Re: Does it depend on .....
If you listen to the man himself it's probably closer to Lee-nux but being completely ignorant of Finnish I can make no further comment!
188 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Jun 2009
The trouble is that people here talk of DAB being poor when really it's the implementation that is causing the problems. I used to use a Robi DAB radio, about 4 cm long that got its power from my iPhone. Worked brilliantly and power drain not too onerous but could be better. So to fix DAB I think we need:
- Increase the power levels so they're not an order of magnitude below the FM broadcasts. It's a SFN right? What's the problem?!?
- Switch to DAB+
- Remove whichever law it is that says all DAB/+ radios have to be mono and look like they're from the 60's
- Give us a decent selection of portable/personal radios at reasonable prices
- Build DAB/+ receivers into mobile phones. Apparently the Korean version of my Galaxy Note has DAB built-in? Why not the UK version FFS?
- Do whatever it takes to get prices down to reasonable levels. If I can get a cheap MP3 player free with my daily paper I don't see why a personal DAB radio needs to cost upwards of £40
My understanding is that DAB+ uses some form of AAC. Surely the power drain should be little more than that required to play my stored music?
These things are not insurmountable and considering the amount of money spent so far on DAB I cannot understand why they don't want to see it through to something that will actually work. Bear in mind most radio is listened to on the move so Internet radio is not a credible substitute.
Such as? And please don't say "Office" - I refuse to believe that there is a great, untapped horde who would have bought a tablet if only it would run all their Excel macros.
Don't get me wrong, buying something simply because it's not Apple has its justification but other than the SD and USB slots you're still getting the control-freakery and lock-in.
So "does a couple of things the iPad doesn't" maybe.
There is always a need to improve things like display tech - colour reproduction, contrast, geometry etc. And then the actual package itself - slimness, surround, power etc. So in this case I can see the value in OLED today although whether it's enough to get people to pay for it another question.
But how many domestic situations need 4K TV? How long will it be before we can broadcast it? I guess Blu-ray could handle it to some extent but what percentage of homes are capable of having a TV of the size that it makes any perceivable difference to show 4K rather than 1080P?
I can see it being used in commercial venues but there's never going to be enough of a home market for it. IMHO
Can't believe I'm even responding but here you go..
Irony: an expression in which the intended meaning is different to and often the opposite of the literal meaning.
So although he *said* 1959 he didn't really *mean* 1959. Sorry if I offended you there but since your other posts display a stoic dedication to the literal word it seems unlikely that you truly do understand irony.
The interesting and witty posts are, as you say becoming something of a rarity. But from my own observations I don't usually see that pattern of down-voting (like it even matters). Any reasoned or supported statement or opinion is generally accepted. Of course there are always knobs on all sides who'll down-vote facts they don't like.
But I think the typical fAndroid is more a reaction against the emergence of the fanbois. You must surely concede that the media give Apple a disproportionate amount of coverage, much of it highly uncritical. And I can't recall the last time there were people queueing overnight for a new Android phone. In fact I recall complaining that this very site barely mentioned the official announcement of Ice Cream Sandwich and what it offered for several days whereas every rumour of a leak for Apple gets a dedicated story.
So that's my opinion. Sad to see the quality of comments drop but it's a reaction to the lowering of jouralism standards.
Yes Sean, you're quite right. Google's lack of clarity for your Italian idyll is clearly enough to balance the waves of criticism for Apple's offering. We now see that Google was never in fact "better".
Also, I believe the maps app was always Apple's doing, using Google data although I am prepared to be proven wrong.
Google may come to iOS users' rescue eventually although if I understand the situation, when Apple used Google's data, Apple had to pay them for it. If Google provide a maps app, no more payment? So maybe not so straightforward as all that.
And that's exactly what the Note is. It's not just a capacitive stylus - it is an active Wacom-style pen. The screen contains an active matrix that provides power to the pen when brought near, hence the point of putting the button on it.
Also, bring the pen close to the screen and you get a small cross-hair just below the tip so you can see exactly where you're going to make contact - very useful.
You'd be amazed how many uses you can find for it when you realise how easy and effective it is - I sometimes take a screenshot of a crossword or sudoku puzzle and then fill it in by pen as if it were a newspaper because I prefer that experience.
All of this on a Galaxy Note of course so as long as they 've got the palm-rejection bit working it should be even better on the 10.1.
Will I get one? No - I hate 16:9 on a tablet - Android manufacturers, please don't force me down the Apple route!!
"but ultimately the iPhone must be quite a nice product to gain that kind of loyalty"
Hmmmm, without wanting to start a flame war (as if that were possible) is there anyone on this planet who prefers the feel of the square-backed iPhone 4* over the ergonomically-curved iPhone <4's? Is everyone so frightened to acknowledge that Apple (and by extenson they) made a mistake and as it's gone on for so long now can't admit it without looking like an idiot?
