* Posts by David Simpson 1

319 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Jun 2009


Has Google wasted $12bn on a dud patent poker-chip?

David Simpson 1

iOS copy ?

If anything Android's UI is more a copy of HTC's build of Windows Mobile, I know I used it quite alot (shudder) It's silly to claim Android's desktop UI is like iOS at all apart from a grid of icons.

Google didn't copy Java's APIs they used what they though were open source Java code, Oracle's whole argument is about how Java ME is licensed and the fact that Google didn't want to hand string Android by using Java ME.

A very poor collection of research (or lack there of) in this article.

HTC sinks $309m into audio tech from Dr Dre

David Simpson 1

Dolby ?

So why is Beats better than Dolby ? My Desire HD sounds great thanks to the Dolby sound chip. Must be cheaper to buy into Beats than pay a license for Dolby chips. So really they are just replacing one reasonable sound chip with another.

Facebook gets creative with mobile phone data harvesting app

David Simpson 1


A surprise that this is not out for Windows Phone due to Microsoft and Facebook being in bed together, but lets face facts Windows Mobile had 16% of the market since the launch of Windows Phone 7 that has dropped to 1%. Only Nokia can save them now, so long as someone shows up to save Nokia too.

Acer flings forth SSD-booting, HDD-data-storing laptop

David Simpson 1

Dual drives ?

It doesn't use dual drives, the SSD is a mini PCI express card that is about the size of a WIFI card.

SSD's use very little power so no advantage to a flash enabled HDD.

David Simpson 1
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S not H

Sleep not Hibernate is the answer.

Brit CompSci student faces extradition to US over link site

David Simpson 1

Treaty or not it's still far from legal.

The fact that America wants him extradited is just silly but did his mum think a site linking to streamed video of copyrighted brand new TV shows was legal ? Really ? He could still get a jail term in this country for it, if he isn't smart enough to cover his tracks then his mum might want to pay a bit more attention to what he uses his computer for.

P.S Torrents were not involved this was direct streams of the shows a la YouTube.

Dolphin Browser HD

David Simpson 1


Not that I pay much attention to American sports but according to Ace Ventura Pet Detective Dan Marino played for the Miami Dolphins, hence the use of his name connected with DOLPHIN.

Mac OS X Lion to include browser-only boot

David Simpson 1


If someone stole a Mac (or any laptop) the first thing to do is format and reinstall, who cares about the average users files anyway, this feature seems more as a convenient way to let a friend browse the web without seeing your files or messing with your Facebook.

A peek inside Apple's iCloud data center

David Simpson 1


Many people run OS X on normal PCs (Mine dual boots windows 7 and SL), it's stupidly easy, and I'm sure Apple have an in house version that installs easily on any X86 setup.

However I'm sure their data centers run on some form of Linux.

Apple pilfers rips off student's rejected iPhone app

David Simpson 1


I'm usually the first to bash Apple, but really he added arrows to Apple's WIFI icon so what we they expected to do differently, since Android and Zune already do WIFI syncing it was hardly his original idea, it was coming to iOS sooner of later.

Sounds like he made a fat wad of cash out of it, and I'd say putting out press like this has made sure his CV goes in the bin over at Apple too.

99% of Android phones leak secret account credentials

David Simpson 1


That would be the Google GPS tracker you can opt out from during setup or at any other time, how do you do that on an iPhone again ? Such an iTard.

David Simpson 1


How about adding "ON UNSECURED WIFI" to the title, I don't even sign in to anything from a laptop on unsecured WIFI, it's a fool's game.

Apple stuns Wall Street with 95% earnings surge

David Simpson 1
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The title is required, and must contain letters and/or digits.

No one is angry you buy Apple kit, we all just wish we could waste money in such a carefree way.

McAfee site crawling with scripting bugs say researchers

David Simpson 1


Great story for all the McAfee flashing ads, hilarious that anyone still pays these jokers, everything they make attracts flies very quickly, until it stops steaming.

Microsoft sues trio over Androidian book reader

David Simpson 1

Don't let facts get in the way

Google does not own Android, it has a GPL and is licensed by the Open Handset Alliance.

Google does most of the development but there is a difference.

Jon Bon Jovi accuses Steve Jobs of murdering music biz

David Simpson 1


Apple did kill the record business, when they started iTunes as an accessory to an expensive line of devices called iPods.

Intel: 'We ate McAfee to slip security into silicon'

David Simpson 1

Well Duh!

If Intel wants to build McAfee into their chips then it's a good reason to buy AMD, McAfee is terrible, much like a story that simply repeats what both Intel and McAfee already told us when they first announced their joining.

AMD claims 'fastest graphics card in the world'

David Simpson 1


Try with a VGA lead I have found with a variety of laptops and desktops they always look like crap over HDMI, I always thought my no-name TV just a cheap HDMI/Digital system but having tested both a high end Sony and a Toshiba I'll stick with VGA.

