* Posts by Paul Dx

71 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Jun 2009


Elon Musk claims live Trump interview on X derailed by DDoS

Paul Dx
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Re: Elon wants to follow Kamala

Fortunately His Muskiness is not a natural born citizen of the USA so he can not be POTUS (unless they change the Constitution)

Tesla recalls over 1.6M electric cars in China for faulty hood lock

Paul Dx

That's big of them

"The EV giant is also repairing the buggy cars free of charge.".

Here we go again. And again. Musk threatens to pull Twitter, SpaceX out of California

Paul Dx

You have to be a natural born US citizen so unless they change the constitution he can't stand.

Boris Johnson on the other hand ...

Dell customer order database of '49M records' stolen, now up for sale on dark web

Paul Dx

"It did not include financial or payment information, email address, telephone number or any highly sensitive customer data."

So they have access to a database and didn't take the best information ?

Baidu's PR head has a PR problem after workaholic social media posts

Paul Dx

996 is short hand for 9am to 9pm 6 days a week or 72 hrs / week.

Come work at HQ... or find a new job, Roblox CEO tells staff

Paul Dx

Not quite equal treatment

"Those exempt from the new rule include...; and staff with niche skills sets or "significant institutional knowledge."

In other words. If you're an ordinary pleb get your backside into the office but if you're harder to replace we're sorry for bothering you with this email.

Chinese ambassador to UK threatens to withdraw Huawei, £3bn investment if comms giant banned from building 5G

Paul Dx

Sure no different to the USA Government ...

banning US companies from selling certain products to certain countries ?

London's top cop dismisses 'highly inaccurate or ill informed' facial-recognition critics, possibly ironically

Paul Dx

The old trick by those in power

If you have nothing to argue a coherent case with then play the man, not the ball.

Day 4 of outage: UK's Manchester police deploy exciting new carbon-based method to record crime

Paul Dx

"... we still have the ability to read all information on PoliceWorks." that was entered before the Curse of Crapita struck (again).

BT to axe 90% of its UK real estate, retain circa 30 sites

Paul Dx

What are the odds ...

that the offices will look anything like the artist's impression (apart from having walls and a ceiling) ?

Assange catgate hearing halted as Ecuador hunts around for someone who speaks Australian

Paul Dx

Re: Soap opera

I'd prefer him to "Shaddup your face" and play "Over the hills and far away"

Excuse me, but have you heard the teachings of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Chr-AI-st?

Paul Dx

With a computer rewriting the Bible

Isaiah 11:6 becomes "The iron will lay down with the lamp"

Leopard lager naturally ------>

Facebook names former Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg head of global affairs

Paul Dx

He be yearning for lots of dog turds to be posted through his door again.

'Incommunicado' Assange anoints new WikiLeaks editor in chief

Paul Dx
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"Legal ways"

"... though president Lenin Moreno has said he is still talking to the UK about legal ways of ousting the fugitive."

1. Grab him by the scruff of the neck

2, Drag him to the front door

3. Open front door

4. Push him onto the pavement

British cops to film you with 59k body-worn cameras by end of year

Paul Dx

Chain of evidence in the cloud

I can see a lawyer trying to get a video thrown out of court claiming that there is doubt that it could have been tampered with since the police do not have full control of the cloud storage and/or hacking.

PM hints at legislation stick to force blue-light services to share IT

Paul Dx

Another stupid political statement

"It simply doesn’t make sense ... when their work is so closely related ..."

They all use blue lights. Apart from that ??

Octogenarian accused of performing sex act with a SHRUBBERY

Paul Dx

Re: Is charging the right response?

As part of the legal process the court can order him to take neurological tests and then take them into consideration going forward.

Hawking hologram comforts One Direction fans with Zayny parallel universe claim

Paul Dx
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And on the flip side

... there are millions of parallel universes were One Direction have never existed.

How do I get there ?

Soil and sand harden as SPEEDING MISSILES and METEORS SLAM into GROUND – boffins

Paul Dx

Or the old walking / running on custard as done by Brainiac

You want disruption? Try this: Uber office raided again, staff cuffed

Paul Dx

Change the targets

Go after the illegal drivers.

I'm sure a few lost driving licenses and heavy fines would reduce the number of drivers Uber have on their books.

EU creative collection agencies want YouTube et al to pay their wages

Paul Dx

Organised crime is in the wrong business

"Under its proposals, authors would be banned from accepting a one-time fee in contracts with producers ..."

What gives these people the right to tell authors that they have to sign up to their system.

If I wrote a book it's up to ME to decide whether to take a one-off payment or an annual dripfeed (less the collection agency expenses).

Going on holiday? Mexico wants your personal data

Paul Dx

Hope the airlines grow a pair

The airlines should call the Mexicans bluff and refuse to fly there.

I'm sure that a campaign by customers to boycott anybody who gives up YOUR information would concentrate their minds.

Is there a cure for cancer sitting at the back of the medicine cabinet already?

Paul Dx

Re: I sincerely hope

or the cash being donated by Bill Gates et al.

