* Posts by David Simpson 1

319 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Jun 2009


'Steve Jobs' switches to Android

David Simpson 1


iPhones have very publicly reported connection problems on O2 in the UK as well, it was widely reported to be Apples poor hardware implementation of always on internet that was causing 3G network bottlenecks on both AT&AT and O2.

I especially love your "inconsistent" jibe without any other description, have you ever even used an Android phone ?

Google is open because I can do whatever I want to Android since it is open source, I can also customise my phone in anyway I want including replacing ANY built in app/software with a 3rd party alternative. If I don't like my HTC I can buy a device from Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Motorola or any of the other multitude of brands offering Android devices.

Apple is closed because you have one boring UI and layout with no alternative to built in software without jailbreaking, and they even chase jailbreakers like they are criminals. I'm not even trusted to change my own battery !

You make a good point about Google having people's data on their servers but then doesn't the iPhone use Google search, Google maps and Gmail ? And in fact Apple's whole MobileMe service is run on Google's servers.

My Hero has had flash lite since launch it runs stuff fine, Steve doesn't want flash because it will kill his App store with FREE apps and games. You also seem completely unaware that Android predates the iPhone, it was first developed by the people behind Danger (sidekick) before being bought by Google. The whole industry has been moving towards mobile for years, LG managed to beat Apple to market with a touchscreen phone and it has more to do with the price of ARM chips and touchscreens dropping than it does any actual R&D innovation on Apple's part.

Same old arguments as any iDiot so just come back in a year and see what your install base it like then.

iPad users put tablet to netbook tasks

David Simpson 1

Keep your walled garden....

The thing that is overlooked in this survey is that most Apple customers are so smug about their new machines they forgive and overlook every fault. Apple sell "cool" and ends up being a case of the Emperor's new clothes.

Looks like a lovely device but it's a fail without flash, I'd much rather wait for an Android tablet that can be hacked to within an inch of it's life with custom ROMS and complete control over how I use it.

Including the complete pleasure of being able to replace the battery MYSELF! If I'm off on holiday I want a few spares too.

Rumor mill repromises CDMA iPhone

David Simpson 1


"According to DigiTimes, "sources from component makers" say that Pegatron has been stumbling recently"

Pegatron was only recently spun off from Asus (Both names comes from Pegasus) how would it be stumbling ? It's only starting.

City Police still using Terror Act to bother photographers

David Simpson 1
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street view

He needed a laptop handy to show the security guard a little thing called Google Street View.

"See Mr Idiot, your building has already been photographed and the world can see it"

Hopefully the new government will put a stop to this scary big brother crap, but I doubt it.

Osborne to 'get Britain working' - except for ID contractors

David Simpson 1

Proofreading fail.

"capital gains tax on non-business assets is be on the cards"

Vote Lib Dem, doom humanity to extinction

David Simpson 1
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Have to say this is total balls, we don't need trident and we never will.

David Simpson 1
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More Balls

"Nuclear weapons aren't, in fact, as deadly as the ordinary sort."

Wow now that is what i call total BALLS !

Pirate Bay dishes up Iron Man 2 ahead of US release

David Simpson 1
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Nope it's a CAM

It's called a CAM, because they are usually shot on a handycam with great shots of people leaving to piss.

A screener is usually a copy sent out for Oscar consideration or other promotional uses and a screener is generally almost DVD quality just with a few warning signs or counters.

You sir FAIL.

Johnson: ID cards will pay for themselves

David Simpson 1

Bye Bye Alan.....

So our tax money was spent developing this system so that we could pay over the odds for the cards and refund the government with our money to repay our tax money.

Hmmm I think Alan is helping Labour fall down the poles like a burning turd, welcome to a future of few seats and fewer decisions idiots !

One fifth of humans say aliens walk among us

David Simpson 1


Check out how many people vote on X-Factor every week or how many watch Eastenders.

Idiots walk amongst us everyday I find that much more disturbing.

Adobe man to Apple: 'Go screw yourself'

David Simpson 1
Jobs Horns


At the time CS4 launched Apple still claimed Leopard was 64bit (even though it wasn't) they only launched proper 64bit support with Snow Leopard so is Adobe expected to recode CS4 just for Snow Leopard's arrival ? Windows has had proper 64 bit support since XP so it's really Apple's fault there is not 64 bit PS for Macs.

I don't need Daddy Jobs censoring my life so I'll stick with Android thanks.

