* Posts by David Simpson 1

319 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Jun 2009


US lawmaker blames bicycle breath for global warming gas

David Simpson 1


Cars destroy roads because they are very heavy and have a large power output. Neither pedestrians or cyclists do so find a new piece of nonsense to moan about troll. Instead of demonising other people ask the government why they don't even spend all the road tax they raise on the roads never mind fuel duty.

David Simpson 1

Driving a car does not have to make you stupid

Cars destroy roads because they are very heavy and have a large power output. Neither pedestrians or cyclists do so find a new piece of nonsense to moan about troll. Instead of demonising other people ask the government why they don't even spend all the road tax they raise on the roads never mind fuel duty.

David Simpson 1

Driving a car does not have to make you stupid

Cars destroy roads because they are very heavy and have a large power output. Neither pedestrians or cyclists do so find a new piece of nonsense to moan about troll. Instead of demonising other people ask the government why they don't even spend all the road tax they raise on the roads never mind fuel duty.

Meet the stealthiest UK startup's app Swiftkey - and its psychic* keyboard

David Simpson 1

Silly assumption, it downloads the language you choose to use depending on your location and learns phrases and words from your SMS, emails, Facebook and Twitter.

Why on earth would that be hard ?

Bill Gates: Windows Phone strategy was 'a mistake'

David Simpson 1

The sad truth is when Microsoft don't strategically close a market to potential rivals they don't have a chance !

Windows Phone 7 & 8 is suffering from Sony disease - to much vertical integration, it is missing features to try and push you into other Microsoft purchases like Xbox, they are dying a death in 5 years, Microsoft will be a console maker and very little else.

The Register Android App

David Simpson 1

Re: No luck here

A Register user who cannot load a custom ROM - SHAME ON YOU.

David Simpson 1

If the Register make the app how is it 3rd party ? I think it's nice to have something optimised for mobile use, if the mobile web devolves in to apps who exactly loses ?

David Simpson 1

Re: This

Ever heard of multi-tasking ? You can flick in and out of the app easily.

David Simpson 1

Or you could just write a book about it....

Reg Hardware Awards 2012: The Winners...

David Simpson 1

Re: The Apple what?

Some of us are reassured to pay through the ass for ridiculously overpriced toys, the rest of us have brains. To each their own !

Dead Steve Jobs tried to KILL Ashton Kutcher from beyond the grave

David Simpson 1

So Ashton Kutcher is the first human to be able to "feel his pancreas is out of whack" That is quite an achievement, the only other question is why eating fruit for two days it happened at all ?

Microsoft blasts PC makers: It's YOUR fault Windows 8 crash landed

David Simpson 1

"Windows 8, though, was a radical departure that Microsoft had to flaunt. It introduced touchscreen input"

~Nope touchscreen input has existed since XP tablet edition. Windows 7 even had gestures, they just finally managed to make a touchscreen UI in Windows 8, not hat anyone cares anymore.

If Google can centralise updates and combine Chrome OS with Android we really will see Microsoft sinking to rule the living room games market and hopefully are children can grow up in a software world without Microsoft.

Obama calls for study into games ‘n’ guns link

David Simpson 1

Epidemic of violence ? Violent crime dropped right through the 20th century and is still dropping, if video games or movies caused it then they are rather bad at it since they were causing it before they existed!

Windows Media Center EPG has SWITCHED OFF, wail Euro users

David Simpson 1

I still use Windows MCE I just gave up on broadcast television, it's all repeated crap and advertising. My brain feels so much better leaving all the ads behind.

David Simpson 1

Short answer - upgrade to 7 or 8 you lazy bastards...

Microsoft says Google trying to undermine Windows Phone

David Simpson 1

Where is office for Android then ???

David Simpson 1

Re: Google's Evil ?

It's evil to use everything you can to fight a company that created a huge monopoly during the 90s and 00s and was fined multiple times for illegal anti-competitive behaviour ? You have a strange understanding of good and evil !

