Doesn't Special Relativity predict tachyons (superluminal neutrinos)?
32 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Jun 2009
Isn't this rather lazy journalism? What I mean is, how is protecting the intellectual rights of the copyright owner "Orwellian"? In Nineteen Eighty-Four, that phrase would refer to Winston Smith's job at the Ministry of Truth, re-writing history to make the pronouncements of Big Brother look like they came true. vet EVERYBODY!!! The police, the cabinet... even the people carrying out the vets! Then vet the people who vetted them. And so on forever. Think of the money it'll churn around the economy! We could be out of recession by September!
Seriously, I applaud Pullman's refusal to participate in something that says by default he must want to fiddle with kids. After hearing about the levels of abuse on TV last night, such checks clearly stop nothing. They merely say people haven't been caught.
Looking through the TV listings, there's absolutely nothing on to mark the 40th anniversary of arguably mankind's greatest adventure. Sure, BBC4 had a few programmes on some weeks ago, but why put them on nearly a month early?
We've already forgotten how to get there; now it looks like the programme schedulers are trying to forget it ever happened.