NFC really hasn't caught on
I've only ever seen one NFC-enabled till in the shops, this was in an O2 shop a couple of weeks ago. It wasn't plugged in
37 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Jun 2009
IANAL, but wouldn't the developers themselves have to fight Ravensburger, as Apple aren't 'infringing'?
I do think it's stupid you can trademark a single everyday word. All you have to do is stick an 'i' in front, then trademark it. Can't see anyone having a problem with that...
Android does look very much like iOS, and that's what really made the iPhone popular in the first place. It wasn't the first touchscreen smartphone, but it was the first you didn't need a stupid little stylus for. Android has completely nicked the whole look of it. If Google/Samsun had bothered designing some slightly different icons, they wouldn't be in this mess
Yes, the V+ box is a bit flaky, but other than that, I'm a happy customer. BT? Never again. My VM connection has gone down, on average, once a year, and every time, it's been overnight so not like I was using it anyway. The BT connection at my work, on the other hand, cuts out about every couple of weeks, and that's a business account.
As for the TV service, I'd rather watch S4C in black and white than Murdoch TV
Same thing happened to me at my old job. Spent hours on the phone over the course of 3 weeks trying to get a line disconnected. Complained on Twitter once, and it was sorted in minutes. Bizarre customer service BT have, they only do anything if you complain on Twitter!
I'll never use BT for anything again. Beyond hopeless
I'll stick with iTunes. I've tried Spotify on the desktop and can't see what the fuss is about. Isn't it what has been doing for ages? Oh, and it's free on iPhone too. Unless you can actually download the MP3, paying is crazy. What if Spotify goes out of business? I'd rather pay a pound or two per song and keep the actual file.
Almost painless update process, apart from the authentication logjam. I do like the new options on podcasts and audiobooks previously mentioned. Big improvement to YouTube too, logging into your account for favourites and you can now see comments...actually, not sure if that last one's a good thing.