Back in the olden days I did the impossible
When I was a callow youth at school, the computer room had several Electrons, Beebs (one being a Model A which was stolen; the better Model B wasn't), an IBM terminal and a TRS 80. I had an Electron at home so was used to how they worked (*FX 200,3 was used quite a lot). I was sat in front of one when it started behaving rather strangely; graphics mode changes, random triangles, text etc. I looked away from it and a conversation along these lines ensued:
Me: "Sir, this computer's broken"
Bearded Teacher (he was cracked):"What have you done to it?"
Me: "I haven't done anything to it; it's broken."
This continued for a few minutes or so and a smart arse kid (who seemed to have it in for me) shouted rather loudly "HE'S REPROGRAMMED THE ROM!!" Cue classmates looking at each other in bemusement.
Me (looking puzzled in front of the rest of the class)"How can I do that? It's ROM, READ ONLY memory. How can I reprogram it?"
Bearded Teacher (he was still cracked):"You must have done something to it."
Me (getting really exasperated):"I haven't done anything to it; it's broken, I haven't done anything to it."
To my amazement this was accepted seemingly as gospel by the beardy bloke (I didn't really like him at all) and I left school a "computer legend".