* Posts by David Simpson 1

319 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Jun 2009


Cook's 'values' memo shows Apple has lost its soul

David Simpson 1

Re: A friend of mine works for Samsung

Not until she has to pay of the credit card she used to buy her iPhone !

David Simpson 1

Apple purchased all their touchscreen tech when they bought Fingerworks. Stop with the misinformation.

'$199' Surface tablets: So crazy it might work, or just crazy?

David Simpson 1

This will all fun and games until customers try to install their favourite Windows apps - then the support lines will be jammed and the returns will begin. There is still very little content in the Windows Store and claiming that you have full Windows on ARM when you don't is going to be a huge mistake.

David Simpson 1

Re: hungry

Spoken like someone who has never used ICS or JB.

David Simpson 1

Re: doubtful

You don't need to question it they already do it .

Nokia woos networks with 'exclusive Windows 8 mobe deals'

David Simpson 1


So who wants to buy the rights to be the exclusive supplier of a platform and brand that doesn't sell - sound to good to be true !

Sleek new Macs violate fanbois' Retinas with display garbage

David Simpson 1
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Re: and how would that help a graphics card driver issue?

The built in graphics in the APU is fine but compare performance for the CPU part with Intel and you'll see why Apple stayed away.

HP's faster-than-flash memristor at least TWO years away

David Simpson 1

So they are not making money off the technology they invented and developed - they just hope to build them in to better PCs than their rivals ? This sentence alone explains why HP are so utterly f**ked.

Shuttleworth: Why Windows 8 made us ditch GPL Linux loader

David Simpson 1

Nope - without using GRUB you need to use Bootcamp to install Windows from within OS X - That's offically locked down.

David Simpson 1

Re: But

This whole article is talking about ARM systems NOT PCs - RTFA

Facebook: Our phone app DID seize your email

David Simpson 1
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Utter LIES

There was no bug - Facebook made their own email address the default address then the app synced it to people's phones, this erroneous claim of a bug is being used to cover their collected asses because they didn't think through what would happen when they changed everyones default settings.

I didn't even have an email address listed on my page and they stuck my Facebook address on there - way to go Facebook instead of advertising and maybe giving people a reason to use your email system, you have now made sure that nobody will ever use it !

RBS IT cockup: This sort of thing can destroy a bank, normally

David Simpson 1

The only really puzzle for me is where the name Crock came from half way through this article.

Google Nexus 7 price, details confirmed in pre-I/O leak

David Simpson 1

Why all the moaning about 3G ? I can use my Android smartphone as an access point - if you can't anage to set that up with your phone then you're on the wrong website.

David Simpson 1

Re: Really @Stike Vomit?

Surely the original point is this - SAMSUNG HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS STORY - Thank you.

Windows Metro Maoist cadres reach desktop, pound it flat

David Simpson 1

This is definitely the most finger friendly version of Windows yet - I have spent weeks giving Windows 8 the finger for it's lack of logic and usability -

Windows 8: Not even Microsoft thinks businesses will use it

David Simpson 1
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This is Microsoft trying to use desktop/laptop Windows to fill their app store.

Windows Phone 8 will share a kernel with Windows RT so apps will run on either platform, they are pushing metro on to everyone to try to push development for phones and tablets.

Personally I think It's Vista all over again people will HATE the change I hate it and I liked Vista ! The UI is too disjointed and makes no logical sense - metro needs to be removed from desktop use, it is utterly pointless to use HTML/Java apps on X86 it is an utter WASTE of resources.

Just wait till buyers of ARM based tablets and smartbooks start asking why their office/photoshop/browsers won't install, it's a mess a total mess because MS is flushing the desktop market and jumping head first into super profitable tablets and phones. I only hope Google can come up with a desktop version of Android and save us all from Apple.

Samsung Galaxy S III

David Simpson 1

Re: Quad Core?

It doesn't need a quad core my single core Desire HD runs ICS perfectly, it has a quad core because Samsung make CPUs so can afford to use their latest model at cost - it's called economics.