If that's the kind of loyalty you mean it explains why I swapped my iPhone 4 for a Galaxy Note.
Much more interesting is whether the figure of 22% planning to buy tablets has changed. Since for most businesses there's no compelling reason to use a tablet in preference to say a laptop, it would be nice to know whether or not more businesses are deciding they need tthem.
To be fair to Matt, I think his argument is more along the lines that mobile phones aren't like other products in that relatively few people pay full price for them. Operator subsidies are what makes smartphones accessible for the majority of people and *if* the operators decide they can make more/pay less by getting punters to buy more Androids than iPhones then Apple will find it impossible to maintain the high price of their phones.
Thing is that Sky actually make very little of the content they show and what they do produce themselves is far from compelling. They're business model is based on tying up exclusive deals for content distribution, be it football, US drama series or films. This model is starting to get a lot of attention from the competition regulators.
Without its exclusives Sky are nothing more than yet another video library so they've got to hope they can keep the gravy train rolling.
but it seems obvious to me that the single line icons at the bottom represent the "physical" buttons at the bottom of other Android phones.
similarly the 2.5 D icons are the quick launch ones that are so popular these days. The top section is your "desktop" area so why not make it 3D-like?
Not so much confused - just representing different functional areas in different ways to show the separation. Surely that's what good graphics design is about?
drtom, Tetractys, anamik, sykottik and no doubt others all felt the need to register (and all within 30 minutes of each other!) to tell everyone that they either now won't be buying a kindle Fire presumably on the basis of this one article, or are returning the Kindle Fire they've already bought.
Do astroturfers really have such little respect for us now that they don't even put in the basic effort anymore?
"We covered the iPhone 5 because readers want to read about it."
And yet, how many times do commentards fill these pages with complaints about Apple rumour non-stories?
Truth is though, that it is Apple's MO to announce bigger and better each time. They have set these things up as Apple "Events" and they know that people expect big, new, magical devices. It is disingenuous to say that Apple are blameless in not meeting the punters' expectations when Apple know exactly what those expectations are. Otherwise why not just file a press release about the new products like everyone else does?
Truly revisionist stuff this...
In the early 80's when people asked me *exactly* what I did I always started with an explanation that computers ran both System software and Application software and that I was involved in the former. Of course by "computer" I was referring to the IBM mainframes which had been doing just that for more than 20 years previously.
So no - Application software or "application" is a very old name. Either *you're* too young to realise this or you're too old and yor memory has failed I'm afraid.
Any company who thinks they can sell devices by reproducing the PC experience on a tablet will be disappointed because people do not do the same things on a tablet. Clearly there is some overlap but the differences are enough to require different priorities.
A 64 GB SSD disk is not going to help Win tablet sales and getting the memory footprint *down* to 1GB (presumably before you start running user programs) is still an order of magnitude more than the mobile OSes need.
I don't see why the author thinks Windows tablets will have any more success than Android/WebOS/RIM... if the reasoning is that you have to hit an $89 price point, good luck doing that with Windows which has the benefit of OS licensing costs added in.
Alternatively, is he saying that the Windows brand is strong enough to tempt punters away from Apple? What was that about Hubris again?
Regarding pricing, as has been said before, why can they make a £199 Netbook with 1GB of memory, 160GB disk and 10" screen but a stripped down, keyboardless equivalent costs close to double that amount?
Maybe he's right - maybe they don't actually want to sell tablets for fear of cannibalising PC sales. But if they don't, someone else will and they'll lose those sales anyway.
Must admit I'm not really sure if this is significant or not. Given intel's hesitation with Meego they don't look like they're ready to start making mobile phones with yet another OS so I guess we're talking tablets only.
But intel don't get anywhere near the power efficiencies of ARM, right? Or is it just because desktop Windows is such a pig that it makes them look worse than they are?
I guess as Dalvik is a VM most (all?) apps are unaffected by the underlying hardware...
Nope - still don't see how/if this is important. I await enlightenment.
I can only assume Apple are hoping to hold off a significant release of Samsung tablets until after Christmas to make one last land grab.
Interestingly the HMV in Canary Wharf has now got a couple of long tables for selling tablets with 2 spaces reserved for the Samsung ones when they finally make it out (Coming Soon apparently).
Mind you - I only counted 3 racks in the whole shop selling CDs but I guess that's progress!
Tracking is a non-issue since the police just get the info direct from the telcos anyway without a middleman.
But regarding aerial issues ... as happy(-ish) as I am with my iPhone 4, I don't get as strong or reliable a signal as my wife's Nokia 5800 does in the same location.
Annecdotal of course but, to use the vernacular, just sayin'.
Lack of Apple provenance aside....
Why does anybody care about HD on a 9 inch screen? I can understand the desire to support DVB-T2 for the day when (if?) we start getting SD channels using it to improve bandwidth use (a la DAB+) but that seems a very long time away to me right now.