heh, insert Orwellian reference in here
<warning, random brain spew follows>
So google gets not only updated map data continuously from all the self driving cars, but is able to see what journeys you take, places you go to, commuter routes taken...
maybe even that you put the car in manual and drove at whatever speed in whatever regulated area.
20mph with 1000 or so other googlites on a freeway within a 2 mile radius? rough guess, but traffic problems? update other cars automatically to reroute?
71mph on said freeway with no-one around = automatic speeding fine?
all you need now is a google credit card so they can see what your spending habits are, and automaticly pay fines? maybe that beemer parked across two disabled parking bays will suffer the 200 shekle fine instantly. saves me having to stab his tires with a screwdriver.
you searched for *pron*, a multipack of kleenex has been added to your next online shop.
you updated your xbox live account and purchased some online games. your car has reported however, that you were at work at the time these transactions occured. your online transactions have been canceled, the school truancy officer notified, and social services pending a repeat occurance.
also, if you are used to fully automatic driving, are you going to be paying attention to react in an emergency if needed? isn't that the idea? to not have to, in order to use your time more "productivly" myfacing or spacebooking?
are people slowly going to forget how to drive? i used to know pretty much everyone's phone number, but now my mobile does it for me, so i have no idea anymore.
drove home with a dead battery in my phone. no GPS, no emergency numbers, no nothin bar half a tank of gas. talk about flying by the seat of my pants!
<brain spew complete - obligitory big brother icon>