Re: Mental gymnastics & cognitive dissonance?
I keep seeing the name Cameron so perhaps he is getting a message across.
I vote we start calling him arsebiscuit from now on. Unless someone takes up a suggestion and terminates the arsebiscuit.
91 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Jun 2009
All this talk and comparison isn't the problem. Lighter than air machines could go to the winds and travel at comparable speeds (in one direction) to airliners and thus be helium powered.
They could follow the sun and make use of solarpower development which BTW isn't good enough yet. And they could reinvent the wheel in gas canopies.
But the fact remains that on the ground the infrastructures for all potential customers is geared to motor cars - the end point of all retail outlets these days.
Even out of town retail parks would need a major redsign. It's a problem akin to the refueling of electric cars:
Retailers don't innovate. They spend very little on research and development. They are motivated by acountants not inventors.
As for big military budgets. Anyone foolish enough to put all their eggs in one basket has to keep out of dodge. Pearl Harbour comes to mind in a military mind set where upper etchelons refuse to see the bloody obvious.
And as for military research, the USA went through most of WW 2 without functional torpedoes. Britain was still insisting on half ton rear guns on its fighter interceptors as the Battle of Britain started.
They only went with Hurricanes as they were more easily produced. And stuck with the Spitfire long after the lightweight vehicle made military sense.
Blair sent in an illegal occupying force with no boots and no armour. The same reason Britain lost Singapore in WW 2.
They will never learn.
It is fairly obvous to most people interested in physics that a perfect sphere is not going to behave the same way regular irregular footballs behave.
It isn't rocket science it is just simple ballistics. Stuf that has been known for centuries. Stuff that the design of the golf ball is based on.
And the stuff the stuff falling out of the sky sci-fi idiots wet dream abourt.
Silos and chimney take it into acount and I daresay that chemist interested in vortice shedding would have humungous computers set up to analyse.
As for scoring with the bloody things, how on earth are they supposed to do that when it is dificult enough in regular top rank games with reasonably shootable balls? Pick them up and rub one side of them with dirt the way that cricketers are alledged to?
That's what I'm running now.
I just reinstalled an old hard drive and updated it to SP3 and got all the third partyware to run Java adobe the usual suspects, a free firewall nad a free AV.
A huge supply of non Microsoft freeware all needed to surf today's web. And all working quite well too. And it only takes over 8 gigabyrtes.
I'd like to see a Linux distro that can do that. Why, the last OS I was using (DreamLinux) was only a few bytes. Another I had was 30 megabytes. Crapware. You need a muscle car, you get a Yanky one.
Two gears and half a ton of engine. It will go anywhere that has long straight roads.
quote =
Linux needs to more effectively compete with Steve Jobs and the magic of Apple. It's important that open-source products add more value for users than simply being free.
If only the comunity had realised this back in the day then M$ would have been sidelined in the 1980s.
But UNIX was soooooo good and GNU so much more codey.
Why haven't we got a dick head icon?
Paris for the contentheading.
Almost all government or near government run agencies encourage customers to put CVs online and send them out to whoever might want to know your personal details.
Job Centres and agencies related to them are an example. Half baked unemployables desperate for a job will sign up for anything. Those govt funded agencies that help you write a CV will give you a pen to butcher your web identity, cook it and serve it up in Microsoft Word rich chunks.
I've never been to an employment agency that has ever mentioned online safety. I wrote a CV in an ofice of one minor agency like the above and was told that everything was perfectly safe by the tutor in charge of the day course.
Nuts in May, or what.
"Horn, meanwhile, defends patented codecs. He told us that "the marketplace of users" has made the decision on what technologies they want to use and a one-stop license provides convenience for everybody. "MPEG LA takes the market where we find it,"."
I don't want to use Flash.
I don't want to use Javascript.
But I don't want to bother getting into alternatives too neither. I just want to do what I wish online the easiet option allowing.
The trouble is that when stymied, I seem to be pushed into downloading the crapware I don't won't can't use.
Suppose this happened to a soccer mom who was so dull witted that she kept her government affairs open to illegal scrutiny on an illegal webserver...
Hang on... we have a ....
Forget it. I'm not involved. It's just that if I were parading my ideals as those of a soccer mom, willing to stand up against next door neighbours all of 50 miles away, I'd make sure the children IN MY CARE got my duty of care.
And I'd think on what I'd done to allow it all to jhappen, before I had anything else to say about my own idiocy in public for a very long time.
On all counts there is no defence at law until ther is an offence.
Never defend yourself to the bill. Let them tell you what you have done and what they are going to do about it.
The go to your lawyer and tell them everything.
Then, and only then and only that if you are satisfied with what the lawyer comes up with...
Wait for the bill to do what they said they were going to do.
Then when they change there minds be prepared to confront their next ploy.
Once they start looking, they don't stop until you stop talking to them.
Ergo nil logo schtumo.
Future, Fast, Flexible, Fractionated, Free-Flying Spacecraft. The idea is to have the various components of a normal big satellite organised in a wirelessly-linked cluster of small orbiting machines, a so-called virtual satellite.
Why not wirefully linked so no one else can hear them talking or interfere with them talking.