'Wrong amount of snow' caused Heathrow chaos

David Simpson 1

Ummmm ?

The heating system is for frost and mild ice not three days worth of heavy snow.

I take it from your bitterness you were much to stupid just to stay at home and cancel your own flight.

David Simpson 1

Why so serious ?

What would you recommend you clear them with ? While tons more snow is falling ?

Idiots who fight to get to the airports in extreme weather need to learn to do the typical British thing and sit on their arse with a nice cup of tea and accept the flight is not happening.

David Simpson 1


The thing that is funniest is the people who were so snowed in they could barely make it to the airport, still went to the airport.

In future folks just cancel your appointments and stay at home, we certainly don't need to be spending millions on snowploughs that might sit unused for ten years, people in this country just need to learn if you book a holiday in the depth of winter then get some insurance so when the snow starts falling you can just stay at home like any other sensible person.

Nvidia four-core chip to power quad-res Apple iPad

David Simpson 1

Back to earth please.

Apple don't use Tegra in the iPhone or the iPad they bought a company so they could at least look like they design their own chips.

A quadcore ARM chip still won't drive games at that kind of resolution even the latest (and massively power hungry) Nvidia graphics cards have trouble driving a game at that resolution, Time somebody learned at least a small amount about computer hardware before writing an article about it !

Google undercuts Apple in publisher revenues dash

David Simpson 1


"In other words, Google can farm out subscriber data - such as names and email addresses - to publishers"

So just like subscribing with the publisher directly, how terrifying !

Nvidia pledges to pass water on Core 2 Duo this summer

David Simpson 1


Superman is already not a Marvel character.

David Simpson 1

Graph makers

So who makes graphs that go from 1 to 10 then 10 to 100 ?

Microsoft polishes Windows Phone 7

David Simpson 1



People rave about how updates work with WP7 compared to Android yet no update has arrived yet and the first one claimed is already late.

Ecstasy doesn't make rave-goers any stupider - official

David Simpson 1


"No," says Halpern, bluntly. "Ecstasy consumption is dangerous: illegally-made pills can contain harmful contaminants, there are no warning labels, there is no medical supervision, and in rare cases people are physically harmed and even die from overdosing."

I love it when people come off with comments like that, it's a perfect argument for legalisation and regulated manufacture. I popped pills for ten years through out the 90s then got an education and now run my own business, have yet to find any swiss cheese holes through my brain.

Pink Floyd guitarist pays McKinnon's health bills

David Simpson 1


Someone should just clarify that Asperger's Syndrome is not a mental illness and is in fact (like most Autistic spectrum disorders) a developmental problem which causes you to socially develop much slower than others. This causes problems at school but not in your forties.

Most people facing a jail sentence would be having some mental problems and regardless of how insecure the PCs were it is no excuse. If you door lock is cheap it doesn't excuse someone robbing your house. Throw him in jail in the UK and scrap the "treaty" with the US.

Grief and disbelief greet Elop's Nokia revolution

David Simpson 1

Comfy seats and all that!

So if using Android is like pissing in your pants to keep yourself warm is using Windows Phone like crapping in your pants to make your seat more comfortable ?

This is like when the spider bites it's prey then waits for the venom to start digesting it inside out then it swallows what's left. R.I.P Nokia and goodbye to thriving European tech industry.

But hey at least we still have ARM!

Microsoft lands big handbag on Google's copy kisser

David Simpson 1

Ending FAIL.

" It's churlish of Google to play the foul card when last summer it blatantly refreshed its signature minimalist search page by giving people the option for some delicious Bing-like photo images as their search wallpaper. "

Pretty big difference between copying a search engines results and just letting people pick a background image.

"Google elsewhere has not been shy in copying the work of others - thanks for the iPhone idea, Steve."

Android was bought by Google in 2005 (two years before the iPhone launch)

It was founded by the co-founder of Danger (Andy Rubin) who had vast mobile experience.

I thought it was an interesting article until the catty fan boy ending, shame really.

Fanboi king hails Apple 'love affair with open web'

David Simpson 1


Do you have your head in the sand ? WebOS 2.0 came with Flash and although it's been delayed Flash is coming to WP7, Symbian, MeeGo and Blackberry.


The new Blackberry Playbook was shown off running Flash and RIM have stated that Flash will be bundled with all future devices.

Few Android phones are running Flash ? Apart from the 10 million Galaxy S phones Samsung sold last year, and every HTC phone has come with Flash Lite before Android 2.2 launched.

Anyone would think you have no clue what you're talking about.

Are disk drives beginning to spin down?

David Simpson 1

Cloud Shmoud

The cloud can't reduce HDD sales, if people use a cloud storage service instead of local storage then it is still being saved on an HDD.

Just in a data center somewhere instead of on a local system.

