So, got a better idea? Fax? Idiot !
At the moment staff have to use Fax over POTS
and I've had stuff for A&E on our machine by mistake and the number is quite different, luckily we are NHS.
But it shows how insecure and crap the Fax service is, plus someone has to be there at the other end and unclip notes to fax and it takes f-ing ages.
The critical time for Streptokinase is 40 minutes
(Thats the clot buster drug for strokes)
Guess how many times we miss the target beacuase of a lack of info - it can't be given twice!
Of course when you go on Holiday to Cornwall or in the case of the readership, Blackpool - there is an even more critical issue - they know nothing about you!
So rather than digital dic-heads spouting through their asses about withholding data that is less harmful than the stuff insurance companies hold about you - he suggests what in place?
Word of mouth over phone?
The answer is to FIX the spine and it might help is no1 dick for brains put his efforts into that scenario instead.
The difference here is - I actually know what I'm taking about as I'm on bothe sides of the problem. Clinical and Technical deployment