David Simpson 1

Re: The whole os?

So feel free to use a sub-standard mobile platform if you think that brings competition to a market that is spilt quite well between two tech giants, bring a 3rd party to the table that locked down the previous desktop market so it contained only themselves. Something they were fined for doing multiple times, why on earth would anyone want Microsoft back in the mix again ?

BYOD: A bigger headache for IT bosses than Windows Metro?

David Simpson 1

Wrong way round.

"This is a "bottom up" approach to technological adoption and it causes angst among managers"

This is back to front the so called "top down" approach brought us the 90/00's nightmare that was Windows lock in, "Bottom up" has been giving us much easier products to use in the real world.

Google's Drive + Gmail: A 10GB Dropbox killer

David Simpson 1

Re: My email server

Somebody didn't read the article !

David Simpson 1

Re: effectiveness of advertising

If any of you paranoid crazies have watched commercial television or movies or music for the past 50 years, or read any newspaper or magazine then I hate to tell you this but you've been playing the game for longer than Google has existed, put your tin foil helmet on and stop boring the rest of with your conspiracy nonsense.

David Simpson 1
Big Brother

Paranoid people rarely trust anyone, if you don't trust Google but do trust Dropbox then I feel you have some pretty strange trust issues.

David Simpson 1

Re: no such thing as "free" storage

Oh no the nasty company giving me free storage and free online services is mining my data to aim ads at me - What a tragedy - Just don't use stick to your non-handy local based files and pay for fast enough upload to send them to friends.

BlackBerry 10: AWESOME. If the hardware matches it, RIM jobs are safe

David Simpson 1
Thumb Down

It's funny, comparing this to Windows Phone says it all, they aren fighting each other for single digit market share. Good luck to them but their day has passed, both Microsoft and RIM.

Retailers report slow Windows 8 sales, low demand

David Simpson 1

So they expect big sales coming in Q2 next year but not during the Xmas holiday period ? Sounds about right.

This will be a bigger disaster than Vista.

Surface more profitable than iPad

David Simpson 1

Because it has a cheap ass low res screen, but for it to be profitable they have to convince people to buy it !

Windows Phone 8 stands a chance as Apple, Android dither

David Simpson 1

Based on what exactly ? Android is open source, even if Samsung fell out with Google they can still get full access to new Android code and create updates. Please feel free to actually understand what it is you're talking about before posting, it often helps.

David Simpson 1


So iOS and Android have dithered by breaking sales records - Android now being the largest mobile OS with over half a billion activations, and Microsoft have a chance because so far hardly anyone has bought a Windows Phone and Nokias sales are still in decline.

If it isn't too much of a stupid question, what on earth is this article talking about ?

iPhone 5 tops benchmark chart

David Simpson 1

Anyone would think apps Geekbench worked identically acorss platforms and didn't give totally strange results on different platform.

Smack your phones up, says Microsoft

David Simpson 1


So if your phone goes off in a meeting smacking your phone would in no way draw more attention to yourself would it ?

Work for beer, Neil Gaiman's wife tells musicians

David Simpson 1

Re: @Law I need to lie down somewhere...

Gaiman is a writer not an artist he wrote Sandman - along with many novels and even some Doctor Who episodes. You were already sitting at a computer the ten seconds it took to search for him would saved your blushes.

Apple iDevice dock port to drive wireless streaming

David Simpson 1

Re: hmmm

Don't worry they have already shown off adapters that plug into the new connector and the 3.5" jack.

David Simpson 1

A point that this article seems to have completely missed - GUESS WHY THEY ARE MOVING THE 3.5" JACK TO THE BOTTOM ?????

Now Apple wants Samsung S III, Galaxy Notes off the shelves too

David Simpson 1

Re: @tirk RE:".......there are laws against that?"

They only did it wrong in America so far - Apple lost in the UK, Japan, Germany and Australia.