David Simpson 1

Blah blah blah

No this is about Apple blocking people from accessing millions of flash apps and keeping everyone on their App store.

They are welcome to do it on their own platform but tthey just don't have a right to expect developers to hang around for it, Android is as big a shadow on Apple's horizon as Windows was in the 90's.

Soon Android will running on set-top boxes, home phones and even Microwaves.

Matrix actor site stages defacement spat

David Simpson 1
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Wow teh internetz is filled with interesting scandal today LOL

Mandybill: All the Commons drama

David Simpson 1

The pain is calling, oh Mandy

And Mandy's already sweet retirement plan gets alot bigger.

Thanks for selling our rights down the river Lord Mandelson no-one voted for you anyway, welcome to encrypted P2P and in fact encrypted web traffic because who in their right mind wants private information deep packet inspected

The internet arms race takes another step forward and all the MPs who voted this through have no idea whats it all about.

Apple director 'disgusted' by Jobsian health secrets

David Simpson 1
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.05% bitches.

Apple paid Microsoft to make software ? When Steve Jobs announced that Microsoft would be porting Office to the Mac it was also announced that Microsoft were investing in Apple, to this day Microsoft own .05% of Apple, that money helped bail Apple out just before the iPod and iMac came along.

Doesn't sound like much of a bribe from Apple to Microsoft to me, Apple were nearly broke then and couldn't have bribed anyone.

Times websites want £1 a day from June

David Simpson 1
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What makes it so special ?

Except that The Times prints the same news stories as the BBC, Sky or anyone else so why pay Murdoch for it when I can just look at other sites for free ?

Google vows to delete Chrome's unique client ID

David Simpson 1
Black Helicopters

Tinfoil hat anyone ?

@ Jake

Because their web services work incredibly well and are free to use.

I have yet to have my identity stolen by a search company although maybe my pod hasn't finished growing yet, if I keep my tinfoil hat on they will never know where to find me.

Google fails to grab Nexus name

David Simpson 1
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Patent madness

" The word derives from ανδρός, the genitive of the Greek ανήρ anēr, meaning "man", and the suffix -eides, used to mean "of the species; alike" (from eidos, "species"). Though the word derives from a gender-specific root, its usage in English is usually gender neutral. The term was first mentioned by St. Albertus Magnus in 1270[3] and was popularized by the French writer Villiers in his 1886 novel L'Ève future, although the term "android" appears in US patents as early as 1863 in reference to miniature human-like toy automatons.[4]

The term "droid", invented by George Lucas in Star Wars (1977) but now used widely within science fiction, originated as an abbreviation of "android", but has been used by Lucas and others to mean any robot, including distinctly non-humaniform machines like R2-D2. Another abbreviation, "andy", coined as a pejorative by writer Philip K. Dick in his novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, has seen some limited further currency, e.g., in the TV series Total Recall 2070.[5]"

How do these idiots get away with patenting this word at all, that includes George Lucas or Phillip K Dick.

Woman called Window joins Apple

David Simpson 1

Pun Alert

She tried to join Microsoft but they saw straight through her.

Gay site says bank shut account over 'objectionable' blog

David Simpson 1

The world is run by more moralist religious idiots than any of us would care to believe.

It happens more than you think, my wife was turned down for her £1000 grant from Enterprise Scotland because she shot "pornography". She was starting a photography business that shot fashion and fetish (ie No actual sex and some small amount of nudity like every other photographer in the world)

She was told that Enterprise Scotland didn't want to be associated with "people like her"

They did eventually cave in and she got her grant but no apology was given.

The world is run by more moralist religious idiots than any of us would care to believe.

The Loch Ness Stig gets pixellated

David Simpson 1


It's actually Nessie's head and neck stuck through a Stig costume.

Too much sitting can kill: Official

David Simpson 1

Now With Less Obesity!!

"and less obesity"

Yes obesity tends to gather underneath my chair when I sit for a while, I just try not to put my foot in it don't want to be infected.

Apple misses self-imposed Windows 7 boot camp deadline

David Simpson 1
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It works .......

The version of Bootcamp that comes with Snow Leopard works fine with 7, I have had no problems at all with my Macbook seems more a case of Apple claiming not to officially support something just to stop people rushing out to buy it.