David Simpson 1

Re: Yawn @Lee Dowling

IF they use a good OS then why would they use something from Microsoft ? Make sense !

Leaked snaps said to confirm iPhone 5 speculation

David Simpson 1

Re: Thunderbolt?

So 99.9% of the worlds population will be unable to plug it in to their computer ? That would be smart.

Why Zuck will go soft for Facebook Phone - and rebrand Android

David Simpson 1

Totally missing the point that the only way to use a custom ROM on a phone is to root the phone, then install a custom recovery then flash a rom, most Facebook fans would have trouble even understanding the terminology, although to be fair so does the author.

Ten... freeware gems for new PCs

David Simpson 1

Re: Good list


David Simpson 1

Re: My 3

We call that raster now-a-days.

David Simpson 1

Re: I use just three of those applications:

SumatraPDF is much better and never nags.

David Simpson 1

Re: mpc-hc

If you notice video playback eating a lot of CPU cycles on a newish PC then you have a problem !

David Simpson 1

Re: Hmmm MSE

If you still have an XP machine with 360MB of RAM do the decent thing and put it in a skip.

David Simpson 1

Re: Avast!

Installing the world's most secure browser is the act of malware ? Who knew ? Avast has still never managed to do this to me so pay more attention next time.

Lenovo readies Yoga Ultrabook-cum-tablet for Blighty

David Simpson 1

Re: why?

Keeping it synced ??? It's called the cloud, welcome to the 21st century !

Enormous Apple market cap swells and swells ... like a bubble

David Simpson 1

Re: Apple are successful and that isn't going to change soon

Obviously because their growth has been massive over the last 10 years, the market seems to think they can keep it up, it will be funny when they're wrong.

Metro breakdown! Windows 8 UI is little gain for lots of pain

David Simpson 1

I like the idea of live metro tiles on the desktop but after playing with both releases I feel this is going to be a disaster, usability has plummeted and without a switch to return to classic start menu, the majority of users will be returning new machines or pre-ordering them with Windows 7.

Windows 8 is looking like the new Vista - And if the rumours are true about Google creating a desktop mode for Android 5.0 Jellybean (by killing and blending Chrome OS) then Microsoft are going to be in real trouble.

Windows 8: Sugar coating on Microsoft's hard-to-swallow tablet

David Simpson 1

It's utter balls, and not the doggy kind....

With rumours abound that when Google launch Jellybean they will kill Chrome OS and roll it into Android as "desktop mode". Microsoft are digging their own grave with Windows 8.

I've been playing with it for 2 days now, and I usually love new tech that changes the game but on a desktop with dual monitors this stinks, over complicated beyond belief, for instance how do you find the control panel while on the desktop > with great difficulty, even shutting down is a massive chore.

8 is the new Vista, long live 7 until Android or Ubuntu gives us something better.

What downturn? Lenovo stuffs pockets with 54% extra profit

David Simpson 1

New pointers can be bought from ebay - £1 for a pack of 5. If the switch is that bad return it for repair, keyboard keys can also be bought from ebay for a few pounds. Come back and have a moan when it melts down.

Intel ignores Steve Jobs, adds touchscreen to Ultrabook

David Simpson 1

More balls from the world's greatest snake oil seller.

Just another example of Steve Jobs being full of $hit, the same man that claimed Apple didn't use focus groups.

My tablet has a kick stand so I use it at an angle, the same angle a notebook screen is at and the same angle an iPad cover props the screen at.

He simply never had a properly touch enabled version of OS X because his long term plan was always to faze out OS X while moving everything over to a more sophisticated version of iOS.

Market watcher ayes claim iPad 3 to sport 1536 x 2048 screen

David Simpson 1

Or to put it another way, let them eat cake!

Facebook comes out swinging

David Simpson 1
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Tut tut

*it's “shadow profiles”

Blow for McKinnon as extradition treaty ruled 'not biased'

David Simpson 1

Get him in the post.

The part Janice seems to miss is the part where her son hacked US military networks, a fact he has admitted to, what did he think would happen ? Just because I leave my back door open does not make it legal for someone to enter my house uninvited.

