... Jailbreak exploit already found for OS4.1, don't know whether they have unlock yet.
55 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Jun 2009
Ok, you know that black iPhone and its antennae problem, its actually caused by the phone being black! I know, I know, it sounds crazy, but think about it, black as a colour has a different light wavelength than white. And therefore, the delayed White iPhones will work much better... Nothing to do with the White iPhone being re-engineered...
I had the problem with the iPhone 4 reception losing 3G signal completely from 5 bars when bridging the bottom left area without a case on. I got a bumper, and still got the signal loss from 5 bars to 1 bar, but it just about held the 3G reception still.
Sold it on eBay and made £200 profit... Waiting for the re-engineered version to come out in September..
Logged in yesterday and was prompted to change my settings on which Apps/Groups can access my data, I unticked them all and continued, it took me to Account Settings page.
What struck me was that the average user may just think that was it, and continue on to their Farmville, but when I checked the Privacy Settings page, a lot of the options which I'd had as Friends Only, had changed to Everyone.
I still don't see much of difference with the Privacy settings from how it was, so I've no idea if I've been fully ugraded, so maybe this is a phased rollout of various changes designed to decrease your privacy yet again.
SAP are paying 44% over the top of the Sybase share price... Wonder if putting techies at the top of company has influenced this? Last time SAP splashed out $6bn was the acquisition of Business Objects, which if they'd waited 12 months, they'd have got a lot cheaper after the market collapse.
We are still waiting for the promised "Pioneer" software release two and a half years later and apart from the SAP Business Objects Explorer which is really just a Business Objects onDemand piece of software, there has been not a lot of change in SAP BI/BW, they just repackaged the Crystal Reports and Xcelsius to make them work better with BW.
Its almost like SAP felt they had to buy something to hide the fact that they are really struggling to come up with anything innovative themselves. So maybe this is just be an attempt to buy talented and creative employees. Very expensive though, especially if the markets go down again...
"So, young man living in inner city London / Birmingham / Manchester, you know that carrying a knife can get you in serious trouble now?"
"Yeah, I ain't gonna use, I just got to have as a deterrent, you know, like you guys do with the nukes... you wouldn't ever want to use them would you, but if provoked first you would do innit?"
Just call the phone when he woke up next morning with his hangover... and if no answer, then track the GPS using MobileMe... I can't believe that Apple would let an iPhone out into the wild without have GPS location tracking turned on.
IF its real, I can only think that the employees are indoctrinated to turn themselves in instantly if they make a mistake and own up to whatever they have done, and the Apple security team activated the Remote Wipe as a precaution, rather than try and track it down.
Geohot has already said he has no intention of opening up the PS3 so it can play pirated games, however others could use what he's done to start trying, but the reaction from Sony is a bit over the top.
Even if you could play pirated games, the cost blu ray writers, discs and downloading huge image files would give a slow start to something which could probably be patched by Sony further down the line.
Sony obviously decided to start playing the cat and mouse game early, rather than wait to see whether games were pirated, but this could backfire as it could give the hackers more incentive to work harder and make more of a name for themselves. I think it will annoy Geohot that Sony have made him look like the bad guy whose caused them to take this action, and who knows what he'll decide to do now.
I'll be impressed when...
1. App scans for WiFi points, if they are Open, but with one of those network login pages (like what you get in hotels where they charge you £5 for 20 minutes), it starts scanning for connections to the point, captures the MAC address of all attached devices, and then lets you pick a MAC address to spoof as your own. Hey presto, you have free access.
2. App scans for Wifi points, if it finds they are WEP or WPA (including hidden networks), it uses dictionary of default router passwords first, then dictionary of most common passwords to brute force its way in.
3. App does 1 and 2, while you are on the move, and uploads geo-location results to online database of WiFi spots, updating the common password database whilst doing so.
If his contract wasn't renewed, was he a contractor or permanent employee of SAP? I can only drool over the salary he would have made in the last year....
SAP are brilliant at surviving off maintenance fees from software created in the 1990's, and from their ridiculously priced consultants who implement old software.
They need to start from scratch and redesign how the whole ERP database engine works, because at the moment its just slow and inefficient, and like someone else said, stop providing services from data centres which were designed during the cold war.
Can't see McDermott and Snabe doing much different though, so lets just carry on as we were...
...I'm so sick of these people "Oh its just a big iPhone/iTouch..."
