* Posts by David Simpson 1

319 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Jun 2009


Palm rejected Jobs's 'no poaching' Applers offer

David Simpson 1
Jobs Horns

Jobs for Steve

Dirty boy, DIRTY BOY !

HP strikes back on charges for 'free' Windows 7 upgrade

David Simpson 1

Hmmm ?

The guy who bought 10 PCs from HP surely only needs 1 disc and a piece of paper with 10 keys on it.

Most gamers fat and miserable, finds study

David Simpson 1


How does this compare to Florida,California or New York ?

Washington state has long been known to have a very high percentage of depressive people (see Grunge) it rains ALOT.

Apple tried to quash Sunday Times' Jobs profile

David Simpson 1
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So to research his indepth story Appleyard watched "the Pirates of Silicon Valley"

That is some pretty impressive journalism.

Also I hate to point it out to him but OSX was a mess until Panther and wasn't really a mainstream OS until Tiger.

Adobe sounds Apple PowerPC death rattle

David Simpson 1


So ? Apple are the ones who ended support for PowerPC is it a big surprise that App vendors would follow suit ?

KDE 4.3 promises polish, polish, polish

David Simpson 1

Same ol'

Linux still suffers from font death, they have worked very hard on glass effects and eye candy but they really need are some nice anti-aliased fonts.

Windows 7 Ultimate product activation hacked?

David Simpson 1
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WGA ! It's not XP people

For all the people waffling about a WGA update, You are talking about XP, This OEM activation still works on Vista for the main reason that revoking keys for OEM activations could piss off alot of OEM customers.

Microsoft doesn't care, they make the bulk of their cash from OEMs everything else just helps market share.

David Simpson 1
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The program you speak of doesn't work anymore for activiation, and why the hell would you need a program to turn off UAC ? You can do it yourself with 3 clicks of a mouse.

Unions demands better conditions for temps

David Simpson 1

Bitter little desk weasles

Funny that the article didn't mention contractors, it's talking about temps, unless you've had your head in the sand for the last 8 years nearly every major company runs on temps, in fact most companies would love to have all their staff on temp contracts it's about time someone did something about it.

I'm self employed (not a contractor) and to all those poor little desk weasles out there, your bitter cries are music to my ears LOL

Samsung R522

David Simpson 1
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The keyboard on this looks nothing like a macbook keyboard, it is however identical to the keyboard used on Sony VAIO laptops a few years ago. Many Samsungs and Acers are now using it.

Sony were also the first people to use the true chicklet style keyboards, before Apple did.

Apple-apeing Microsoft spins out retail store prototype

David Simpson 1
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Balmer + Imagination = Complete human being.

Why copy an already laughable concept, the genius bar always makes me laugh especially when you see the kind of mouth breathers that work there.

Why oh why must Microsoft copy everything Apple does, I see their aim trying to out discount Apple and take the fight too them but maybe highlighting the whole ridiculous Apple religion fandom would give all us Windows users something to snigger at.

Botched judge threat probe downs Fathers 4 Justice website

David Simpson 1
Big Brother


They are vindictive, this was the government flexing its muscles and shutting down something that was causing them annoyance.

We live in a Police state where Gordon says "these new laws will only be used against terrorists"

then he uses the new anti-terror laws against Icelandic banks !

We are all next don't argue with the government, I mean FATHER or in his wisdom he will shut us down.................

ISP redesign unites the web in nausea

David Simpson 1
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Off with their heads !

That is just nasty, aliased text, bad layout and the large FF warning saying the site cannot be trusted.

It's not a bold design choice it's a lack of design choice, yikes they need to join us all in the 21st century not go back to the mid nineties.

They just put me off leaving Virgin and joining BE Well done guys.

Who commisioned this ? Off with their heads !

Apple sued over shrink-wrapped Mafia death threats

David Simpson 1
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Starts off like Zoolander ends like Marathon Man

Paranoid Schizophrenia is not a laughing matter hope this poor guy gets some help before the lawyers suck him dry !

Virgin Media sets throttle on hardcore hogs

David Simpson 1
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Just download at night like the rest of us.....

Like most people I download my stuff at night.

If i was to download all day my internet service would be pretty crap for my wife and I.

It's only mad download kidz who really need to fill that new 1TB drive with shit they'll never have enough time to watch who max their connection 24/7 so who cares ?

Orange UK exiles Firefox from call centres

David Simpson 1

Waste money

This is called not wasting money, why pay to have a different support plan, then they have a legal responsibility to re-train their staff and they also have to re-test all home built web apps/intra-net for firefox and for what ?

I use Firefox and love it but really in a call center ? Telling staff not to download and install apps from the internet (Firefox or otherwise) is GOOD security advice, IT departments plug hole in IE 6 themselves this is yet another blog-style unresearched story.

The Register should be better than this.....

Amiga Forever updated for Windows 7

David Simpson 1

Beard users beware

As a qualified beard wearer I would like to deny that I have ever owned an Amiga, I played games on a friends machine in my teens but this in no way encouraged me to grow a beard.

Why exactly does anyone still use an OS that looks so horrible and runs very little modern software ?

It's definitely not the beard.

UK DVD sales plunge...

David Simpson 1

Internets must die.

It must be pirates and kids, quick close down the internet.

It's not like we are in a recession and several big name DVD retailers have went under.

Microsoft fans call for Opera boycott

David Simpson 1

Come on ....

How many friends can Microsoft fans have anyway ?
