lot of supermirco kit out there. Unless these attacks were very well targeted (which doesn't seem likely), someone will be able to get hold of some of these spy chips or doctored ethernet controllers and put them under a microscope soon enough.

Decoding the Chinese Super Micro super spy-chip super-scandal: What do we know – and who is telling the truth?

Tom 64

From Amazon's denial

> "It’s also untrue that AWS knew about servers containing malicious chips or modifications in data centers based in China".

Umm, what about outside China then? Like in the USA?

Breaking out the popcorn. The fallout from this one will be entertaining.

Intel boss admits chips in short supply, lobs cash into the quagmire

Tom 64

Dirty Cash

At this rate it won't be long until intel start throwing more of their cash pile around in the form of the marketing kickbacks and 'exclusivity' deals that were a thing when they were feeling threatened by Athlon 64. Feels good to see them suffering some karma.

Sunny Cali goes ballistic, this ransomware is atrocious. Even our IT bill will be something quite ferocious

Tom 64

That headline

made me LOL. props

Tax the tech giants and ISPs until the bits squeak – Corbyn

Tom 64

Re: Hmm

> "what actually IS social class?"

It's a socially acceptable way for you get get shat on.

For all the excitement, Pie may be Android's most minimal makeover yet – thankfully

Tom 64


Buy an iPhone?

Intel: Yeah, yeah, 10nm. It's on the todo list. Now, let's talk about AI...

Tom 64

Marketing bluster and inappropriate analogies

Seems like Intel are paying their marketing department more than their engineers recently and they absolutely reek of corporate desperation.

Swan dive: Intel shares dip under interim CEO Bob as 10nm processor woes worry Wall Street

Tom 64


That intel stock is going to be worth a lot less this time next year.

Put your money in AMD instead.

Intel confirms it’ll release GPUs in 2020

Tom 64

Beat them on packaging?

Not sure about this. nVidia perhaps yes, but AMD has been doing very well in this regard recently. For example Radeon Fury, Vega GPUs with HBM, and EPYC/Threadripper on the CPU side. Correct me if I'm wrong, but intel are only just getting into this game and they had to use an AMD GPU die to do it.

What's up with that ZX Spectrum reboot? Still no console

Tom 64

Re: This is a trivial design...

Totally want a next!

Hope they do another production run.