Have these people got no vision? Can you not use a tiny part of the brain to think of what you could do if you had a larger iTouch?
As a developer this is a potential goldmine... There are going to be thousands of middle aged people getting one of these, people who don't mind spending a few quid for an application which they find interesting...
To all the tech geeks out there, STOP thinking in geek mode for just a second... think of you parents, think of your wife/girlfriend, think of your kids, those less technical who just use a computer to check email, those who go on Facebook, YouTube, play Farmville and Bejeweled. They would no longer have to turn on a computer to do their meaningless time wasting, its there right in front of their face instantly...
...Last year we had about 4 months of hype up to the release of the 3GS, with claims of 5 Megapixel camera, even slimmer design than 3G, the apple logo on the back being a flash, 4 models of it being released including an iPhone Nano, OLED screen, FM transmission and receiver, a rubber backed body, as well as a 4GB version...
Seems that the rumour mill has started already, with everyone trying to get in on the "Guess the features" bandwagon.
If I was Apple, and I suspected certain companies of leaking information, I'd feed one with false information, such as a removal battery, and another with information about releasing it earlier than usual, then sit back and see which companies you can and can't trust...
The whole point with what Google are doing with this phone is to try and make people not think about it as a phone, but as a "SuperPhone" or basically a pocket computer. You buy the phone upfront, as you would for a computer, and then YOU pick which network operator you want, all of them are offering about the same deal for SIM only contracts which are rolling 1 month contracts with unlimited (restrictions kinda apply for some networks) data, between 600-1200 minutes and 500-Unlimited text messages for about £20 a month.
So if you are unhappy with the quality of the service, you change provider, this will encourage the network operators to become more customer friendly and sort out their network coverage of 3G especially.
If you can't afford to buy the phone upfront, then you can tie yourself into a 18-24 month contract, where you get the phone for cheaper or free, but in effect you are still paying for the phone over the contract period.
Good thing on a rolling 1 month contract and buying it outright, is that when new models come out, you can usually sell your old one for close to what you paid for it on eBay and just buy the latest model.
When you do comparisons between phones, remember that the iPhone has an advanced version in the jPhone (Jailbroken iPhone)... the jPhone does let you run background apps, use your jPhone as a Wifi hotspot, customise your Springboard, use the Bluetooth to send things to other devices, and for bluetooth keyboards and mice plus a whole load of other applications which aren't under the control of Apple.
Contrary to popular belief, jailbreaking doesn't damage the phone, is not illegal and will not bring an end to civilisation as we know it (as Apple would want you to believe)... It does sap the battery a bit quicker but that's a price I'm willing to pay to be able to do what I want with my phone...
Got it working using the iMac bluetooth keyboard, nice demo, but still waiting for the completed App which will let you use it in other applications. Will be good if someone works out how to use a bluetooth mouse to replicate the touch screen movements, then all I'd need is the £250 mini projector, and I'd have a Micro iMac...
You sound like one of those people who won't go and see Avatar because everyone else has told you how good it is, but they can't possibly know what they are talking about cos you know everything, and it doesn't look that good in the preview...
iPhone gets coverage because its freakin' amazing compared to any other phone, Apple get the coverage because their software is freakin' amazing compared to Windows PC software...
Usually I'd say don't believe the hype, but with Avatar, iPhone and Apple, believe it...
(Note to Editor: We need an Avatar blue alien icon...)
I've been a Microsoft guy since the days of MS DOS to Win 3.1 and I stopped at XP cos Vista was so pathetic. I found the early Linux OS too awkward to use as a family PC, so I started investigating the OSX. Now, I don't have the kind of money to burn to invest in a Mac, and then find out that its too complicated to use for the whole family and that all the things I had in XP don't work. SO I install 10.5.7 on my PC to trial it, after a few weeks, I find its fairly stable, a few problems with some software, so I still dual boot into XP sometimes to do stuff, until after a few months, I find that I can now use OSX and have found solutions for all my problems. Now I have the equivalent of a MacPro (Q6600 Quadcore Processor, 4Gb RAM, ATI HD4850), but at the cost of less than a Mac Mini.
So my dilema now is, do I go for salvation and jump in to buy what I can currently afford, which would be a Mac Mini, or do I continue on living a life of sin with my Hackintosh which is as powerful as a MacPro?