DUP website translated into Irish by mischievous hacktivist

David Simpson 1


I'd be interested to know what you think the canal would achieve, the sea didn't stop all my Scottish ancestors settling in Derry.

Apple 4 Verizon. True

David Simpson 1

Here here....

Or in fact any rooted Android phone from 1.5 onwards....iP.O.S, I love it!

Windows 7 Phone glitch spews phantom data

David Simpson 1

Tinfoil hats at the ready.

What's really funny is you have obviously never used Android. Off the top of my head I can think of three apps that can measure data usage, Stats, Net Counter and Net Sentry and guess what there is no huge data uploads happening on Android. The problem in the article is a bug not a conspiracy theory.

If you still think Google is trying to steal your soul then have a look over the Android source code. Something you might have trouble managing with Windows Phone 7 or iOS.

Police reject Labour MP's call for Bristol-wide DNA test

David Simpson 1

Idiots unite!

Has the highly intelligent minister considered that the real killer could just leave Bristol while the DNA test is being done ?

What a complete idiot.

Asus slips out keyboard equipped Android tablet

David Simpson 1

Elementary my dear Register.

The strange mix of capitals is obviously used to highlight the "me" part of MeMO.

Not exactly up there with Sherlock Holmes eh ?

iPad's biggest rival? Microsoft's dead Courier

David Simpson 1


Isn't it obvious ? They cancel Courier as a hardware/software device then less than a year later they are hinting at showing off a new version of windows for ARM and touchscreens that might be Windows 8 might not. Courier has been melted down and is presently getting mixed into Windows 8.

Standard smartphone charger to dominate in two years

David Simpson 1


Yes but a standalone that can charge ANY phone, that is the point ! You shouldn't be plugging stuff in to work computers but with a common standard everyone at your work can share a common charger.

Apple will just give a free adapter in their new devices you will still have your beloved patent protected dock connector.

David Simpson 1


I think a lot of people here are misunderstanding the use of USB, the end that plugs into your phone is Micro USB the other end plugs in to a wall socket not a computer. But again any Micro to full size USB cable can be used which is a god send since you can buy wall sockets and plugs with USB on them now.

Most smart phones already use this standard, My HTC, my wife's Sony Ericsson and my Dad's Samsung (not that new) all use it.

Apple will not be leaving the dock connector behind they will just throw a free dock connector to micro USB adapter in for FREE ! Quite a change for Apple !

Intel claims 35 Atom tablets about to hit the market

David Simpson 1


They need to get to work porting Android 2 to 3 for x86 first, no-one is going to buy an Atom tablet running Android 1.6.

Angry Birds find new way to take your money

David Simpson 1
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Ummm ?

Android doesn't lack in app billing.

Mozilla vows Google 'Crankshaft' riposte

David Simpson 1


Woulda coulda shoulda Mozilla, I used to love Firefox but Chrome wipes it in the dirt performance wise.

Firefox 4 looks good but Google's release cycle is five or six times faster than Mozilla's and I don't see how they have a chance of keeping up long term.

Facebook boydroid to hand over theoretical riches to charity

David Simpson 1

After death

The pledge is to leave wealth to charity after death, a small fact missed in the whole article.

Since you can't take it with you his afterlife pocket won't notice.

Google Books spanked by Amazon Kindle

David Simpson 1
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Very true used to love MobiReader on my old PDA, it first showed me how handy eBook readers would be!

Now using FBReader on Android and Calibre on my PC, I can buy book from anywhere and put them on my 4" phone, who on earth would want to cart an iPad around, it's bigger and heavier than a hardback!

Blu-ray barely better than DVD

David Simpson 1
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Ripoff Studios

The problem is with the studios who create the HD mix for Bluray, I'm surprised to see no-one has looked to see if many of the titles missing the HD sparkle are old films recently re-released.

Many older titles are obviously just up-mixed DVD copies that offer very little extra detail, only new films seem to have the real sharpness of HD video and obviously like Zulu and Gandhi some films are properly remastered from the original but many are not.

Facebook royal rant bishop suspended

David Simpson 1
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You can't handle the truth.

First Bishop I've ever heard tell the truth!

MS freebie anti-virus scanner auto-downloads provoke more anger

David Simpson 1
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No freebie anti-virus in world gives false positives to scare you, the programs that do actually are malware!

Shut up, Spock! How Battlestar Galactica beat Trek babble

David Simpson 1
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It wasn't realistic science that made BSG great (althouogh it helped) it was the great script with real human drama and real flawed human beings. something the SyFy channel is managing to do agqain with Stargate Universe.

Researcher outs Android exploit code

David Simpson 1

Already not news.

As said by others the patching problem has already been addressed by Google using the same methodology that will cure fragmentation, over the next couple of releases Android will become a collection of smaller apps that will all update through the market.

And for anyone saying Android is the new WinMo, you obviously never used WinMo as even the old 1.5 Android actually works out of the box, unlike many of my old WinMo phones.
