Re: Le Sigh
It bothers me because Acer, Apple, Cisco, Dell, HP, Microsoft, Nintendo, Nokia, Samsung, Sony & Toshiba are also 'Foxconn rebranders' but you single out Apple for the slur; perhaps it's you who should be asking why lazily inaccurate journalese is okay on TheReg rather than us questioning our own presupposed love of Apple's corporate cock.
"Jesus Phone" is a funny description of the hype surrounding it, fondleslab is also a typically sharp observation - but the Foxconn/Hon Hai stories are mostly racist bullshit. The name has become synonymous with child labour and prison-like working conditions and the merits and faults in that claim are a long and economically/culturally complex - the company is a personification of a lot of the western fears and prejudices about China. Associating their reputation exclusively with Apple and giving all the other brands a free pass to continue negotiating rock bottom labour costs while turning a blind eye to the actual human cost is both an insult to the seriousness of the problems and lazy journalism from a self-professed biased reporter keen to blame the assumed biases of others rather than confront his own ignorance.