Either way, I know eventually I will go for a real Mac, now that I've had a chance to play around with it in my own time. If Apple actively try and stop Hackintoshs, they will be losing out on others who will try similar methods in the future. You will always get those evil people who want everything for free, but they wouldn't have paid for it in the first place, so Apple wouldn't be losing out anyway.
Did anyone really think the price would be dropped?
Surely the whole point of Orange getting the iPhone, and a user wanting to use Orange rather than O2, is because the Orange 3G network is way ahead of O2, and hopefully will give a better user experience. I wouldn't expect to pay less for better service.
... from what I can read, and I do intend to pop into an O2 Store myself to have a play around on a Pre, its a iPhone 3G potential rival, but compared to the 3GS there's no competition.
Getting it on an 18 or 24 month contract would be annoying as there will surely be a “Palm Pre 2” in the pipeline already (which will probably be the 3GS competition). So at the very least, in 8 months the new iPhone 3GST (Supercharged Turbo?) will be out, and you'd be stuck with an equivalent of an iPhone 3G for another 10-16 months.
One of the great things about the iPhone is that it holds its value. I bought the original iPhone “2G” back in April 2008 for £160 and sold it last month for £200 on eBay, the iPhone 3G is still selling for £300+ on eBay too. No one has any idea how well the Palm Pre will hold its value over a 12-24 month period.
I am impressed with the potential of the Palm Pre but they just seem to be running too far behind Apple at the moment.
... if you can't get the iPhone 3GS from CPW or O2, go to the Apple Store.... They will fall over themselves to give it to you on PAYG or Contract...
... And as for the network operator, ie, O2, not making enough money from the iPhone? If they provided a reliable service, and had negotiated their contract better with Apple, then maybe they would be making more from it. Its no one else's fault but their own...
I'm far too reliant on my iPhone... Took a trip up north to Ellesmere Port, my Google Maps with compass direction #FAIL on the way there... Couldn't check my eBay watch or sell list... Couldn't see latest news or keep up to date with my Facebook or Twitter... Couldn't show anyone my Yelp monacle Augmented Reality app... Managed to find an McDonalds and thought I'd be able to use the "O2 Cloud", but no, that wasn't working either.
However, every Cloud has a silver lining (sic), when I found I couldn't check the football scores. I called O2 customer services to moan about their data service, and the friendly representative went on the internet (obviously their own internet was fine) and checked the Premier League scores and read them all out to me over the phone... now that's what I call Customer Service...
I tried installing OSX 10.5.6 on my PC earlier this year and it was a quite complicated and painful, graphics drivers for ATI were non existent, sound drivers were a pain in the ass, and eventually after working for a bit, it crashed and died.
However, I installed 10.5.7 in the last month, and it was smooth installation using iATKOS v7. No problems whatsoever (apart from my Webcam is not Mac compatible), in fact, I'm starting to use it as my primary OS, although i still find XP useful for certain things sometimes.
And if anything, its encouraged me to put some money together to one day get a real Mac. Although I'm guessing the equilalvent spec of a Mac Pro, quard core, 4GB mem is going to be £2k plus and my PC probably cost less than £500.
I have ASUS P5K Premium motherboard, ATI 4850 graphics, Q6600 quadcore processor.
I must remember to stick an Apple logo on the box now though ;-)
“In 2008, 41 percent of software on the world’s PCs was obtained illegally or used without a license… That equates to more than $50bn in losses for the global software ecosystem.”
If I couldn't have cracked the WGA, would that mean I'd have paid out for the MS Office Licence? No, its means I'd have gone to Open Office, so their figures about $50bn losses are pie in the sky figures which are meaningless. If anything, its stopped mass moves to open source software by being able to use MS Office for free.
Same goes for XP and/or Windows 7. If they ever make it uncrackable, and you have no choice but to pay for it, then I'll spend more time investigating Linux OS like Ubuntu.
... and I'm affected...
Are O2 struggling with the about of data iPhones are bringing to the network? Since 3GS was introduced (and seems to be practically sold out everywhere), there seems to be quite a few problems with the network.
Isn't there any insiders in O2 who can get the real story on the problems?
More concerned at tweets from @MuscleNerdLuis who says that 3.0.1 doesn't actually fix the SMS hacks.
Which is probably true, as no one has actually exploited the "security hole", so they issue a "patch" where you can't actually test whether you can still "gain control" over an iPhone, but Apple get a pat on the back anyway for issuing the fix within "24 hours", even though they were told about it 3 weeks ago.