Wot no Boffinry?
What are "researchers", and what is this "research" they supposedly do?
83 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Jun 2009
both the cheapest and the best smartphone I've had. Microsoft and Nokia outdid everybody with WinPhone 8.1. 10% share of a very large pie is a lot of phones. And developer support is on the up and up.
Making it support Android out of the box does seem to send a counter-productive message. I miss two things from Android: my savings bank account app and my credit card account app - and I keep my Android phone going without a SIM just to run those apps. My current account has a Winphone app.
Doug... The HTC is not comparable, hence me not comparing it. The Note is not notorious for being bent in people's pockets. The iPhone 6 Plus is. The figures clearly show that Apple dropped the ball on this - in real world use, their design falls below a reasonable standard of robustness.
I'm no hater. I have Android and iPhone, and I'm buying WinPhone 8.1 next week despite having had only negative experience with WinPhone 7.
Most things prefixed with 'mobile' are too large to fit in a pocket. In fact, they're too large to carry. And they often have their own propulsion systems.
Mobile HQ - check
Mobile Dentist -check
Mobile Library -check
Mobile Hospital -cehck
Mobile phone -ORLY?
There's a word for things you can carry. Carryable. But no, I mean 'portable'.
Seriously, though - I do not believe these iPhoners are using their front pockets. Nobody except me does that. Fact.
I use my front pocket for phones. Trying to get other people to follow suit (e.g. when they've cracked their phone screen (again)) is IMPOSSIBLE.
If they are using their front pockets, someone sitting on their lap is going to apply enough force to bend the 6+
a) Being told I can't watch it by the police is pathetic and erodes the respect I have for the boys n girls in blue. The crime is the murder, not the insensitive sharing of a video of the murder.
b) I will not watch a video of someone being tortured/killed. For me, it's a respect thing. By watching it, I'm collaborating in the dehumanisation of the victim and fulfilling the murderers' wishes. If that's hard to get your head round, say it's a video of someone you know being raped. How could you watch that? How could you share it?
Imho, the only valid/moral reason to submit to watching this grotesque stuff is if you're in the business of taking names and doling out smackdown justice.
The companies doing this are doing it to your dear old mum and your friends and neighbours - people you care about and can't be there to protect. These companies are conning your granny and your kids and your spouse. They're wheedling and tricking and they don't ever stop, even when the computer can't cope any more and then there's the pain of fixing or the expense of replacing the computer.
Who would do that?
When Foxconn suicides was the News, they had 1,000,000 employees. With that many employees, I calculated that their HR department would be statistically likely to be handling suicide instances ALL THE TIME. If they weren't, then that'd be the anomaly.
So long ago, I can't remember the numbers.
My cash is waiting for someone to release current state-of-the-art technology onto the consumer market.
Asus, tied into a deal whereby PC World/ Curry's withhold Transformer 2s from the market until they've sold all their Transformer 1s... And now I won't buy the T2 because it's past its sell-by date. The Slider was great but also withheld until it was OVER A YEAR OLD. What the heck!
Samsung must try harder, too. My phone trumps the Tab on all but size, and some of the places it trumps it are in pure performance terms. I'm not buying it.
Take a leap of faith and give us the good stuff before it goes bad.
I'm a Valve/Steam customer and tbh I don't know if I have a card registered or not. Someone mentioned PayPal - I probably pay with that.
My problem is that I've been googling for a few minutes without turning up any Valve or Steam sites for me to login to. I'd be embarrassed if I wasn't fine blaming Google's ranking engine.