The crimes where committed on US soil since that is where the computer systems reside, he committed his hack from the UK but it's about time we all stopped shielding someone who admits the crime.

This Dianamania is a slur on Jobs

David Simpson 1
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Count Orlowski ?!? WHA?

The most sense anyone has made in years, and surprisingly it came from Count Orlowski !

Huawei gets charged with juicy Android handset

David Simpson 1


"as well as DLNA capabilities"

DLNA capabilities can be added to any Android phone easily by installing 2Player it works better than most bundled clients.

Apple MacBook Air 11in Core i5 notebook

David Simpson 1
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Resources = Flawed Logic

So the Lithium in the battery did someone invent that out of thin air or did some poor fool have to dig it out of the ground ?

Google shamed by Apple in race to HTML5

David Simpson 1

More Fail than should ever come from a "professional"

Total nonsense, why should Google embrace HTML5 when it isn't even ratified yet ? Android doesn't need to embrace HTML5 because it already has Flash, Java and Air, the only reason Apple jumped on HTML5 was so they could dump flash and keep people buying games from the App Store instead of just playing free Flash games.

No-one uses the stock browser on Android, which is the whole point of the platform, choice.

Almost the most load of contrived nonsense I've ever read on the Reg and it wasn't even from Orlowski!

Dolby wins licensing fees on BlackBerry, PlayBook

David Simpson 1


A real journalist might mention that HTC phones used to come with Dolby and their huge recent investment in Beats Audio was to avoid Dolby bumping up their prices.

Why Android houses should give Google the 'fork you'

David Simpson 1

Obvious article is obvious

So a maker of mobile frameworks for making apps decides to write an article criticising Android.

A bit obvious really isn't it ?

'Satnavs are definitely not doomed', insists TomTom man

David Simpson 1

Earth control to Major Tom Tom

So drivers should be watching a large satnav screen instead of the road ?

TomTom will sink without a trace if they believe this nonsense, between Smartphone, Tablets and built in systems from car manufacturers they are completely screwed, which is a good thing since they have been screwing customers for so long.

David Simpson 1

hint hint

Get an app called Screebl, it controls your screen on/off depending on the angle your phone is at.

Jesus appears, acquires vast following, bitchslaps Justin Bieber

David Simpson 1

Even Christians don't understand the bible.

Some people need to read a little passage about graven images.

Google in freetard-friendly copyright infringement update

David Simpson 1

As usual.

It's a search company, I'd be much more annoyed that Google was editing my results in a huge way based on the word of big media alone. Harping on about infringement is only one side of the story, as usual...

Google dumps TV flop on UK

David Simpson 1


"In the United States, where free-to-air television is of low quality,"

Have you watched UK TV ? It is utter crap.

Googlola's closed source Android temptation

David Simpson 1

More research please.....

"which is much more of an advertising company than a software or hardware company"

And yet internet search/advertising is built on software that runs on hardware. Google build their own servers and even use their own file system which gives them the best search system on the market. Claiming they don't software or hardware is pure bull.

"most recently resulting in a study declaring it to be the most closed of any open-source mobile platform"

The study looked harshly on Google because they don't use distributed home users to write code, which is a separate issue completely from how open the released code is.

Microsoft begins cagey Windows 8 disclosures

David Simpson 1


To be really *fair, Vista didn't ship with a proper Bluetooth software bundle, it took them a year to work it out and wasn't just keyboards.

David Simpson 1


Linux already runs on ARM, instruction sets are up to ARM themselves to add, but then they need to go out-of-order first to really compete with X86

Apple sells world's most expensive flash drive

David Simpson 1

What are you on ?

It's illegal to put a disk image you paid for and downloaded on to a USB drive you bought ?!?

When did this happen ?

Copying an installer disc and selling it or giving it to friends is illegal but buying your own disc and copying it to a USB drive is not, it's the same fair use principle that allows you to copy CDs to your iPod.

The funny thing is it's incredibly easy to make a USB installer with a Mac (using Disk Utility) thanks to Intel's EFI, Mac fans really don't have a clue.