The millionaire former playboy, Hugh Hefner, and a crucial fight over playboy.london

Paul Dx
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Stick to your guns

I hope he doesn't settle out of court and that it establishes case law in a "proper" legal system.

TITANIC: Nuclear SUBMARINE cruising 'Sea of KRAKENS' may be FOUND ON icy MOON

Paul Dx

Re: Extend the mission time

Good point.

Paul Dx

Extend the mission time

Why not add a system to use the methane as a power source and extend the 90 day mission time ?

Just make sure you don't end up with ---->

Virgin Media's ad fibs EXPOSED by bitter rival BT

Paul Dx
Paris Hilton

New balls please

Virgin Media's turn to serve to BT in ASA tennis.

Paris coz, well do I have to spell it out ?

Countdown contestant pays homage to IT Crowd's Moss

Paul Dx

Re: Well done that man

No, a pint of "select the correct icon" aka beer

Paul Dx

Well done that man

Have a pint (sorry there's no milk icon)

Soz, web devs: Google snatches its Wallet off the table

Paul Dx

Re: This is bad

I'm not your buddy, friend

Philae heads for comet, reports back to mothercraft Rosetta

Paul Dx

Philae Lander @Philae2014

Touchdown! My new address: 67P! #CometLanding

Hungary PM ditches internet tax plans after mass protests

Paul Dx

Re: My prediction

Good luck serving the summons for non-payment

Football legend Gary Lineker in TWITTER POO TROLL SCANDAL

Paul Dx

That explains why England have been sh*t recently

Well, I hope so, Blackadder. You know, if there's one thing I've learnt from being in the Army, it's never ignore a pooh-pooh. I knew a Major, who got pooh-poohed, made the mistake of ignoring the pooh-pooh. He pooh-poohed it! Fatal error! 'Cos it turned out all along that the soldier who pooh-poohed him had been pooh-poohing a lot of other officers who pooh-poohed their pooh-poohs. In the end, we had to disband the regiment. Morale totally destroyed... by pooh-pooh!

ECCENTRIC, PINK DWARF dubbed 'Biden' by saucy astronomers

Paul Dx

What else is out there ?

An elliptical orbit needs 2 focii.

One is the sun but what are at the other focii which cause the dwarf planets to come back towards us ?

Korean boffins launch K-Glass for hands-free Google Glass-ery

Paul Dx
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"... allowing K-Glass wearers to check out restaurant menus and other information by standing outside and looking at the name of a particular eatery."

Rather than looking at the menu displayed in the window. Isn't technology great ?

Tunguska object came from Mars say Russian boffins

Paul Dx

Re: Chances of that?

Million-to-one chances crop up nine times out of ten.

Vice squad cuffs vice chairman of Bitcoin Foundation in $1m money-laundering probe

Paul Dx

Am I missing something here ?

Surely if it's an "unlicensed money transmitting business" then he's not covered by the Bank Secrecy Act ?

Oil execs, bankers: You'll need this 'bulletproof carbon-nanotube-built' BUSINESS SUIT

Paul Dx
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Design flaw ?

What about area in the middle of the chest not covered by the suit ?

The NSA's hiring - and they want a CIVIL LIBERTIES officer

Paul Dx

Perfect job opening for 3 wise monkeys

'Silent' staff stood by as £100m BBC IT project tanked – DG

Paul Dx

Do you really think that the top management would listen to the concerns of the staff at the coalface ?

Besides which, saying that the emperor has no clothes could well be career-limiting move.

Report: Secret British spy base in Middle East taps region's internet

Paul Dx

Re: Why the diificulty?

There's an awful lot cables going into Oman and UAE.

We're very friendly with both countries and have a long history of military co-operation with Oman going back 60 years.

Flippin' tosser: Sun's magnetic field poised to SWIVEL on it - NASA

Paul Dx


Voyager is perfectly placed to see what happens at the edge of the solar system.

Big blue Avatar movie spawns THREE SEQUELS

Paul Dx
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This story was brought to you by the words "Predictable" and "Greed"

Kids LIE about age on Facebook, gasps Brit ad watchdog

Paul Dx

In other news ...

A bear goes into the woods with a newspaper and says "I may be some time"

Who will Dr Who chew in 50th TV do before Matt Smith bids adieu?

Paul Dx

Daleks again. YAWN.

Telly bigwigs try to close down Aereo streaming service - again

Paul Dx
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And if they fail in court ...

you can be damned sure that ABC, NBC et al will be making the appropriate election contributions to get the law changed to their liking.

Man sues Apple for allowing him to become addicted to porn

Paul Dx


Yeah sure, U / A and K / E are so close together on the keyboard

Microsoft: Office 2013 license is for just one PC, FOREVER

Paul Dx


That is all.

Patrick Moore: Lived with cats, accompanied Einstein on the piano

Paul Dx

Re: Good job he wasn't a diplomat

He also visited Dachau concentration camp whilst with the RAF.

I think that might have a slight bearing on his feelings towards Germans ...

Paul Dx

You single-handedly brought the cosmos alive for so many people and are owed a huge debt of gratitude by British astronomy.

There's a new star in heaven but the night sky is darker.