Apple ejects Dalai Lama from Chinese iTunes

David Simpson 1

Lama obama

It's wise to remember that no matter how nice the Dalai Lama seems before the Chinese invaded Tibet the ruling Lamas practiced slavery and in fact the common man in Tibet lived with very low standard of life compared to their pacifistic overlords so don't shed a tear for Google bowing to the Chinese authorities all this political nonsense needs to be taken with a large does of reality.

Firefox 3.6 hits ice - won't show up till Spring

David Simpson 1
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Well done Mozilla I have found 3.5 to be so buggy on both my PCs and Macs that if the few extensions I use make to Chrome before 3.6 is released then Mozilla will have lost me for good.

Apple iPad to launch January 26 (maybe)

David Simpson 1

Apple of my...

Oh Yeah Bitches! Steve Jobs is going to ride onto stage on a unicorn reading Macuser on an Apple iPad with 7, 8 & 9 inches screens all built in to one unit ! YEEEHA the new iPhone is going to change carbon into soya so we can fart our way to world peace YEEEHA We Love You Steve {Slurp slurp slurp}

Parcelforce to drop Windows 7 compatibility through letterbox in New Year

David Simpson 1
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Waste of Time ....

Too little too late idiots, Back when I was using Vista they also refused me use of their service due to the fact that I used Foxit Reader instead of Acrobat, that was enough to put me off.

Use Interparcel instead they let me pick the cheapest price from a range of options including DHL, TNT & City Link. Parcel Force isn't worth the bother especially since they didn't notice Windows 7 came out in October.

Last splash for Flash support on elderly PowerPC G3s

David Simpson 1


Although G3s will get this update I can assure you it is pointless, I have the last generation iMac with a 600Mhz G3 and it can't run flash, it barely manages DivX or XviD with out dropped frames and skips.

Parcelforce fails to deliver for Windows 7 lovers

David Simpson 1
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I found this problem a few months ago my fix was just to start using these guys instead !


Google chief: Only miscreants worry about net privacy

David Simpson 1
Big Brother



Microsoft acted on Opera's modified browser proposal?

David Simpson 1
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Well thats fine Microsoft....

I also refuse to comment...........................oh..wait....

Why can't Google be more like Microsoft?

David Simpson 1
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Research.......it makes you seem less stupid.

Google Chrome is a Google product whereas Android is developed by the Open Handset Alliance, which features over 56 members http://www.openhandsetalliance.com/oha_members.html

Google is a member and dedicates the most development to it but they have to get oks from partners before releasing new builds, Android 2.0 was rushed out from with no warning because Motorola were launching the Droid/Milestone and didn't want Apple/RIM/Palm etc. to know the new features it would bring. Can't a "journalist" research this a little better ?

If you really wish Google were more like Microsoft be VERY careful what you wish for......

Virgin Media to trial filesharing monitoring system

David Simpson 1
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Inspection ?

They are inspecting for illegally shared music, and lets face it there is bugger all music worth sharing so they won't notice all my favorite movies and American TV shows.

Apple wants life ban for clone maker

David Simpson 1
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Analogy error

Your analogy is partially correct, Apple isn't suing private citizens for installing OSX on their own machines so yes you can buy a Ford stereo and fit to your Toyota but Ford would take Toyota to court if they bought shipments of Ford stereos and fitting them into their Toyota's for sale.

David Simpson 1
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Breaking a contract is not illegal.

You are confused in your use of legal terminology, Psystar was illegally redistributing software whereas private citizens who install OSX on their own machine are breaking the EULA, breaking a contract is NOT illegal, Yes Apple would have a legal right to sue you for damages resulting in you breaking their EULA but it is not a criminal offense (as in illegal)

T-Orange won't share the airwaves

David Simpson 1


You do have to feel for them a bit, the government squeezed them both dry when they auctioned off the bandwidth now Offcom expects them to "give" it back ?!

Samsung N510 Nvidia Ion-based netbook

David Simpson 1
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DX11 ?

"It's worth noting that the Ion LE chip only supports DirectX 9, so if you decide to upgrade from XP to Windows 7, you aren't going to see any improvement in graphics performance."

Why would DX11 support improve performance ? DX11 gives you extra effects in games and I doubt the 9400m & Atom are going to be running many DX11 effect in full res games.

World's first iPhone worm Rickrolls angry fanbois

David Simpson 1
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It's certainly plays right into Apple's hands making sure it's in people's best interest to leave Apple in control of their iPhones.

