I am currently in the process of ripping out my entire network and getting a new one installed. Part of the UAT I specified was that I'd go around randomly unplugging things and see at what point it fails. It's a genuinely valid methodology for testing (given you think about what you actually want to test for, of course) IMO.
I think a lot of management types forget, overlook or just plain don't understand 2 very good points also raised by this article.
1. IT types generally learn by doing (I sure as hell do)
2. Having IT types who have learned - and know what's what - is extremely good for your business in the long term.
Sadly, this is overlooked in the name of economy (of the false kind) and efficiency (of the false kind). I mean; who wants to waste money and time letting your own people learn by doing when you can get a consultant in and not have to waste a minute or a penny?
Right. OK.
A fantastic article, thank you.
[edit for spelling]