@ Geoff Mac
Totally agree. Time to download Open Office - they could train a good number of people for the $92K they've shelled out.
If SpecSavers can run their entire business on Open Source then surely any other business can.
If the French Gendarmes can save 70 million Euros a year, then surely other organisations can make huge savings.
If the US armed forces trusts open source systems over Microsofts offerings then surely business should show the same trust.
I often wonder why businesses that are otherwise "on-the-ball" when it comes to money and cost savings seem to be unable to decide between:
Paid for systems :
Cost a huge amount of money to implement and support
Have major, costly upgrades every couple of years which involve costly hardware upgrades and staff re-training.
Open source
Free and widely available
Usually better than equivalents above
Upgraded as required
Some training needed, I guess but not a huge amount.
I am missing something or is this a no-brainer ?