Not that Apple would create and infect their own handsets with a virus that only attacks jail broken phones , of course not :P

Ubuntu's Karmic Koala bares fangs at Windows 7

David Simpson 1
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stinky Fonts

Give me a call when they can manage to render nice fonts, until then it will (like all linux) continue to look like a crappy 90's OS.

Charlize Theron to travel Mad Max's Fury Road

David Simpson 1
Thumb Up

Just walk away !

They say people don't believe in heroes anymore. Well damn them! You and me, Max, we're gonna give them back their heroes!

Microsoft drops Family Guy like a hot deaf guy joke

David Simpson 1


Family has to be one of the world's least funny Simpsons rips, should be familiar territory for Microsoft.

Home sec puts McKinnon extradition on hold

David Simpson 1

Lets cut him off.

While I don't agree with a one sided extradition agreement with America, why is this guy not in prison already ?

If I forgot to lock my front door would any random UFO nut be allowed to give my house a going over looking for evidence of UFOs NO!

Gary knew he was breaking the law and admits he did so why is he still wasting our tax money on his legal aid.

Asperger's syndrome is never diagnosed in adults because there is no point, it cannot be treated and it is effectively just a collection of social problems that most adults should be able to cope with. People are acting like he has a mental illness, which he doesn't I'm just sick of reading about it, stop the export to America and just throw him in jail here already.

None of us would feel sorry for him if he'd hacked into our banking system instead.

Google lobs coder's Microsoft badge into rubbish bin

David Simpson 1
IT Angle

Hmm legal ?

It is possible that Google have him working on something that could be seen a conflict of interest should Microsoft be giving him any information that relates to their version of whatever Google has him working on. Phew.

It cause messy legal disputes when it comes time to argue patent applications.

Mozilla plans to tie Firefox 3.7 pigtails in pretty Ribbon

David Simpson 1

Fail on all the comments about following Microsoft

This looks nothing like MS' ribbon it looks just like chrome and safari.

The Mozilla guy is simply using the ribbon as an example of how the old file>edit>view menus are vanishing from everything.

David Simpson 1


"Microsoft debuted its controversial Ribbon interface that it prefers to dub “Fluent” in Office 2003."

Nope it was Office 2007 actually.

PC tune-up software: does it really work?

David Simpson 1
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Anyone ?

"We weren’t expecting the Ram upgrade to improve Windows start-up times, but it did."

Why were you not expecting the RAM upgrade to improve Window's boot time ? Less page file use always speeds up boot times.

Man remanded for extreme porn offences

David Simpson 1


People don't get a prison sentance for actually physically abusing/toturing animals yet owning a DVD of animal porn will put you in prison ?

Bloody though police will have us all in prison soon for not adhering to the "party line"

Lord Mandelson wants mobile internet fix

David Simpson 1

Factual Correction for Silly Complainer

"They might also reconsider whether it was smart to give Rupert Murdoch a monopoly of satellite and Richard Branson a monopoly of cable"

No-one gave Sky a monopoly on satellite they paid cash money for the astra satellite, several other media monsters rent the use of it.

No-one gave Virgin a monopoly on cable either, Telewest and NTL also paid cash money to have fibre optic cables installed in people's streets the resulting debt is what forced their merger with Virgin.

Why on earth do you ever talk to support ? If you need their help buying or setting up a domain you shouldn't be using one.

UK banks 'not doing enough' on internet fraud

David Simpson 1
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Chip & Pin anyone ?

Most of their recent security measures (like Chip and Pin) are designed to remove liability from the bank itself, not protect their customers. Most online banking terms and conditions show in great detail just how much wriggle room banks have if someone hacks your account, "oh that is not our approved secuirty software sir"

Thanks to Gordon's light touch when it comes to banking regulation it becomes more obvious who the master and slave is and thanks to Thatcher and her ilk it's more and more difficult to do anything without a bank account.

Mines under the mattress with my pron

UK.gov revives net cut-off threat for illegal downloaders

David Simpson 1

Hilarious !

I think this is hilarious ! Like most politicians Lord Mandle is a complete idiot when it comes to computers and the internet, I enjoy anyone trying to use the internet while their ISP sniffs all their packets, 64 Kbs here we all come !

The European court has already ruled that cutting off someones internet when they have not been proven guilty of a crime violates human rights.

As I said hilarious, the biggest joke since putting Mandy back on the cabinet.

Labour are really making sure we are going to have Conservative government for the next 12 years.

P.s Any right thinking person must now know Mandy is in David Geffen's pocket, I wonder who elses ?