Windows Phone 8: Microsoft quite literally can't lose

David Simpson 1

Re: Microsoft Symbian™

Why drop one failed OS to take up development of another ? Sales of Symbian tanked years ago, as HP learnt with WebOS, if something fails in the market buying it won't magically change that.

Microsoft could fork Android just like anybody else, at least it is a successful product.

David Simpson 1

You lack any skill with metaphor !! Every brand of car has identical controls and uses petrol, which you can get at any local station. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IOS OR ANDROID.

We were all stuck for nearly twenty years with only a choice of Microsoft why would anyone let them back into a position of dominance ? They abused it so badly they were sued and fined numerous times - Those of us with memories longer than ten years remember that. Google for all it's perceived evils at least give away their OS for free and base it on Linux. Anyone is free to change or fork Android for anything they want, which is surely a much better position Microsoft every put the market in.

David Simpson 1

The biggest thing dragging Microsoft down is Ballmer. Microsoft refuse to understand those of us who used Windows from the 90s onwards would have gladly chewed off their arm to get away from it ! No-one is willing to give them the marketshare in mobile that they once enjoyed and greatly abused on the desktop.

Microsoft stink and within ten years will only be known for their games machines......with any luck.

David Simpson 1

Re: why would windows phone 8 succeed?

4 core ARM is very different to 2 core X86 - YOU SHOULD KNOW THE DIFFERENCE

I run IceCream Sandwich on a single core Desire HD and it's very smooth and fast, but then experience (and knowledge) is better than FUD.

David Simpson 1

Re: Litigation

I have yet to see any Windows phone devices in any rooms I've been in......

David Simpson 1

Re: @ AC 9:21

The only people stuck in the last decade are those that run Windows on any of their hardware.

Amazon flings open doors to Android Appstore in Europe

David Simpson 1

Re: Android

So basically you are wrong since some software needs your iphone to be jailbroken. Way to make a point.

David Simpson 1


The Reuters story says NOKIA not Apple - is the company Amazon wants to get maps from.

More choice is good - not seeing any problem here.

Windows 8 Storage Spaces: Can you trust it with your delicates?

David Simpson 1

This sounds like exactly the kind of Microsoft designed "feature" you would be a complete fool to trust.

Cook's 'values' memo shows Apple has lost its soul

David Simpson 1

Re: Apple do innovate

Android had both a touchscreen interface and a blackberry style one, surprisingly enough iFans only post blogs about the blackberry style one since that plays up to their nonsense - it was only 5 years ago most adults can remember that far back especially when we were using the development tools they gave away.

Nokia/HTC/Samsung/LG/SonyE were already releasing both touchscreen and keyboard phones.

David Simpson 1

Re: unlicensed music illegally on iTunes?

As a musician you follow news about iTunes ? That sounds a bit ridiculous !

David Simpson 1

So why did Apple try to sue Microsoft for using the GUI if they themselves had licensed it from Xerox ? Surely Xerox should have sued Microsoft - when in fact the court threw out Apple's claims based on the fact that Apple had copied Xerox from the start.

David Simpson 1

Re: This isn't really about Samsung

Android fans love Android because it is free for them to use on any device they put it on - WAKE UP !

David Simpson 1

Re: This isn't really about Samsung

So if industrial espionage was actually involved then why was Schmidt not in court ? Why was Jobs seen having coffee with Schmidt right up too his death. The whole IT industry has been moving toward mobile for years as chip size and power requirements have shrunk - Stop acting like it was such a huge surprise.

David Simpson 1

"The jury, who were carefully screened to make sure no-one with technical knowledge got on the case"

So explains Anonymous Coward 345.

David Simpson 1

Re: A friend of mine works for Samsung

Android = Bloatware ? Funny both ICS and Jellybean fly on my 18 month old single core Desire HD, You clearly have never used Android. But then again how did iOS5 run on the 3GS again?