Also it will save fuel bills as when you move one, the rest will have to follow. That might save them the expense of invading Iran.
Anyone who knows anything about British management knows that the referee has to be an English invention.
Then there was Agincourt. What do you suppose the crowd was there for?
Ripping a new hole in the local law enforcement is pretty much a par in the after match party tricks of the English abroad. And the result, typical of French law enforcement.
And what will be unsurprising is that the government in its mediocrity will once again have to apologise for making a mistake again.
Only of course Nick Griffin will be the next Prime Minister by then.
After all if you are going to vote for someone who knows all about silly....
What's the point of having a climate research unit if it is a secret society with its own unfathomable rules and no way to get hold of the data they hold?
It might as well just be a library in a backwoods university that is designed to house all the bumph that students produce to get their doctorates.
Ah... wait...
According to Thomas Gold the whole core of the planet is carbon rich. This stuff is all produced by the subteranean creatures.
Actually according to the Russians the world's igneous rock might be the produce of these creatures. They certainly seem to have the market cornered in sub igneous rock research.
Western mores tend toward the mental agility of East Anglian Climatologists.
Seriously, this should be shown in every classroom in every country at the start of each year's history class.
I want to embed this as the front page of my blog and I want open season declared on every British and US politician.
We could pay off the national deficit by offering licenses to kill the twats. 1,000 quid a pop. I'd have a go.
Has this been shown on the NuLabourBBC yet?
In the good old days in order to prevent the system going to pot like this, no civil servant was allowed to profit anything that might pass on to his friends and family. These servants were referred to as eunuchs.
History teaches that they were suppose to be bollock-broken but that isn't the truth. They were just ultra trustworthy.
I can't see the people who are in command insisting on that sort of thing for the people they select to be our democratically elected leaders. It would make controlling the gravy train too difficult.
But it would be nice if the lions den wasn't a silly programme for idiots and became a correctional programme for fools.
When is a sewer not a sewer?
If you take away all the bad things associated with it will it suddenly smell of roses? If you stop saying nasty things about any service is the incoming all sweetness and light?
AEons ago a certain British company dealt with a strike by farming out all their transportation costs. Being British it actually made money, because when running normally they tended to lose shed loads.
Is it me or can I see a certain parallel in the though pattern?
When was that? I can remember in the good old days we used to export people who used their freedom to choose not to starve to death and nick a rabbit for the family pot.
And if it hadn't been a country where a bailiff was free to enter any propert the lord of the manor owned Australia would still be run by people who have not invented the wheel.
Or piracy.
Let's just revisit the scene of the crime. A raving lunatic works a sedentary job signing laws into being such as the buggery law of
Then he pays a visit to one of his mistresses and gives her a dose then he goes home to tell his wife they are through and she should pack her bags, she's on her way to the Tower of London.
And the kicker is that after disposing of more wives than Harold Shipman, he gets to be the new defender of the faith and passes laws that have no definitions. Like said buggery law.
And centuries later people can go to prison for watchin digial reproductions of not them doing it?
Of course without a definition of extreme sex acts it is difficult to say for sure if this person has done or not done, not done that .
The same way that anyone else can seel it read the terms of service dolt.
And we can all sell M$ stuff too . That will be ....errrmm..
"They missed a trick. In South West Surrey, Conservative culture frontbencher Jeremy Hunt is facing a challenge from Richard Mollett, the BPI's director of public affairs. That would have been the obvious place to fight a copyright election. It's nearer London, too."
Or maybe they know a trick or two too? Not telling anyone who is going to be standing there? Don't want a free for all do we?
This is one for the monkeys among us:
How come organic life evolved on a planet with more oxygen than is good for carbon molecules when umpteen planets much larger and hence available for lucky chances, haven't evolved much to speak of but one or two rather endearing storm cells and volcanoes?
Or to put it another way:
When the only people involved in the decision making are scientists and politicians, it leaves one with a "certain" feeling about this.
I'm in favour of Thomas Gold's Deep Hot Biospherical alternative.
And nuclear furnaces based in Westminster.
Let's hang Parliament. I vote for Guy Fawkes.
And Linux. Oh hang on, they charge for server side stuff don't they
Let's see, can we bag something from an American firm and pay them lots of dosh to help our balance of trade? Or do we already?
There must be an answer to this and I am sure that someone knows what it is. I wonder what it would cost to bring him out of hiding. Round the clock security and a constant supply of safe houses for whoever, I suppose.
It's like going back to the start.
You could draw a circuit on a piece of card with a graphite pencil. Connect the ends with battery and you have a circuit board.
Take a photo of a complex drawing and add a few gadgets and print in silver. A pcb fore runner.
Now the stuff is reverting to type with micro micro circuitry.
Next: Do it in diamonds. Well done whoever thought of that one.
The trouble with the internet is that the original design was intended to stay up when all else failed.
The only way to catch these fellows is to find the next ISPs or whatever they are going to turn to when the next lot get taken out.
Just make sure each provider is looking out for a major surge of multiple desktop activity or whatever its called. Of course that would require the IT bods are awake and not distracted.
So that means the crims will be looking at understaffed quasi government organisations like schools and hospitals.